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Theory and Practice of Halite 2 Rushes

My Halite 2 bot was pretty ordinary in most games. But in 1v1 rushes, it had a winrate over 85%. Here's why...

Theory: 6 Ship Battles

The case we are most interested in is where 3 ships from each team are in close proximity. What we want is to do more damage to the enemy ships than they do to us. However, players make moves simultaneously, so it is impossible to make moves that are guaranteed to do this.

On the other hand, it is possible to make moves that can't possibly lose, but which might win if the opponent does the Wrong Thing, which is a common event.

Consider the following. Every ship can -- by moving at speed 7 -- do damage to enemies that are up to 13 units away from its starting location, because weapon range is effectively 6 (measuring centre to centre).

Therefore, certain sweet spots emerge on the map where at most one enemy ship can come into range. If we put all our ships in those sweet spots, we can't lose, but we might win.

Sweet Spots

On the left are the threat ranges of the three Blue ships - i.e. how far they can do damage after they move. On the right are highlighted the sweet spots available for the Pink ships (though only the bottom one is relevant).

When Pink places his ships in a sweet spot, one of two things will happen:

  • Blue will take the same amount of damage as Pink (possibly zero).
  • Blue will take more damage than Pink, because one of Blue's ships came within range of two (or three) Pink ships.

It's worth noting that this approach uses no prediction at all. We prepare for what the enemy could do, not what we think he will do. Therefore, it cannot really be exploited.

Real World Example

Note that the sweet spots involved are often fairly small. In the diagram below (turn 11 of a real game), we need to get our ships into the tiny blue zone (we only care about the centre of the ships though, since we are measuring weapons range centre to centre). They all fit, barely, and the enemy gets obliterated.

Sweet Spots 2

Practice: Genetic Algorithm

Edit: I believe this is more properly called a Hill-Climbing Algorithm. A true Genetic Algorithm has genetic crossover.

A smarter person than me might use mathematics to put his ships in the sweet spots. However, I chose to use a Genetic Algorithm, which works as follows. First, we generate a random "genome" (list of moves) and then do the following:

  • Mutate the genome randomly, giving one of the ships a new move.
  • Simulate the result, and score it according to some "fitness" function.
  • If the new genome is an improvement, keep it, otherwise discard.
  • Repeat.

The fitness function I use is based on getting ships into the sweet spot where possible, or near it otherwise; while not crashing ships into each other, or into planets, or into the game edges. A few lesser factors also come into play.

Practice: Metropolis Coupling

When I constructed my Genetic Algorithm, I wasn't sure exactly what fitness function I would end up using. But I wanted to avoid local optima. To avoid these, I run multiple chains of evolution at once, with different "heats". Hot chains are allowed to accept bad mutations (the hotter the chain, the looser its standards are). Between iterations, the chains are sorted so that the colder chains have the better genomes. In this way, the cold chains can be pulled out of local optima. I believe this whole process is called "Metropolis Coupling".

Honestly I'm not sure how useful it is. In some rare cases it can find superior solutions.

Example Games and Results

Ideally, the result should look something like this. Even rather strong bots can be safely dealt with (one, two).

Around January 18th, I felt too many people were seeing the bot's rushes and some seemed to be changing their play to defend against it, so I temporarily turned off rushing. My hope was, out of sight, out of mind; and that my competitors would neglect rush defense in these final days if I didn't do it to them. My plan was for the bot to only rush in finals:

if time.Now().Before(time.Date(2018, time.January, 23, 5, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)) {
    RushChoice = NOT_RUSHING

In Finals, the bot's score in 2 player rush games was 1279-176. For specifics, see results.txt.


Our theory is great if we can get into the right situation fast enough. But if the enemy is docked, he will be producing ships soon and we will lose; so we must use more aggressive play, ignoring our theory. The most successful defenders exploited the bot's imperfect play while trying to close the gap (one, two, three).

Sometimes two bots will get into a situation where neither is willing to move. I try to detect such situations and then use the fact that we know where they will be to make perfectly destructive moves. I still use the Genetic Algorithm, but with a different fitness function based on expected damage. This game shows the result, at turns 37, 67, and 121.

Sometimes we "win" the rush but the enemy has successfully built a ship and escaped with it. If we chase it forever, he will win on the "ships built" tiebreaker. To avoid this, if possible, I turn off the GA, send one ship to chase the enemy and another ship to dock and build up a fleet, as in this game.

For a long time I struggled with situations where the enemy splits up their forces. For example, I shouldn't have won this game. I finally fixed how the fitness function feels about this sort of thing in v98/99.

Our theory doesn't take into account differences in ship health. If a 63 health ship fights a 127 health ship, they will do the same damage to each other (which is an acceptable draw according to our theory) but one will die. In this game I temporarily fall behind on ships (though not on total health) at turn 95. I never bothered worrying about this, since it almost never mattered. But this game was a rare exception. At around turn 230, I am ahead on health, but the opponent simply splits his ships and wins.

Our theory of combat suffers from literal edge and corner cases: we will generally be backing away from enemy ships, possibly leading to us running out of space. For example, see this game at around turn 67. I mostly fixed this by making the fitness function dislike being near the edge, although several of my losses in Finals are still of this sort.

Planets sometimes cause the same problem. At turn 11 in this game, one of my ships can't make any good move because it's come very close to a planet. Again, this was mostly fixed by changing the fitness function to make it dislike being near planets. Still, even without getting (very) near planets, it occasionally happens that our only move to stay in the sweet spots would crash into a planet, e.g. in this game at turn 8.

Sometimes the enemy just runs away, as in this game. Sometimes we win the tiebreak...


If I'm not rushing myself, I defend by noticing I'm getting rushed and undocking. One thing few players spotted is that you can issue a thrust command during the final step of undocking (where DockedStatus == UNDOCKING) and it will work. You can also issue an undock command during the final step of docking.

These two facts allow me to make useful moves 2 turns earlier than a naive defender. See this game, for example.

4 Player Games

In 4 player games, there are initially two sub-games: the left side 1v1, and the right side 1v1. Rushes are therefore possible, but there's a sort of prisoner's dilemma: if I rush my opponent, and he defends adequately, we are likely to get 3rd and 4th. If we both play normally, we might both get a chance at 1st or 2nd.

I never rush in 4 player games. In fact, I dock without even looking at the opponent.

I do defend though, by detecting incoming ships at the earliest moment when undocking is possible. Here's a rare example of that going as well as possible. (Bonus game.)


Halite 2 Theory of Rushing






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