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Running ADAM's command line tools

In addition to being used as an API for building applications, ADAM provides a command line interface (CLI) for extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL-ing) genomics data. Our CLI is roughly divided into three sections:

  • Actions that manipulate data using the ADAM schemas
  • Conversions that convert data from legacy formats into Parquet
  • Printers that provide detailed or summarized views of genomic data

ADAM's various CLI actions can be run from the command line using the scripts/adam-submit script. This script uses the spark-submit script to run an ADAM application on a Spark cluster. To use this script, either spark-submit must be on the $PATH, or the $SPARK_HOME environment variable must be set.

Default arguments {#default-args}

There are several command line options that are present across most commands. These include:

  • -h, -help, --help, -?: prints the usage for this command
  • -parquet_block_size N: sets the block size for Parquet in bytes, if writing a Parquet output file. Defaults to 128 MB (128 * 1024 * 1024).
  • -parquet_compression_codec: The codec to use for compressing a Parquet page. Choices are:
  • -parquet_disable_dictionary: Disables dictionary encoding in Parquet, and enables delta encoding.
  • -parquet_logging_level VAL: The Log4j logging level to set for Parquet's loggers. Defaults to severe.
  • -parquet_page_size N: The page size in bytes to use when writing Parquet files. Defaults to 1MB (1024 * 1024).
  • -print_metrics: If provided, prints the instrumentation metrics to the log when the CLI operation terminates.

Legacy output options {#legacy-output}

Several tools in ADAM support saving back to legacy genomics output formats. Any tool saving to one of these formats supports the following options:

  • -single: Merge sharded output files. If this is not provided, the output will be written as sharded files where each shard is a valid file. If this is provided, the shards will be written without headers as a ${OUTPUTNAME}_tail directory, and a single header will be written to ${OUTPUTNAME}_head. If -single is provided and -defer_merging is not provided, the header file and the shard directory will be merged into a single file at ${OUTPUTPATH}.
  • -defer_merging: If both -defer_merging and -single are provided, the output will be saved as if is a single file, but the output files will not be merged.

Validation stringency {#validation}

Various components in ADAM support passing a validation stringency level. This is a three level scale:

  • STRICT: If validation fails, throw an exception.
  • LENIENT: If validation fails, ignore the data and write a warning to the log.
  • SILENT: If validation fails, ignore the data silently.

Action tools {#actions}

Roughly speaking, "action" tools apply some form of non-trivial transformation to data using the ADAM APIs.

countKmers and countContigKmers {#countKmers}

Counts the $k$ length substrings in either a set of reads or reference fragments. Takes three required arguments:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A set of reads for countKmers or a set of reference contigs for countContigKmers.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save the output to. Saves the output as CSV containing the $k$-mer sequence and count.
  3. KMER_LENGTH: The length $k$ of substrings to count.

Beyond the default options, both countKmers and countContigKmers take one option:

  • -print_histogram: If provided, prints a histogram of the $k$-mer count distribution to standard out.

transform {#transform}

The transform CLI is the entrypoint to ADAM's read preprocessing tools. This command provides drop-in replacement commands for several commands in the Genome Analysis Toolkit "Best Practices" read preprocessing pipeline and more [@depristo11]. This CLI tool takes two required arguments:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A file containing reads in any of the supported ADAM read input formats.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save the transformed reads to. Supports any of ADAM's read output formats.

Beyond the default options and the legacy output options, transform supports a vast range of options. These options fall into several general categories:

  • General options:
    • -cache: If provided, the results of intermediate stages will be cached. This is necessary to avoid recomputation if running multiple transformations (e.g., Indel realignment, BQSR, etc) back to back.
    • -storage_level: Along with -cache, this can be used to set the Spark persistance level for cached data. If not provided, this defaults to MEM_ONLY.
    • -stringency: Sets the validation stringency for various operations. Defaults to LENIENT. See validation stringency for more details.
  • Loading options:
    • -repartition: Forces a repartition on load. Useful to increase the available parallelism on a small dataset. Forces a shuffle. Takes the number of partitions to repartition to.
    • -force_load_bam: Forces ADAM to try to load the input as SAM/BAM/CRAM.
    • -force_load_fastq: Forces ADAM to try to load the input as FASTQ.
    • -paired_fastq: Forces -force_load_fastq, and passes the path of a second-of-pair FASTQ file to load.
    • -record_group: If loading FASTQ, sets the record group name on each read to this value.
    • -force_load_ifastq: Forces ADAM to try to load the input as interleaved FASTQ.
    • -force_load_parquet: Forces ADAM to try to load the input as Parquet encoded using the ADAM AlignmentRecord schema.
    • -limit_projection: If loading as Parquet, sets a projection that does not load the attributes or origQual fields of the AlignmentRecord.
    • -aligned_read_predicate: If loading as Parquet, only loads aligned reads.
    • -concat: Provides a path to an optional second file to load, which is then concatenated to the file given as the INPUT path.
  • Duplicate marking options: Duplicate marking is run with the -mark_duplicate_reads option. It takes no optional parameters.
  • BQSR options: BQSR is run with the -recalibrate_base_qualities flag. Additionally, the BQSR engine takes the following parameters:
    • -known_snps: Path to a VCF file/Parquet variant file containing known point variants. These point variants are used to mask read errors during recalibration. Specifically, putative read errors that are at variant sites are treated as correct observations. If BQSR is run, this option should be passed, along with a path to a known variation database (e.g., dbSNP). {#known-snps}
  • Indel realignment options: Indel realignment is run with the -realign_indels flag. Additionally, the Indel realignment engine takes the following options:
    • -known_indels: Path to a VCF file/Parquet variant file containing known Indel variants to realign against. If provided, forces the KNOWNS_ONLY consensus model. If not provided, forces the CONSENSUS_FROM_READS model. See candidate generation and realignment. {#known-indels}
    • -max_consensus_number: The maximum number of consensus sequences to realign a single target against. If more consensus sequences are seen at a single target, we randomly downsample. Defaults to 30.
    • -max_indel_size: The maximum length of an Indel to realign against. Indels longer than this size are dropped before generating consensus sequences. Defaults to 500bp.
    • -max_target_size: The maximum length of a target to realign. Targets longer than this size are dropped before trying to realign. Defaults to 3,000bp.
    • -max_reads_per_target: The maximum number of reads in a target that we will try to realign. By default, this value is 20,000 reads. If we encounter a target with more than this number of reads, we skip realigning this target.
    • -reference: An optional path to a reference genome assembly build. If this is not provided, then we attempt to reconstruct the reference at each target from the MD tags on each read.
    • -unclip_reads: If provided, we will unclip reads when attempting to realign them to the reference. If not provided, we leave clipped reads clipped.
    • -log_odds_threshold: The log odds threshold to use for picking a consensus sequence to finalize realignments against. A consensus will not be realigned against unless the Phred weighted edit distance against the given consensus/reference pair is a sufficient improvement over the original reference realignments. This option sets that improvement weight. Defaults to 5.0.
  • mismatchingPositions tagging options: We can recompute the mismatchingPositions field of an AlignmentRecord (SAM "MD" tag) with the -add_md_tags flag. This flag takes a path to a reference file in either FASTA or Parquet NucleotideContigFragment format. Additionally, this engine takes the following options:
    • -md_tag_fragment_size: If loading from FASTA, sets the size of each fragment to load. Defaults to 10,000bp.
    • -md_tag_overwrite: If provided, recomputes and overwrites the mismatchingPositions field for records where this field was provided.
  • Output options: transform supports the legacy output options. Additionally, there are the following options:
    • -coalesce: Sets the number of partitions to coalesce the output to. If -force_shuffle_coalesce is not provided, the Spark engine may ignore the coalesce directive.
    • -force_shuffle_coalesce: Forces a shuffle that leads to the output being saved with the number of partitions requested by -coalesce. This is necessary if the -coalesce would increase the number of partitions, or if it would reduce the number of partitions to fewer than the number of Spark executors. This may have a substantial performance cost, and will invalidate any sort order.
    • -sort_reads: Sorts reads by alignment position. Unmapped reads are placed at the end of all reads. Contigs are ordered by sequence record index.
    • -sort_lexicographically: Sorts reads by alignment position. Unmapped reads are placed at the end of all reads. Contigs are ordered lexicographically.
    • -sort_fastq_output: Ignored if not saving to FASTQ. If saving to FASTQ, sorts the output reads by read name.


Loads a feature file into the ADAM Feature schema, and saves it back. The input and output formats are autodetected. Takes two required arguments:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A file containing features in any of the supported ADAM feature input formats.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save the transformed features to. Supports any of ADAM's feature output formats.

Beyond the default options and the [legacy output options]{#legacy-output}, transformFeatures has one optional argument:

  • -num_partitions: If loading from a textual feature format (i.e., not Parquet), sets the number of partitions to load. If not provided, this is chosen by Spark.


A CLI tool for merging a sharded legacy file that was written with the -single and -defer_merging flags. Runs the file merging process. Takes two required arguments:

  1. INPUT: The input directory of sharded files to merge.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save the merged file at.

This command takes several optional arguments:

  • -buffer_size: The buffer size in bytes to use for copying data on the driver. Defaults to 4MB (4 * 1024 * 1024).
  • -header_path: The path to a header file that should be written to the start of the merged output.
  • -write_cram_eof: Writes an empty CRAM container at the end of the merged output file. This should not be provided unless merging a sharded CRAM file.
  • -write_empty_GZIP_at_eof: Writes an empty GZIP block at the end of the merged output file. This should be provided if merging a sharded BAM file or any other BGZIPed format.

This command does not support Parquet output, so the only default options that this command supports is -print_metrics.


The reads2coverage command computes per-locus coverage from reads and saves the coverage counts as features. Takes two required arguments:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A file containing reads in any of the supported ADAM read input formats.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save the coverage counts to. Saves in any of the ADAM supported feature file formats.

In addition to the default options, reads2coverage takes the following options:

  • -collapse: If two (or more) neighboring sites have the same coverage, we collapse them down into a single genomic feature.
  • -only_negative_strands: Only computes coverage for reads aligned on the negative strand. Conflicts with -only_positive_strands.
  • -only_positive_strands: Only computes coverage for reads aligned on the positive strand. Conflicts with -only_negative_strands.
  • -sort_lexicographically: Sorts coverage by position. Contigs are ordered lexicographically. Only applies if running with -collapse.

Conversion tools {#conversions}

These tools convert data between a legacy genomic file format and using ADAM's schemas to store data in Parquet.

vcf2adam and adam2vcf

These commands convert between VCF and Parquet using the Genotype and Variant schemas.

vcf2adam takes two required arguments:

  1. VCF: The VCF file to convert to Parquet.
  2. ADAM: The path to save the converted Parquet data at.

vcf2adam supports the full set of default options. Additionally, vcf2adam takes the following options:

  • -only_variants: Instead of saving the VCF file as Genotypes, only save the Variants from the VCF. This is useful if loading a sites-only VCF, e.g., for BQSR or Indel realignment.
  • -coalesce: Sets the number of partitions to coalesce the output to. If -force_shuffle_coalesce is not provided, the Spark engine may ignore the coalesce directive.
  • -force_shuffle_coalesce: Forces a shuffle that leads to the output being saved with the number of partitions requested by -coalesce. This is necessary if the -coalesce would increase the number of partitions, or if it would reduce the number of partitions to fewer than the number of Spark executors. This may have a substantial performance cost, and will invalidate any sort order.
  • -stringency: Sets the validation stringency for conversion. Defaults to LENIENT. See validation stringency for more details.

adam2vcf takes two required arguments:

  1. ADAM: The Parquet file of Genotypes to convert to VCF.
  2. VCF: The path to save the VCF file to.

adam2vcf only supports the -print_metrics option from the default options. Additionally, adam2vcf takes the following options:

  • -coalesce: Sets the number of partitions to coalesce the output to. The Spark engine may ignore the coalesce directive.
  • -sort_on_save: Sorts the variants when saving, where contigs are ordered by sequence index. Conflicts with -sort_lexicographically_on_save.
  • -sort_lexicographically_on_save: Sorts the variants when saving, where contigs are ordered lexicographically. Conflicts with -sort_on_save.
  • -single: Saves the VCF file as headerless shards, and then merges the sharded files into a single VCF.
  • -stringency: Sets the validation stringency for conversion. Defaults to LENIENT. See validation stringency for more details.

In these commands, the validation stringency is applied to the individual variants and genotypes. If a variant or genotype fails validation, the individual variant or genotype will be dropped (for lenient or silent validation, under strict validation, conversion will fail). Header lines are not validated. Due to a constraint imposed by the htsjdk library, which we use to parse VCF files, user provided header lines that do not match the header line definitions from the VCF 4.2 spec will be overridden with the line definitions from the specification. Unfortunately, this behavior cannot be disabled. If there is a user provided vs. spec mismatch in format/info field count or type, this will likely cause validation failures during conversion.

fasta2adam and adam2fasta

These commands convert between FASTA and Parquet files storing assemblies using the NucleotideContigFragment schema.

fasta2adam takes two required arguments:

  1. FASTA: The input FASTA file to convert.
  2. ADAM: The path to save the Parquet formatted NucleotideContigFragments to.

fasta2adam supports the full set of default options, as well as the following options:

  • -fragment_length: The fragment length to shard a given contig into. Defaults to 10,000bp.
  • -reads: Path to a set of reads that includes sequence info. This read path is used to obtain the sequence indices for ordering the contigs from the FASTA file.
  • -repartition: The number of partitions to save the data to. If provided, forces a shuffle.
  • -verbose: If given, enables additional logging where the sequence dictionary is printed.

adam2fasta takes two required arguments:

  1. ADAM: The path to a Parquet file containing NucleotideContigFragments.
  2. FASTA: The path to save the FASTA file to.

adam2fasta only supports the -print_metrics option from the default options. Additionally, adam2fasta takes the following options:

  • -line_width: The line width in characters to use for breaking FASTA lines. Defaults to 60 characters.
  • -coalesce: Sets the number of partitions to coalesce the output to. If -force_shuffle_coalesce is not provided, the Spark engine may ignore the coalesce directive.
  • -force_shuffle_coalesce: Forces a shuffle that leads to the output being saved with the number of partitions requested by -coalesce. This is necessary if the -coalesce would increase the number of partitions, or if it would reduce the number of partitions to fewer than the number of Spark executors. This may have a substantial performance cost, and will invalidate any sort order.


While the transform command can export to FASTQ, the adam2fastq provides a simpler CLI with more output options. adam2fastq takes two required arguments and an optional third argument:

  1. INPUT: The input read file, in any ADAM-supported read format.
  2. OUTPUT: The path to save an unpaired or interleaved FASTQ file to, or the path to save the first-of-pair reads to, for paired FASTQ.
  3. Optional SECOND_OUTPUT: If saving paired FASTQ, the path to save the second-of-pair reads to.

adam2fastq only supports the -print_metrics option from the default options. Additionally, adam2fastq takes the following options:

  • -no_projection: By default, adam2fastq only projects the fields necessary for saving to FASTQ. This option disables that projection and projects all fields.
  • -output_oq: Outputs the original read qualities, if available.
  • -persist_level: Sets the Spark persistance level for cached data during the conversion back to FASTQ. If not provided, the intermediate RDDs are not cached.
  • -repartition: The number of partitions to save the data to. If provided, forces a shuffle.
  • -validation: Sets the validation stringency for checking whether reads are paired when saving paired reads. Defaults to LENIENT. See validation stringency for more details.

reads2fragments and fragments2reads

These two commands translate read data between the single read alignment and fragment representations.

reads2fragments takes two required arguments:

  1. READS: The input read file, in any ADAM-supported read format.
  2. FRAGMENTS: The path to save Parquet data with the Fragment schema.

reads2fragments takes the default options.

fragments2reads takes two required arguments:

  1. FRAGMENTS: The input fragment file, in any ADAM-supported fragment format.
  2. READS: The path to save reads at, in any ADAM-supported read format.

fragments2reads takes the default options. Additionally, fragments2reads takes the following options:

  • -mark_duplicate_reads: Marks reads as fragment duplicates. Running mark duplicates on fragments improves performance by eliminating one groupBy (and therefore, a shuffle) versus running on reads.
  • -sort_reads: Sorts reads by alignment position. Unmapped reads are placed at the end of all reads. Contigs are ordered by sequence record index.
  • -sort_lexicographically: Sorts reads by alignment position. Unmapped reads are placed at the end of all reads. Contigs are ordered lexicographically.

Printing tools {#printers}

The printing tools provide some form of user readable view of an ADAM file. These commands are useful for both quality control and debugging.


Dumps a Parquet file to either the console or a text file as JSON. Takes one required argument:

  1. FILE(S): The file paths to load. These must be Parquet formatted files.

This command has several options:

  • -pretty: Pretty print's the JSON output.
  • -o: Provides a path to save the output dump to, instead of writing the output to the console.

This command does not support Parquet output, so the only default options that this command supports is -print_metrics.

flagstat {#flagstat}

Runs the ADAM equivalent to the SAMTools flagstat command. Takes one required argument:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A file containing reads in any of the supported ADAM read input formats.

This command has several options:

  • -stringency: Sets the validation stringency for various operations. Defaults to SILENT. See validation stringency for more details.
  • -o: Provides a path to save the output dump to, instead of writing the output to the console.

This command does not support Parquet output, so the only default options that this command supports is -print_metrics.


Runs the ADAM equivalent to the SAMTools view command. Takes one required argument:

  1. INPUT: The input path. A file containing reads in any of the supported ADAM read input formats.

In addition to the default options, this command supports the following options:

  • -o: Provides a path to save the output dump to, instead of writing the output to the console. Format is autodetected as any of the ADAM read outputs.
  • -F/-f: Filters reads that either match all (-f) or none (-F) of the flag bits.
  • -G/-g: Filters reads that either mismatch all (-g) or none (-G) of the flag bits.
  • -c: Prints the number of reads that (mis)matched the filters, instead of the reads themselves. Conflicts with -o.