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625 lines (575 loc) · 32.3 KB

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625 lines (575 loc) · 32.3 KB

Change history for ui-agreements

11.1.0 In progress

11.0.3 2024-07-05

  • ERM-3288 Fix permission on /erm/files/{id}/raw in mod-agreements

11.0.2 2024-05-28

  • ERM-3248 Use static endpoints for /resources and /entitlementOptions in Poppy Compatible release
  • ERM-3246 Improve performance of entitlementOptions endpoint
  • ERM-3239 Query all titles rather than just /electronic in local KB title search
  • ERM-3220 Update pagination mechanisms for MCLs to work without stats
  • ERM-3186 Change default search options for Local KB titles to exclude identifiers

11.0.1 2024-04-19

  • Change default search options for Local KB titles to exclude identifiers
  • ERM-3182 Scrolling content in license view pane can overlap header (Also impacted agreements)
  • ERM-3172 The failure of reference object when displaying agreement line should be handled elegantly
  • Translations

11.0.0 2024-03-22

  • ERM-3168 Add option to control which columns display in the Agreement search and sort results
  • ERM-3167 Add option to control which columns display in the Agreement Line search and sort results
  • ERM-3133 Add option to control which columns display in the Agreement->Agreement Lines MCL
  • ERM-3129 Remove explicit typescript version
  • ERM-3128 Focus "Start date" on "Add custom coverage"
  • ERM-3119 Add Organisation status to organisation card display
  • ERM-3093 Switch to pagination (from 'load more') controls in Title view
  • ERM-3092 Switch to pagination (from 'load more') controls in Package view
  • ERM-3091 Switch to pagination (from 'load more') controls in Agreements view
  • ERM-3085 Use document filter from stripes-erm-components, remove changes from ERM-2983
  • ERM-3081 Do not add a space after search operator when doing groupings
  • ERM-3062 Add has/has not filter in Licenses and amendments
  • ERM-1908 Swap Agreements Pick lists settings screen to single 4 pane based layout
  • BREAKING Switched to erm interface 7, licenses interface 6

10.0.1 2023-11-09

  • ERM-3082 Backport grouping and spaces fix for Poppy
  • ERM-3065 Agreement lines are displayed by default on the "Agreement lines" pane.
  • ERM-3061 On setting document filter spaces are stripped from filter value

10.0.0 2023-10-12

  • ERM-3052 In Document filter builder OR displays on screen instead of AND
  • ERM-3046 Agreement lines search MCL - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
  • ERM-3038 Creating adding an eHolding resource to a new agreement fails
  • ERM-3036 unlock @rehooks/local-storage from 2.4.4
  • ERM-3026 BREAKING bump react-intl to v6.4.4
  • ERM-3016 QIndex control for Titles SASQ
  • ERM-3013 Icon of the associated agreements should change if it is a closed agreement
  • ERM-3012 Agreement relationship type translations don't show in Agreements UI
  • ERM-3010 Add has/has not filter in Agreements
  • ERM-3001 Update Node.js to v18 in GitHub Actions
  • ERM-2992 Switch default behaviour for Agreements to not expand items
  • ERM-2983 Added documents filter to Agreements search and sort
  • ERM-2979 Add agreement line summary information and navigation link to Agreement edit view
    • reuse FormLines component
  • ERM-2978 Edition, volume, issue render on new line
  • ERM-2973 Replace naive fetch hooks with parallelised ones (and deprecate)
  • ERM-2967 Use useChunkedCQLFetch consistently across ERM
  • ERM-2937 Titles Tab - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
  • ERM-2934 Agreement lines simple search widget definition
  • ERM-2923 Add created/updated metadata for Resources in local KB
  • ERM-2922 On changing the fields to be searched, the text string is cleared from the search box
  • ERM-2920 Replace "External data source" search
  • ERM-2641 Upgrade to Grails 5 (including Hibernate 5.6.x) for Poppy
    • Added okapi interface dependency on new erm interface 6.0
    • Added okapi interface dependency on new licenses interface 5.0
  • ERM-2630 Add new endpoint for external KB "push" process
  • ERM-2624 Add view only permissions for Agreement settings
  • ERM-2612 Add support for content type property on Agreement
  • ERM-2506 Display licenses sorted in predictable order in Agreements
  • ERM-2421 Remove Agreement lines from Agreement Edit view
  • ERM-2054 Platforms Tab - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
  • ERM-2053 Packages Tab - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
  • ERM-2052 Agreements Tab - Implement MCL Next/Previous pagination
  • ERM-1110 Add templated URLs to PCI display
  • STRIPES-870 BREAKING upgrade react to v18
    • ERM-2991 Upgrade ui-agreements React to v18

9.0.0 2023-02-22

  • ERM-2613 Remove unneeded react-redux. Upgrade stripes-acq-components to v4
  • ERM-2596 Increment ui-agreements to Stripes v8
  • ERM-2574 fix deprecated default export from 'zustand' in ui-agreements
  • ERM-2572 fix deprecated default export from 'zustand'
  • ERM-2562 Increment ui-agreements to Stripes v8
  • ERM-2533 Refactor interfaces code to react-query
  • ERM-2511 Make use of titles/electronic endpoint in ui-agreements
  • ERM-2510 Titles Endpoint does not have functionality of eresources "electronic" endpoint
  • ERM-2489 Reduce number eresource retrieved to 25 rather than 100
  • ERM-2486 Refactor agreement routes
  • ERM-2481 Add "Reason for closure" filter to Agreements search
  • ERM-2468 Give titles, packages and PCIs separate icons
  • ERM-2467 Change export file name and file extension in Agreements and Local KB admin
  • ERM-2465 Is Perpetual dropdown not populated in Agreement create/edit form
  • ERM-2463 Implement FormattedDateTime Interactor Pattern
  • ERM-2454 Bump ui-agreements erm-components dep
  • ERM-2452 Remove eresources search
  • ERM-2449 Add Cancellation date filter to Agreements search and sort
  • ERM-2445 Display a callout when exporting an Agreement
  • ERM-2434 "customProperties.ctx.title": "" in en.json
  • ERM-2423 Performance issues on displaying external agreement lines
  • ERM-2417 Do not show results on local KB e-resource search until a search or filter applied
  • ERM-2416 Separate title search and package search in local KB e-resource searching
  • ERM-2399 Missing Translations
  • ERM-2397 AgreementFilters should not be rendered within intended for search field
  • ERM-2356 Add an option to "create another" agreement line
  • ERM-2339 Return no results on first display of Agreement Line search
  • ERM-2330 Add new tab group for switching between Agreements and Local KB searches
  • ERM-2309 Filter package resources by availabilityConstraints
  • ERM-2308 Display list of availabilityConstraints in package display
  • ERM-2289 Agreement line search and filter screen initial implementation
  • ERM-2183 Basket functionality still uses stripes-connect
  • ERM-1242 Frontend tests for URL customisation in RTL

8.3.0 2022-10-27

  • ERM-2382 Unchecking all search field boxes in Agreements carries out search with no fields
  • ERM-2377 Show a user-friendly message when deleting a pick list with 0 values which is assigned to a Supplementary Property
  • ERM-2371 In custom property Type dropdown Refdata and Refdata (multi-select) should be labelled "Pick list" and "Pick list (multi-select)"
  • ERM-2369 Agreements: Open Access properties accordion name is incorrect
  • ERM-2368 Add links from the Agreement lines search to the parent Agreements
  • ERM-2359 Values entered into decimal and integer supp prop fields display as "NaN"
  • ERM-2355 Aria label for agreement line search incorrect
  • ERM-2353 Replace "Detached" with "Unlinked" in Agreement Line filter
  • ERM-2352 Navigation to switch between Agreements / Local KB does not display correctly if basket button not present
  • ERM-2351 Show error on Agreement line view if user does not have permission for orders.po-lines.collection.get
  • ERM-2347 Add all available package identifiers to extended package information in the package view
  • ERM-2346 Related Entitlement endpoint unnecessarily hit on package view
  • ERM-2344 Add link from an Agreement to an Agreement lines search filtered by the agreementAdd link from an Agreement to an Agreement lines search filtered by the agreement
  • ERM-2343 Default selection of Agreement text search fields
  • ERM-2340 "Reset all" in Agreement Line search does not correctly reset Agreement or Order filters
  • ERM-2338 Selecting "Agreement line type" boxes in filter should use OR (||) not AND
  • ERM-2335 Agreement lines search and filter updates
  • ERM-2318 stripes-erm-components should be a peer
  • ERM-2316 Update for stripes-kint-components translation handling changes
  • ERM-2315 Display all identifiers in a namespace for a resource
  • ERM-2293 Remove BigTest/Nightmare dependencies and tests (ui-agreements)
  • ERM-2290 Add property options to Agreements text search
  • ERM-2283 Upgrade Users interface to 16.0
  • ERM-2278 Refactor ui-plugin-find-agreement to react-query
  • ERM-2234 Replace withKiwtFieldArray with useKiwtFieldArray
  • ERM-2233 Remove redundant duplicate utility functions in ui-agreements
  • ERM-2220 ERM Comparisons: e-resources plugin is not filtering by Package when used for first time
  • ERM-2214 Migrate ERM Picklist Settings to new EditableRefdataList component
    • ERM-2215 Migrate ui-agreements Picklist Settings
  • ERM-2173 New / Edit supplementary property and Term modals: UX improvements (Settings app)
  • ERM-2157 Add multi-select support for custom properties
  • ERM-2120 Display package identifiers in Agreements UI
  • ERM-1986 Move identifiers between title instances
  • ERM-1906 Re-work Supplementary Properties settings screen to use list that can be filtered and fourth pane display
  • Bump to stripes-erm-components ^7.0.0

8.2.2 2022-08-02

  • ERM-2297 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement or agreement line

8.2.1 2022-07-29

  • ERM-2300 On loading entitlements for Agreement edit screen incorrect parameters are supplied
  • ERM-2299 Error on trying to save an agreement with a linked license
  • ERM-2297 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement or agreement line
  • ERM-2284 Attempt to delete Agreement Line fails
  • ERM-2282 Toast message fails to display to user
  • ERM-2280 Incorrect labels in move identifiers UI

8.2.0 2022-07-04

  • ERM-2229 On creating Agreement, agreement creation view does not close after save
  • ERM-2225 Amendment/License link status values do not update immediately after Agreement edit
  • ERM-2223 Select tags in Search and Filter screen does not work
  • ERM-2217 In custom property Type dropdown Refdata and Refdata (multi-select) should be labelled "Pick list" and "Pick list (multi-select)"
  • ERM-2208 Resources per page for "E-resources in package" not obeying display setting
  • ERM-2207 User with permission "ui-agreements.generalSettings.manage" cannot edit settings
  • ERM-2206 ISSN not displaying in "E-resources covered by this agreement" list
  • ERM-2205 List of Agreement statuses in search and filter does not update after changing label
  • ERM-2204 Toast error message not displayed on failure to delete custom property
  • ERM-2203 Only retrieve license terms if there is at least one license linked to agreement
  • ERM-2176 Chunked order line fetching broken in Agreements following migration to react-query
  • ERM-2175 Migrate Edit/Create routes to react-query where we have regressions
  • ERM-2159 Bump frontend dependency on stripes-kint-components
  • ERM-2147 update outdated dependencies in ui-agreements
  • ERM-2106 Refactor away from react-intl-safe-html (ui-agreements)
  • ERM-2096 Replace babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser
  • ERM-2086 Labels in PackageInfo component are not translatable
  • ERM-2079 Display of related license terms in agreements should use stripes-kint-components
  • ERM-2076 Display package status and availability in package card
  • ERM-2072 A maximum of 10 custom properties are retrieved for agreements and licenses
  • ERM-2066 Number of tags doesn't update on adding tags to agreement line (Refactor to react-query from stripes-connect)
  • ERM-2063 Users information not retrieved/displayed for Internal Contact for agreement
  • ERM-2061 Search by extended Package metadata in resource search
  • ERM-2060 Display extended Package metadata in package display
  • ERM-2048 Add support for Date across Agreement filters
  • ERM-2044 Ability to make custom properties deprecated
  • ERM-1979 Add/Edit configurable OA properties for an Agreement
  • ERM-1971 Bump eslint-config stripes version
  • ERM-778 Add Date type to customProperties

8.1.0 2022-03-03

  • ERM-1999. "Load More" button not working - Agreement Lines
  • ERM-1990. Add hyperlink to ERM Comparison comparison points (Registry entry)
  • ERM-1976. Agreements > Agreement line: Wrong date format when in view screen
  • ERM-1974. Agreements: Organization interface credentials malfunction
  • ERM-1973. Agreements: Organization interface data hidden
  • ERM-1953. Re-implement display of acquistionsMethods following order-lines 3.0 interface
  • ERM-1948. Error on accessing /erm/eresources
  • ERM-1940. Add AppSettings panel to Agreements
  • ERM-1937. Support order-lines 3.0 interface
  • ERM-1931. Sort agreement lines by name then reference then UUID in the UI
  • ERM-1929. Support configuration of document storage in agreement settings
  • ERM-1922. Display "-" in Count column for Agreement lines that do not link to a resource
  • ERM-1921. Display selected status of single title resources from eHoldings in Agreement Line
  • ERM-1893. Upgrade @folio/react-intl-safe-html for @folio/stripes v7 compatibility.
  • ERM-1887. Select an agreement results in Error
  • ERM-1762. Add hide accordions option to settings.
  • ERM-1757. Agreements: Apply keyboard shortcuts modal guidelines
  • ERM-1744. Add Organisations to Agreements simple search widget definition
  • ERM-1490. Remove OrgRoleSettings from src/settings.
  • FAT-81. ui-agreements: UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest
    • ERM-1661. components / views
      • ERM-1681. UrlCustomizerForm
      • ERM-1680. UrlCustomizer
      • ERM-1678. TitleForm
      • ERM-1677. Title
      • ERM-1676. Platforms
      • ERM-1673. Platform
      • ERM-1672. Package
      • ERM-1671. PCIForm
      • ERM-1670. PCI
      • ERM-1669. EResources
      • ERM-1668. EResource
      • ERM-1667. Basket
      • ERM-1666. Agreements
      • ERM-1665. AgreementLineForm
      • ERM-1664. AgreementLine
      • ERM-1663. AgreementForm
      • ERM-1662. Agreement
    • ERM-1495. SupplementaryPropertiesConfigForm
    • ERM-1494. SuppressFromDiscoveryFields
    • ERM-1493. SupplementaryPropertiesConfigRoute
    • ERM-1492. PickListValueSettings
    • ERM-1491. PickListSettings
    • ERM-1490. OrgRoleSettings
    • ERM-1489. GeneralSettingsForm
    • ERM-1488. GeneralSettings
    • ERM-1487. withFileHandlers
    • ERM-1486. UrlCustomizerViewRoute
    • ERM-1485. UrlCustomizerEditRoute
    • ERM-1484. UrlCustomizerCreateRoute
    • ERM-1483. PlatformsRoute
    • ERM-1482. PlatformViewRoute
    • ERM-1481. PlatformEditRoute
    • ERM-1480. NoteViewRoute
    • ERM-1479. NoteEditRoute
    • ERM-1478. NoteCreateRoute
    • ERM-1477. EResourcesRoute
    • ERM-1476. EResourceViewRoute
    • ERM-1475. EResourceEditRoute
    • ERM-1474. BasketRoute
    • ERM-1472. AgreementViewRoute
    • ERM-1471. AgreementLineViewRoute
    • ERM-1470. AgreementLineEditRoute
    • ERM-1469. AgreementLineCreateRoute
    • ERM-1468. AgreementEditRoute
    • ERM-1467. AgreementCreateRoute
    • ERM-1292 UsageDataProvidersFieldArray
      • ERM-1411. UsageDataProvidersFieldArray
      • ERM-1410. UsageDataProviderField
    • ERM-1291. TitleCardExternal
    • ERM-1290. TitleCard
      • ERM-1409. TitleCardInfo
      • ERM-1408. TitleCard
      • ERM-1407. SerialResourceInfo
      • ERM-1406. MonographResourceInfo
    • ERM-1289. RelatedTitleInfo
    • ERM-1287. PlatformSections
      • ERM-1403. PlatformUrlCustomization
      • ERM-1402. PlatformProxySettings
      • ERM-1401. PlatformInfo
    • ERM-1286. PackageCardExternal
    • ERM-1285. PackageCard
    • ERM-1284. POLinesFieldArray
      • ERM-1400. POLinesFieldArray
      • ERM-1399. POLineField
    • ERM-1282. OpenBasketButton
    • ERM-1269. EResourceFilters
    • ERM-1260. AgreementsPeriodsFieldArray
      • ERM-1357. AgreementPeriodsFieldArray
      • ERM-1356. AgreementPeriodField
    • ERM-1259. AgreementLinesFieldArray
      • ERM-1355. AgreementLinesFieldArray
      • ERM-1354. AgreementLineField
    • ERM-1258. AgreementLineSections
      • ERM-1348. FormEresource
    • ERM-1257. AgreementFilters

8.0.1 2021-11-08

  • Handle 414 error exception when requesting an agreement line with large number of POLines. Refs ERM-1915

8.0.0 2021-10-07

  • Refactor mod-configuration permissions to require specific perms instead of all permissions. ERM-1881
  • Fixed bug with error on saving an agreement if a change is made to the visibility (internal) flag of a primary property without populating it. ERM-1771
  • Upgrade to stripes v7
  • Support separate options to duplicate supplementary docs and supplementary properties on duplicating an agreement. ERM-1848
  • Standardise identifier display for titleInstances and relatedTitles. ERM-1773
  • Fall back to using identifier from issn namespace if no identifier in eissn namespace. ERM-1772
  • Add date created and last updated metadata into to Agreements. ERM-1231
  • UX improvements. ERM-1145, ERM-1853
  • Display eresource icon in eresources covered by this agreement MCL. ERM-1556
  • Fixed bug with license note not displaying in Agreements view. ERM-1750
  • Display keyboard shortcuts modal. ERM-1642
  • Add sorting capability on Agreement status by its label. ERM-1691
  • Included interface dependency for erm 5.0
  • Included interface dependency for licenses 4.0

6.1.0 2021-06-16

  • ERM-1725 Update version of interfaces due to supporting MARC Authority records
  • ERM-1682 Set up ui-agreements Registry entry.
  • ERM-1640 Locked rehooks/local-storage version to 2.4.0
  • ERM-1621 Permissions for view agreements, resources, platforms should be linked
  • ERM-1619 Actions menu doesn't display for Agreements even when there are valid actions for the user
  • ERM-1610 Implement sort by start/end/cancellation dates in Agreements search and sort MCL
  • ERM-1609 Hide supplementary properties accordion if zero populated terms and no primary terms
  • ERM-1607 Add count of populated custom properties in accordion header
  • ERM-1593 Add descriptions to visible permission set in ui-agreements
  • ERM-1547 Related agreements: Improve error management when the user attempts to link an agreement to itself
  • ERM-1215 "Platforms" button should only display in search and filter pane to users with "ui-agreements.platforms.view" permission
  • ERM-1214 "E-resources" button should only display in search and filter pane to users with "ui-agreements.resources.view" permission
  • Add a surface for Stripes handler modules to present extensions
  • Babel Parser dependency fixes

6.0.0 2021-03-18

  • Purchase Order Line details not retrieved from /orders/order-lines for Entitlement. ERM-1606
  • Update displayName for ui-agreements.platforms.X permissions. ERM-1592
  • License and business terms accordion should only display when there is a Controlling license. ERM-1578
  • When displaying Interfaces for organisations in an Agreement full details are only retrieved for 10. ERM-1559
  • Update stripes-cli to v2. ERM-1550
  • Support order-lines 2.0 interface. ERM-1549
  • Add tag search to eresources search and sort. ERM-1544
  • Added conditional rendering of accordions in Agreement view. ERM-1537
  • Tweaked display to highlight current/next/previous period ERM-1534
  • Agreement start and end dates should be the earliest period start and latest period end date respectively ERM-1533
  • Refactored AgreementFilters to functional component, added date filter. ERM-1532
  • Changed Other Periods accordion to All Periods ERM-1531
  • Update on screen text on Agreements settings page ERM-1527
  • Actions on the Agreement pane cause the fixed panel to become transparent ERM-1464
  • New shortcut key | Duplicate a record. ERM-1458
  • Error on viewing a URL Customiser. ERM-1456
  • Add Discovery Settings accordion for "Suppress from discovery" information to Title Instance, PCI and Agreement Line display. ERM-1250
  • Incorrect message on PCI screen. ERM-1236
  • Add POL/Inventory Instance details to Agreement Line display. ERM-1228
  • Platform: Action button should not show if user would see no options in Action dropdown. ERM-1225
  • Removing content of "Local platform code" and saving should result in empty platform code. ERM-1224
  • Agreement lines from previous agreement show when switching to view another agreement. ERM-1223
  • Agreements > Platforms: "search" keyboard shortcut does not work. ERM-1219
  • Incorrect error message is displayed when the user deletes a supplementary property which is in use on an agreement. ERM-1218
  • Setup RTL test infrastructure. ERM-1216
  • Dropdowns do not display values when editing Agreements. ERM-1206
  • Agreement lines do not display correctly in Agreement edit view. ERM-1205
  • Add UI settings to control the number of items displayed in Agreements MCLs. ERM-1190
  • Add FOLIO keyboard shortcuts to Agreements-Platforms. ERM-1186
  • Add "Edit" screen for title instance resources. ERM-1184
  • Support user access to platform records. ERM-1156
  • Add FOLIO keyboard shortcuts to Agreements. ERM-1151
  • E-resources covered by this agreement: Link to PCI instead of TI. ERM-1148
  • Apply a four column layout to the Agreement preview pane. ERM-1137
  • Support for e-resource proxies and url customisers ERM-1102
    • UI for managing proxy server configurations. ERM-1109
    • UIs for managing proxy url and customiser url configurations from the Platform context. ERM-1194
  • Added optionalOkapiInterfaces to package.json. ERM-940
  • Removed edit button in agreements detail view. ERM-693
  • UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest FAT-81
    • AgreementsRoute ERM-1473
    • MCLPaginationFields ERM-1460
    • NoPermissions ERM-1281
    • IfEResourcesEnabled ERM-1277
    • FolioLink ERM-1276
    • EntitlementsAgreementsList ERM-1275
    • EResourceSections ERM-1274
      • PackageInfo.js ERM-1395
      • PackageContents.js ERM-1394
      • PCIInfo.js ERM-1393
      • PCIFormInfo.js ERM-1392
      • PCIFormCoverage.js ERM-1391
      • PCICoverage.js ERM-1390
      • Agreements.js ERM-1389
      • AcquisitionOptions.js ERM-1388
    • EResourceProvider ERM-1273
    • EResourceLink ERM-1272
    • EResourceKB ERM-1271
    • EResourceIdentifier ERM-1270
    • EResourceCount ERM-1268
    • DuplicateAgreementModal ERM-1267
    • CustomCoverageIcon ERM-1266
    • CoverageFieldArray ERM-1265
    • Coverage ERM-1264
      • CoverageFieldArray.js ERM-1387
      • CoverageField.js ERM-1386
      • MonographCoverage.js ERM-1385
      • Coverage.js ERM-1384
    • BasketSelector ERM-1263
    • BasketList ERM-1262
    • AddToBasketButton ERM-1256
  • Upgrade to Stripes 6.0
  • Modify keyboard shortcuts, use handlers from stripes-components, stripes-erm-components
  • Rename instance-bulk to inventory-record-bulk. UIIN-1368

5.0.1 2020-11-05

  • Added permission check when displaying the add agreement line button. ERM-1197
  • Fixes bug where incorrect Dates are saved when tenant timezone is ahead of UTC. ERM-1202
  • Added permission check to fetch associated internal contacts data on editing an agreement. ERM-1200
  • Bumped the limit to fetch 100 results for user definable pick lists. ERM-1192

5.0.0 2020-10-15

  • Enhance eHoldings display in Agreement Line view. ERM-948
  • Added ability to set and view notes on organizations. ERM-966
  • Retrieve upto 100 results from users endpoint. ERM-980
  • Upgrade to Stripes v5.0.
  • Refactor miragejs from bigtest/mirage.
  • Added support for the new publication type property. ERM-943
  • Added support for searching by publication type property. ERM-944
  • Separate organization and role filter. ERM-1043
  • Added option to not display "Suppress from discovery" checkbox. ERM-1004
  • Added new workflow for adding agreement lines to agreements. ERM-1000
  • Improvements to agreement edit pane and added empty accordion messages. ERM-862
  • Fixed coverage date format on submit. ERM-1091, ERM-1092
  • Added Description to Agreement Line display in Edit Agreement view. ERM-1099
  • Display eholdings icon on external resource cards. ERM-1106
  • Retrieve upto 100 entitlement options. ERM-1158
  • Added load more functionality to covered eresources MCL. ERM-1128

4.0.2 2020-07-06

  • Fixed issue with only 10 results being retrieved for internal contacts. ERM-980

4.0.0 2020-06-11

  • Added permission set and ability to delete agreements. ERM-777
  • Show/hide pick list actions based on refdata category type. ERM-735
  • Added ability to set and view agreement line notes. ERM-779
  • Display Embargo information in "E-resources in package" and "Agreement line" display. ERM-805
  • Added support for "Alternative names" for agreements. ERM-827
  • Added coverage details to "options for acquiring E-resources" view. ERM-845
  • Added ability to view and edit PCI information. ERM-847
  • Added ability to view and edit Agreement line information. ERM-870 871 844 872 885
  • Added ability to search/filter agreements based on custom properties. ERM-876
  • Added new agreement-agreement relationships. ERM-889
  • Added external links to titles on platforms. ERM-859
  • Display information from siblingInstances in the agreements resources results. ERM-774 776
  • Added Tags UI to eresources and agreement line display. ERM-919 ERM-920
  • Added ability to view/edit "Suppress from discovery" for agreement lines. ERM-923 924
  • Added ability to view/edit "Suppress from discovery" for PCIs. ERM-933
  • Display Embargo details when viewing/editing an agreement line. ERM-938 939
  • Display number of titles selected for agreement lines from eholdings. ERM-451
  • Bumped the required node version to 10.

3.4.1 2020-03-12

  • Set coverage columns to be fixed-width.

3.4.0 2020-03-11

  • Switched to using <FormattedUTCDate> from Stripes. ERM-635
  • Switched to using <Spinner> from Stripes. ERM-635
  • Keyboard navigation and focus improvements. ERM-416 613 620 624
  • Hid "Delete Agreement" permission set. ERM-617
  • Added support for monograph fields. ERM-481 482 485 486 678
  • Display callouts and confirmation modals. ERM-726
  • Upgrade to Stripes 3.0

3.3.0 2019-12-04

  • Update stripes to v2.10.1 to support PaneFooter.
  • Move the Save & close button and add a Cancel button to Pane Footer. ERM-411.
  • Apply the new large headline design to Agreements. ERM-260.
  • Display coverage for Agreement lines on Create Agreement pane. ERM-168.
  • Added ability to manage amendments for linked licenses. ERM-428 ERM-429
  • Added agreement line active from/to dates. ERM-456
  • Added ability to manage and view agreement periods. ERM-466 467 468
  • Improve the header for the display of e-resources in agreements. ERM-472
  • Added support for interface erm version 2.0.
  • Added support for interface licenses version 2.0.
  • Updated permission sets. ERM-477
  • Updated forms to use React Final Form instead of Redux Form
  • Added filter buttons to view future, dropped or all content of a package. ERM-394 ERM-396
  • Added ability to search E-resources by identifier. ERM-519
  • Added ability to manage and view linked agreements. ERM-460
  • Updated linked Agreements, Contacts, Licenses, Organizations, PO Lines, and UDPs with new "link" and "replace" verbiage. ERM-451 452 453
  • Added ability to duplicate an agreement. ERM-459
  • Added ability to link multiple PO lines to a single agreement line. ERM-508

3.2.4 2019-09-10

  • Added support for interface invoice version 2.0.

3.2.3 2019-09-10

  • Added agreement filtering by internal contact role. ERM-422

3.2.2 2019-09-09

  • Fixed package version mismatch.

3.2.1 2019-09-09

  • Re-added erroneously-deleted translation string.

3.2.0 2019-09-09

  • Show/hide interface credentials. Fixes ERM-263
  • Fixed package content lists being truncated at 1000 entries. ERM-409
  • Fixed bug where not all the agreement lines were being fetched.
  • Fixed bug where resetting query term wouldn't execute a search. ERM-426
  • Added ability to filter e-resources by source KB. ERM-299
  • Added agreement filtering by internal contact. ERM-421
  • Display coverage in e-resources/e-resources in package. ERM-372
  • Fixed links to titles from basket contents. ERM-438
  • Tweaked license status widths. ERM-439

3.1.1 2019-08-21

  • Use locally-defined saveAndClose translation key.

3.1.0 2019-08-20

  • Allow only one Vendor organization to be selected.
  • Render Internal Contacts as cards. ERM-309
  • Added support for mod-organizations-storage 2.0

3.0.0 2019-07-23

  • Support Orders interface 7.0. ERM-350
  • Added ability to attach ERM Usage Data Providers to Agreements. ERM-273
  • Added ability to attach PO Lines to Agreement Lines. ERM-239, 240, 242
  • Support date strings instead of datetime strings. ERM-276
  • Changed various accordion layouts, IDs and tags. ERM-318, 340
  • Changed navigation between Agreements and E-Resources. ERM-237
  • Refactored to use SearchAndSortQuery. ERM-253

2.5.0 2019-06-11

  • Added ability to manage Notes for Agreements. ERM-284

2.4.0 2019-05-21

  • ERM-238 Clearing the organization filter value not working as expected in Agreements
  • ERM-222 System error on saving an agreement with an empty organization field group
  • ERM-221 System error on saving an agreement with an empty Agreement Line
  • ERM-220 Support Organizations app as source of Organizations in Agreements
    • ERM-234 Front-end updates
  • ERM-216 "Preview" panel does not open after the "Search & filter" panel has been collapsed and uncollapsed.
  • ERM-212 Remove horizontal rules between filters in Agreements and License apps
  • ERM-186 Change the 'hide e-resource functionality' option in Agreements
  • ERM-180 Use generalised contacts component
  • ERM-75 Clearing the organization filter value not working as expected

2.3.0 2019-05-07

  • ERM-197 Change "ERM" to "Agreements" in UI
  • ERM-166 Remove unwanted extra license section
  • ERM-133 Configure Document Categories
  • ERM-143 Add License / Supplementaty License Information Panel UI
  • ERM-181 Fix data sync issue with GOKb (Resumption Token and Broken Coverage)
  • ERM-139 Convert from SearchAndSort to SearchAndSortQuery
  • ERM-79 Set supplementary informaiton for a license
  • ERM-173 Manage Tags on Agreements
  • ERM-174 Seach Agreements by Tag
  • ERM-194 BUGFIX: Opening edit/create license with only one page does not work

2.2.0 2019-04-08

  • ERM-115 Provide correct data for agreement line
  • ERM-111 Build Settings Page
  • ERM-112 Build Wrapper Component for supression
  • ERM-113 Use Wrapper Component in Agreements
  • ERM-114 Write tests
  • ERM-98 Rendering Controlling Terms License
  • ERM-127 Resources with no coverage set should not display
  • ERM-110 Agreement Detail record - View attached EBSCO eResource
  • ERM-109 Support the ability to create an agreement from eHoldings
  • ERM-108 Supress agreements app functions
  • ERM-64 Show Controlling License Terms

2.1.0 2019-03-22

  • ERM-130 Sort order of multiple coverage statements should be ascending by start date
  • ERM-129 Cannot edit custom coverage dates once they have been added
  • ERM-90 Display identifiers in e-resource preview pane
  • ERM-89 Display identifiers in e-resource search & sort
  • ERM-78 General license note (on agreement) should not display if not populated
  • ERM-65 Manage custom entitlement coverage for titles
    • ERM-91 Indicate the coverage for a title within an Agreement

2.0.3 2019-03-12

  • ERM-59 Manage licenses linked to agreements
  • ERM-46 Update note about a license for an agreement
  • ERM-41 Manage external licenses for an Agreement
    • ERM-44 Remove an external license from an Agreement
    • ERM-43 Edit external license details
    • ERM-42 Add external license for an Agreement
  • ERM-35 Filter Agreement Search Results by Organisation Role
  • ERM-7 Add an Organisation to a License
    • ERM-29 Create and use erm-stripes-components repo

2.0.1 2019-02-23

  • ERM-1 eResource Managers can manually create licenses
  • ERM-6 Set pre-defined Terms for a License
  • ERM-7 Add an Organisation to a License
  • ERM-8 Add an Organisation to an existing License
  • ERM-10 Remove an Organisation from a License
  • ERM-11 eResource Managers can edit basic license details
  • ERM-12 Filter License Search Results by License Status
  • ERM-13 Filter License Search Results by License Type
  • ERM-16 Set open-ended License Expiry
  • ERM-17 See basic License details in search results
  • ERM-35 Filter Agreement Search Results by Organisation RoleZ

2.0.0 2019-01-18

  • Upgrade to Stripes 2.0
  • Use @folio/stripes-erm-components for shared components.
  • Added ability to set External Licenses for Agreements.

1.3.0 2019-01-18

  • Added support to enable ui-plugin-find-agreement.
  • Added Organizations filter to Agreements.

1.2.0 2019-01-04

  • Work on controlled vocab settings
  • Added ability to add internal contacts to Agreements.

1.1.0 2018-12-11

  • Added Basket
  • Removed Titles and KB views.
  • Added ability to add entitlements to Agreements
  • Added ability to add organizations to Agreements

1.0.0 2018-11-24

  • New app created with stripes-cli
  • Added Agreements, Titles, and KB list views.
  • Added Agreement detail view.
  • Added Agreement lines view.
  • Added E-resources pane, list, and detail view.