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465 lines (290 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

465 lines (290 loc) · 12.8 KB

1.11.0 / 2023-01-26


  • Add DatabaseServer#reset and #resize methods
  • Added requests to support database server resets and resizing

Bug fixes:

  • Remove duplicated request references
  • Fix test method declaration causing parsing error in Ruby 2.0


  • Added rubocop gem configured to Ruby 2.0
  • Cleaning up of codebase to fix various style and layout problems

1.10.0 / 2023-01-24


  • Add ConfigMap#save and #destroy methods to allow model updates

1.9.1 / 2023-01-10

Bug fixes:

  • Allow encrypted parameter in Volume#save to allow it to propagate from the model to the API request

1.9.0 / 2023-01-09


  • Expose read-only attribute on model to report which zone the volume was allocated to
  • Add boot argument to Volume#attach to allow changing the boot volume of inactive servers via the model API by passing through to the API request


  • Fix Github actions setup-ruby version to pick up bug fixes in running tests caused by the older templates mismatching Ruby/Bundler versions
  • Correct CHANGELOG for mixed references of "enhancements" and minor "changes"

1.8.2 / 2022-12-06

Bug fixes:

  • Fix issue in storage directory #save that prevented creating and updating permissions/ACL on Orbit containers correctly

1.8.1 / 2022-12-05

Bug fixes:

  • Remove outdated check for required arguments in Image.create model which prevented using newer arguments in the latest API version

1.8.0 / 2022-08-31


  • Allow custom volume_size in server creation where supported

1.7.3 / 2022-08-17

Bug fixes:

  • Fix to deduplicate forward slashes in Storage::File#public_url when object keys are prefixed with "/"

1.7.2 / 2022-08-17

Bug fixes:

  • Fix in Storage.escape regexp which failed to handle dashes correctly and broke generated URLs.

1.7.1 / 2022-08-17

Bug fixes:

  • Implement Storage::Directory#public_url to allow generation of File public URLs correctly.

1.7.0 / 2022-07-28


  • Adds support for ConfigMaps which are simple key/value stores for configuring other resources.
  • Updated the API models to include the latest set of attributes defined in the Brightbox API enabling them to be referenced.

1.6.0 / 2022-07-25


  • Added support to opt-in to support Brightbox 2FA within clients.

Two Factor Authentication (2FA) support:

Passing brightbox_support_two_factor into a configuration will raise a new error when user authentication has failed BUT the presence of the X-Brightbox-OTP: required HTTP header is found.

This new error Fog::Brightbox::OAuth2::TwoFactorMissingError can be handled differently by the client and the second factor can be prompted for or recovered from a secure keychain.

Without opting in, the previous error Excon::Errors::Unauthorized is raised.

To send the OTP, the brightbox_one_time_password can be passed into a configuration object or one_time_password can be passed to a credentials object.

1.5.0 / 2022-06-09


  • Added support for Volume resources. These are dynamic, network attached volumes. Servers with nbs (Network Block Storage) types can be created from volumes. Additional volumes can be attached to a server. The volumes can be quickly copied and resized.

1.4.2 / 2022-06-09

Bug fixes:

  • Fog::Brightbox::Compute::ImageSelector#latest_ubuntu was fixed to resolve two bugs that prevented the latest version being found since Xenial:
    • The filtering for i686 was missing later release which are only available as x86_64 images following support being dropped upstream. The filter is now swapped to only match 64bit releases.
    • The reverse name sorting failed when the Ubuntu codenames returned to the start of the alphabet so xenial (16.04) would appear above bionic (18.04) or jammy (22.04). The names are now split and the version used instead for the sorting.

1.4.1 / 2021-04-20

Bug fixes:

  • Fix passing snapshots_schedule to database servers as the value was being omitted in the model layer. This was preventing creating without a schedule causing the default behaviour.

1.4.0 / 2021-02-17


  • Relax dependencies to allow Ruby 3.0 to be used.

1.3.0 / 2020-11-24


  • Add Server#disk_encrypted attribute to support creation of servers with LUKS based encryption at rest.

1.2.0 / 2020-11-16


  • Add LoadBalancer#ssl_minimum_version attribute to configure the TLS/SSL version supported by the load balancer.

1.1.0 / 2020-06-30


  • Add Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 to Travis CI testing matrix.
  • Remove bundler installation step from Travis CI.
  • Use example.test for testing domains rather than to avoid leaking routable traffic.
  • Add FOG_TEST_COLLABORATOR_EMAIL to enable ENV based setting of email address when using the tests for integation tests.`

Bug fixes:

  • Add status check to ImageSelector so that unavailable images were not selected for use automatically and causing failures in tests.
  • Fix creating database servers from snapshots by adding the snapshot_id attribute ensuring the value is not filtered when using the model.

1.0.0 / 2018-10-05

Major Changes:

  • Gem version has been changed 1.0 to reflect breaking changes.
  • Ruby versions 1.9 is longer supported as per fog-core v2.
  • Ruby versions 2.0 and 2.1 are no longer supported by Brightbox although a hard value has not been used in the gemspec to avoid issues with fog
  • Remove deprecated versions of #(get|update)_account and #get_user which did not require identifiers and were treated as the authenticated user.
  • Remove deprecated Compute#request multiple argument version.
  • Remove deprecated #destroy_(resource) requests.
  • Fix #destroy_(resource) references in models.

0.16.1 / 2018-09-07

Bug fixes:

  • Fix ordering issue between declaration of fog services and autoload modules. Changes in fog-core would reference modules before available in autoload so caused a name error.

0.16.0 / 2018-09-04


  • Replaced abandoned inflecto dependency with dry-inflector gem.

0.15.1 / 2018-06-22

Bug fixes:

  • Remove pessimistic dependency versions.

0.15.0 / 2018-06-14

Bug fixes:

  • Attempting to generate a temporary URL for a storage object would fail with unclear message. Now a Fog::Brightbox::Storage::ManagementUrlUnknown is raised instead. It must be either configured OR an authentication request made before so the management URL is received from the server.
  • :brightbox_storage_management_url is now whitelisted to be passed in to the configuration to avoid the authentication previously required.

0.14.0 / 2017-10-30


  • Added public_ipv6 and public_ipv4 attributes to CloudIp model to access both types of exposed IP addresses. The deprecated public_ip attribute remains.

0.13.0 / 2017-08-01


  • Added cloud_ip argument to server creation to request an immediate mapping when a server build has completed. Either to a known cloud IP using its identifier or by using true to allocate a new IP for the operation.

0.12.0 / 2017-07-19


  • Exposed domains field on load balancers to support Let's Encrypt via models

Bug fixes:

  • Ruby 1.9 Gemfile was locked down against webmock and public_suffix dropping support for Ruby 2.0

0.11.0 / 2016-07-05


  • Exposed fields on database servers related to automatic scheduled snapshots.

Bug fixes:

  • Removed an error spec broken by Excon v0.50 undergoing a change of error namespace breaking loading of the specs at present.


  • Stop testing Ruby 1.8.7 due to bitrot, the dependencies are creating more issues than needed.

0.10.1 / 2015-12-01

Bug fixes:

  • Do not add nested option as body content, only query if present.

0.10.0 / 2015-11-30


  • Updated auto-generated documentation for requests
  • Added options to all requests. Select options are passed through to the API to alter behaviour for all requests.
  • Allow requests to use nested=false option to collapse nested (or children) resources from the JSON which is faster to render and less content.
  • Make list_accounts default to nested=false because it is very slow for large accounts and the nested resources are rarely used.

0.9.0 / 2015-08-18


  • Updated the OAuth model to better reflect the final OAuth 2.0 spec. This is not a breaking change since the server side component remain backwards compatible so usage of the fog API should not have changed.
  • Updated travis.yml to use faster container architecture.
  • Moved shindo tests into repo from main fog gem. These act as acceptance tests against real environments.
  • Moved OAuth module specs from Shindo to Minispec.

Bug fixes:

  • Use Authorization: Bearer scheme rather than draft value of "Token"
  • Use client_credentials grant type rather than draft value of "none"
  • Remove duplicate scheme keys causing warnings in Shindo tests

0.8.0 / 2015-07-16


  • Add CloudIp#fqdn attribute
  • Use relative paths and reduce requires

0.7.2 / 2015-06-25

Bug fixes:

  • Error if management URL is not URI to prevent errors when a String given.
  • Server#bits returns "64" as a placeholder rather than "0".
  • Fixed requires in specs so can they can all run independently.


  • Fixed some indentation problems.

0.7.1 / 2014-12-05

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed implementation of Storage#create_temp_url (except on Ruby 1.8.7)

0.7.0 / 2014-11-27


  • Can read Link headers returned from snapshot actions
  • Optionally allow return or Snapshot objects from snapshot actions.

Bug fixes:

  • Ignore select directories from version control.
  • Removed duplicate spec_helper
  • Addition of style rules using rubocop
  • Automated clean up of style rules
  • Be pessimistic about inflecto gem. Next release of Inflecto gem will introduce 1.9 constraint so we need to be pessimistic about the version to depend on for now.

0.6.1 / 2014-10-22

Bug fixes:

  • Fixes reading from Server#ssl3?

0.6.0 / 2014-10-21


  • Allow setting of Load Balancer SSL v3 parameter when creating or updating.

0.5.1 / 2014-09-15

Bug fixes:

  • Fix a possible authentication loop when bad credentials or expired tokens would trigger repeated attempts to authenticate with no changes to the bad credentials.

0.5.0 / 2014-09-01


  • Allow setting of Load Balancer buffer sizes during create and update calls.

0.4.1 / 2014-08-28

Bug fixes:

  • Default updated to final hostname of

0.4.0 / 2014-08-28


  • Add Add support for Brightbox Orbit cloud storage service. This adds a storage service to the Brightbox provider using the standard fog interfaces.

0.3.0 / 2014-08-12


  • Use improved reset and reboot requests for the Server#reboot method allowing requests without having to fake restarts with a start/stop. This keeps the VNC console active.

0.2.0 / 2014-08-07


  • Add resource locks to prevent accidental deleting of the following resources:
    • Database servers
    • Database snapshots
    • Images
    • Load balancers
    • Servers

0.1.1 / 2014-06-26

Bug fixes:

  • Fix list_events options to have workable defaults

0.1.0 / 2014-06-25


  • Add pry as a development dependency so available under Bundler
  • Add spec_helper to DRY out requires on start of tests
  • Add Fog::Brightbox::Model layer to add shared functionality between models
  • Add #resource_name and #collection_name inflection methods to models
  • Add basic specs for models


  • Update generated documentation for requests

Bug fixes:

  • Fix rake:spec task to add "spec" to LOAD_PATH

0.1.0.dev2 / 2014-04-22

This PRERELEASE version may contain functionality that may be removed before the next release so all APIs should be considered unstable and you should lock to the exact version if used!

Bug fixes:

  • Reference fog-core-v1.22 rather than "master" branch now it is released.

0.1.0.dev1 / 2014-04-10


  • Add support for events feed

0.0.2 / 2014-04-10

Bug fixes:

  • Add to fog-brightbox module.
  • Add MiniTest::Specs to project. Use rake test to check the code.
  • Add Gemfile, Rakefile, README and LICENCE to start documenting project.
  • Remove redundant calls to Fog.credentials. The code flow was such that the credentials were being passed in to Fog::Compute::Brightbox anyway.
  • Isolate testing from contents of ~.fog file which is leaking in throug the Fog.credentials global.

0.0.1 / 2014-02-19


  • Initial release of extracted fog-brightbox module. This is pretty much the pilot for fog modules so bear with us as we iron out the bugs.