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Releases: folio-org/stripes-smart-components


29 Mar 04:09
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  • Tests must not inspect <NoValue>'s rendered state. Refs STSMACOM-638.
  • Additional bump to <LocationModal> location query limits to 5000. Fixes STSMACOM-629.
  • Users pop-up note has slight overwrite. Refs STSMACOM-642.


24 Mar 16:23
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  • Fix issue when applying a date range filter clears other filters. Fixes STSMACOM-640.


22 Feb 16:51
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  • Add disabled prop for <LocationLookup> component.
  • Config Manager | Apply baseline keyboard shortcuts. Refs STSMACOM-544.
  • Lock to axe-core 4.3.3; 4.3.4 causes test failures in CI/CD.
  • Use correct css-loader syntax. Refs STSMACOM-545.
  • Apply baseline keyboard shortcuts for controlled vocabulary. Refs STSMACOM-548.
  • Add id attribute to Note elements that are used in e2e tests. Refs STSMACOM-606.
  • Use <PersistedPaneset> in <SearchAndSort>. Refs STSMACOM-613.
  • Update internal state in SASQ when sort changes. Fixes STSMACOM-614.
  • Add preferred name to the Proxy Modal. Fixes STSMACOM-615.
  • Lint
  • Introduce useCustomFields hook. Refs STSMACOM-622.
  • Add paneTitleRef prop to the Settings component. Refs STSMACOM-623.
  • Fix issue with EditableList crashing when a new item is added. Fixes STSMACOM-549.
  • Change focus on ConfigManager mount. Refs STSMACOM-631.
  • Accessibility: Document has multiple static elements with the same ID attribute. Refs STSMACOM-630.
  • Settings : Move focus to second pane. Refs STSMACOM-628
  • Bump <LocationModal> location query limits to 5000. Fixes STSMACOM-629.
  • Refactor from react-intl-safe-html to react-intl. Refs STSMACOM-513.
  • Notes - Pop-up note is available in notes accordion after deleting. Refs STSMACOM-627.


15 Nov 18:31
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  • Fix filtering in <LocationSelection>. Fixes STSMACOM-523.


28 Sep 19:41
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  • Fix filtering in <LocationSelection>, Fixes STSMACOM-523.
  • Add default value for validate prop in <EditableListForm>. Fixes STSMACOM-525.
  • Disable save button for <NoteForm> when form were no changes. Fixes STSMACOM-522.
  • View Notes Record: List indentations are not retained. Fixes STSMACOM-527.
  • Use selectedIndex when locallyChangedQueryIndex is not present during search. Fixes STSMACOM-526.
  • Always show <ViewCustomFieldsRecord>, even if no custom-fields are present. Refs STSMACOM-470.
  • Sort institutions, campuses and libraries in alphabetical order. Fixes STSMACOM-530.
  • Make sure custom-fields fetch has returned before evaluating its result-size. Refs STSMACOM-531.
  • Add validation for custom fields whitespace values. Refs BF-182.
  • Fix edit a user record with a custom field. Refs STSMACOM-535.
  • <DateRangeFilter>: use <Datepicker> for fields. Refs STSMACOM-493.
  • Make <DateRangeFilter>submit on Enter key. Refs STSMACOM-494.
  • Add focusRef prop to <DateRangeFilter> pointing to the last focused field. Refs STSMACOM-536.
  • Add useSetRefOnFocus hook to support focusRef functionality. Refs STSMACOM-536.
  • React 17. Refs STSMACOM-474.
  • Disable several unit tests that don't like react 17. Refs STSMACOM-541.


30 Jul 05:31
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  • Sort institutions, campuses and libraries in alphabetical order. Fixes STSMACOM-530.


15 Jul 20:46
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  • Add default value for validate prop in <EditableListForm>. Fixes STSMACOM-525.
  • View Notes Record: List indentations are not retained. Fixes STSMACOM-527.
  • Use selectedIndex when locallyChangedQueryIndex is not present during search. Fixes STSMACOM-526.


15 Jul 20:45
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  • Add default value for validate prop in <EditableListForm>. Fixes STSMACOM-525.
  • View Notes Record: List indentations are not retained. Fixes STSMACOM-527.
  • Use selectedIndex when locallyChangedQueryIndex is not present during search. Fixes STSMACOM-526.


06 Jul 18:30
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  • Add missing value to locationOpts in LocationForm. Fixes STSMACOM-523.


06 Jul 16:48
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  • Fix filtering in <LocationSelection>. Fixes STSMACOM-523.