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Documentation of the speckle whacking code


This code is a revisit of the speckle nulling tool originally developed for SCExAO and that was using a pygame GUI to interact with the user. It is based on a QT Gui that is multi-thread safe, thanks to input provided by E. Jeschke.

The goal is to make a better version of the original code, hopefully a tad more efficient and optimized, but that remains somewhat legible and easy to understand. This is not the end-game, that is going to require super-fast (kHz frame rate) interaction with a camera and a DM. The closed-loop speckle probing and compensation may have to be delegated to an external (compiled) program, especially when we go to very fast frame rate.

start the simulation

Start a simulation of SCExAO with a residual 50 nm RMS dynamic residual aberration. Add a static aberration with a recognizable “F” shape.

In a python shell:

import xaosim as xs

instru = xs.instrument('SCExAO')
instru.atmo.update(correc=10, rms=50.0)

sz = instru.atmo.qstatic.shape[0]
instru.atmo.qstatic = 100.0 * xs.pupil.F_test_figure(sz, sz, 40)
  • in a separate shell:
python3 whack

The first set of commands initializes a simulation of SCExAO, replicating its shared memory data structure and their relashionships. In the simulation, the camera shared memory data structure is expected at /dev/shm/; the DM channel mirror to be modulated is /dev/shm/

The second set of commads starts the utility GUI that allows you to run the speckle control loop.

code content

To help figure out what work remains to happen, I need to list the different functions available in the code.


original list of functions

  • arr2im(arr, vmin=False, vmax=False, pwr=1.0, cmap=None)
  • class GenericThread(QtCore.QThread)
  • class MyWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow)
  • closeEvent(self, event)
  • add_shape_2_DM(self, dmap)
  • set_shape_2_DM(self, dmap)
  • find_origin_call(self)
  • pix2spf_call(self)
  • amp_2_int_call(self)
  • amp_xy_evolution(self)
  • get_active_live(self)
  • find_pix2spf(self)
  • pos2spf(self, x, y)
  • find_origin(self)
  • coadd_acquisitions(self, nim, ave=True)
  • probe_ROI(self, kx=[0.35, 0.0], ky=[0.0, 0.35], spa=None, ref=None, nav=20)
  • amp2int(self)
  • probe_and_locate_speckles(self, ns=4, kx=[0.35, 0.0], ky=[0.0, 0.35], ref=None)
  • print_help(self)
  • load_dm_map(self)
  • save_dm_map(self)
  • tlock(self)
  • refresh_img(self)
  • refresh_dmc(self)
  • refresh_all(self)
  • log(self, message=”“, color=”black”, crt=True)
  • update_ROI(self)
  • erase_channel(self)
  • memorize_dmc(self)
  • memory_switch(self)
  • abort_now(self)
  • update_dark(self)
  • close_loop_call(self)
  • close_loop(self)
  • iteration(self, delay=0.1)
  • updt_target_props(self, initialize=False)
  • updt_target_list(self, myimg)

reshuffled list of functions


  • class GenericThread(QtCore.QThread)
  • class MyWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow)
  • closeEvent(self, event)

GUI tools

  • arr2im(arr, vmin=False, vmax=False, pwr=1.0, cmap=None)
  • abort_now(self)
  • update_dark(self)
  • refresh_img(self)
  • refresh_dmc(self)
  • refresh_all(self)
  • log(self, message=”“, color=”black”, crt=True)
  • print_help(self)

DM interaction

  • load_dm_map(self)
  • save_dm_map(self)
  • add_shape_2_DM(self, dmap)
  • set_shape_2_DM(self, dmap)
  • erase_channel(self)
  • memorize_dmc(self)
  • memory_switch(self)

delegating calls

  • find_origin_call(self)
  • pix2spf_call(self)
  • amp_2_int_call(self)
  • close_loop_call(self)

high-level functions

  • find_pix2spf(self)
  • amp_xy_evolution(self)
  • find_origin(self)
  • probe_ROI(self, kx=[0.35, 0.0], ky=[0.0, 0.35], spa=None, ref=None, nav=20)
  • probe_and_locate_speckles(self, ns=4, kx=[0.35, 0.0], ky=[0.0, 0.35], ref=None)

lower-level tools

  • pos2spf(self, x, y)
  • coadd_acquisitions(self, nim, ave=True)
  • amp2int(self)
  • get_active_live(self)
  • update_ROI(self)
  • close_loop(self)
  • iteration(self, delay=0.1)
  • updt_target_props(self, initialize=False)
  • updt_target_list(self, myimg)
  • tlock(self)


modulation amplitude to speckle intensity: α

I = β * amp**2 Contrast calib: amp=0.02, c0=0.0247, I0=27.46 Contrast calib: amp=0.01, c0=0.0062, I0=6.87

  • amp: theoretical amplitude of the sinusoidal wave (in microns)
  • c0: theoretical speckle contrast for this amplitude
  • I0: observed speckle intensity

Can verify with these that I0 is indeed prop to c0… at least, with my simulation! With this implementation and the current settings, I ~= 1100 * (4*pi*amp/lambda)**2, with the amplitude and the wavelength both expressed in microns.

In practice, this coefficient α must be re-determined every time the exposure time on the camera is updated, or equivalently, if the luminosity of the target changes.

One more calibration would be nice to do: repeat this measurement for several spatial frequencies. With a real DM, the coupling between actuators will (I naively assume) tend to reduce the effective modulation of the amplitude, which will manifest in a reduced speckle brightness. This isn’t a problem, but something that should be taken into account to probe more efficiently the focal plane.

For my simulation, this isn’t going to reveal anything (unless I include an influence function model in the instrument simulation itself), so I’ll leave that to later, when I test this new software on SCExAO. For now (July 1, 2017), I will focus on getting the speckle loop to actually work again.

speckle nulling!

sequence of things that need to happen

  • identify speckles in a given ROI
  • measure their brightness and estimate the corresponding speckle amplitude
  • for that speckle amplitude, modulate the phase
  • solve for the actual speckle phase
  • apply the correction with a pre-selected gain

tools to write or rewrite

  • locate_speckles()
  • follow_speckle_brightness = f(spx, spy, cube3D)

July 3, 2017

Some progress! I have ran a few iterations and it seems the software is able to sense the speckles and apply the appropriate correction.

The intensity of a phase-induced speckle is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the DM modulation. With the notations I have used in the code:

I = β * amp**2

Let it be a speckle in the field of unknown complex amplitude a0*exp(1j*phi0). Its amplitude can be first guessed from its intensity, using the inverse relation:

a0 = sqrt(I0 / β)

To probe this speckle, one uses the DM to add, at the same spatial frequency, another speckle of comparable amplitude a*exp(1j*phi): the intensity of this local sum of speckles is:

I = β || a*exp(1j*phi) + a0*exp(1j*phi0) ||**2 I = β (a**2 + a0**2 + 2*a*a0*cos(phi-phi0))

This intensity is measured for at least four values of phi, covering the 0-2pi range. The mean of these values, is:

I_mean = β (a**2 + a0**2)

The ratio: I/I_mean then writes as:

I/I_mean = 1 + \frac{2*a*a_0}{a^2 + a_0^2} \¢os{φ-φ_0}

Let us call γ = \frac{2*a*a_0}{a^2 + a_0^2}

γ can be estimated by calculating the module of the normalized dot product between I/I_mean and a test exponential exp(1j*phi).

gamma = 2 * np.abs(test) / self.nsamp / inten_arr.mean()