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Releases: folio-org/ui-agreements

Version 6.0.1

21 Apr 11:28
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6.0.1 2021-04-21

  • Permissions for view agreements, resources, platforms should be linked. ERM-1621
  • Actions menu doesn't display for Agreements even when there are valid actions for the user. ERM-1619
  • Add descriptions to visible permission set in ui-agreements. ERM-1593
  • "Platforms" button should only display in search and filter pane to users with "ui-agreements.platforms.view" permission. ERM-1215
  • "E-resources" button should only display in search and filter pane to users with "ui-agreements.resources.view" permission. ERM-1214

Version 6.0.0

18 Mar 14:06
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6.0.0 2021-03-18

  • Purchase Order Line details not retrieved from /orders/order-lines for Entitlement. ERM-1606
  • Update displayName for ui-agreements.platforms.X permissions. ERM-1592
  • License and business terms accordion should only display when there is a Controlling license. ERM-1578
  • When displaying Interfaces for organisations in an Agreement full details are only retrieved for 10. ERM-1559
  • Update stripes-cli to v2. ERM-1550
  • Support order-lines 2.0 interface. ERM-1549
  • Add tag search to eresources search and sort. ERM-1544
  • Added conditional rendering of accordions in Agreement view. ERM-1537
  • Tweaked display to highlight current/next/previous period ERM-1534
  • Agreement start and end dates should be the earliest period start and latest period end date respectively ERM-1533
  • Refactored AgreementFilters to functional component, added date filter. ERM-1532
  • Changed Other Periods accordion to All Periods ERM-1531
  • Update on screen text on Agreements settings page ERM-1527
  • Actions on the Agreement pane cause the fixed panel to become transparent ERM-1464
  • New shortcut key | Duplicate a record. ERM-1458
  • Error on viewing a URL Customiser. ERM-1456
  • Add Discovery Settings accordion for "Suppress from discovery" information to Title Instance, PCI and Agreement Line display. ERM-1250
  • Incorrect message on PCI screen. ERM-1236
  • Add POL/Inventory Instance details to Agreement Line display. ERM-1228
  • Platform: Action button should not show if user would see no options in Action dropdown. ERM-1225
  • Removing content of "Local platform code" and saving should result in empty platform code. ERM-1224
  • Agreement lines from previous agreement show when switching to view another agreement. ERM-1223
  • Agreements > Platforms: "search" keyboard shortcut does not work. ERM-1219
  • Incorrect error message is displayed when the user deletes a supplementary property which is in use on an agreement. ERM-1218
  • Setup RTL test infrastructure. ERM-1216
  • Dropdowns do not display values when editing Agreements. ERM-1206
  • Agreement lines do not display correctly in Agreement edit view. ERM-1205
  • Add UI settings to control the number of items displayed in Agreements MCLs. ERM-1190
  • Add FOLIO keyboard shortcuts to Agreements-Platforms. ERM-1186
  • Add "Edit" screen for title instance resources. ERM-1184
  • Support user access to platform records. ERM-1156
  • Add FOLIO keyboard shortcuts to Agreements. ERM-1151
  • E-resources covered by this agreement: Link to PCI instead of TI. ERM-1148
  • Apply a four column layout to the Agreement preview pane. ERM-1137
  • Support for e-resource proxies and url customisers ERM-1102
    • UI for managing proxy server configurations. ERM-1109
    • UIs for managing proxy url and customiser url configurations from the Platform context. ERM-1194
  • Added optionalOkapiInterfaces to package.json. ERM-940
  • Removed edit button in agreements detail view. ERM-693
  • UI tests replacement with RTL/Jest FAT-81
    • AgreementsRoute ERM-1473
    • MCLPaginationFields ERM-1460
    • NoPermissions ERM-1281
    • IfEResourcesEnabled ERM-1277
    • FolioLink ERM-1276
    • EntitlementsAgreementsList ERM-1275
    • EResourceSections ERM-1274
      • PackageInfo.js ERM-1395
      • PackageContents.js ERM-1394
      • PCIInfo.js ERM-1393
      • PCIFormInfo.js ERM-1392
      • PCIFormCoverage.js ERM-1391
      • PCICoverage.js ERM-1390
      • Agreements.js ERM-1389
      • AcquisitionOptions.js ERM-1388
    • EResourceProvider ERM-1273
    • EResourceLink ERM-1272
    • EResourceKB ERM-1271
    • EResourceIdentifier ERM-1270
    • EResourceCount ERM-1268
    • DuplicateAgreementModal ERM-1267
    • CustomCoverageIcon ERM-1266
    • CoverageFieldArray ERM-1265
    • Coverage ERM-1264
      • CoverageFieldArray.js ERM-1387
      • CoverageField.js ERM-1386
      • MonographCoverage.js ERM-1385
      • Coverage.js ERM-1384
    • BasketSelector ERM-1263
    • BasketList ERM-1262
    • AddToBasketButton ERM-1256
  • Upgrade to Stripes 6.0
  • Modify keyboard shortcuts, use handlers from stripes-components, stripes-erm-components
  • Rename instance-bulk to inventory-record-bulk. UIIN-1368


05 Nov 21:43
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  • Added permission check when displaying the add agreement line button. ERM-1197
  • Fixes bug where incorrect Dates are saved when tenant timezone is ahead of UTC. ERM-1202
  • Added permission check to fetch associated internal contacts data on editing an agreement. ERM-1200
  • Bumped the limit to fetch 100 results for user definable pick lists. ERM-1192


15 Oct 17:37
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  • Enhance eHoldings display in Agreement Line view. ERM-948
  • Added ability to set and view notes on organizations. ERM-966
  • Retrieve upto 100 results from users endpoint. ERM-980
  • Upgrade to Stripes v5.0.
  • Refactor miragejs from bigtest/mirage.
  • Added support for the new publication type property. ERM-943
  • Added support for searching by publication type property. ERM-944
  • Separate organization and role filter. ERM-1043
  • Added option to not display "Suppress from discovery" checkbox. ERM-1004
  • Added new workflow for adding agreement lines to agreements. ERM-1000
  • Improvements to agreement edit pane and added empty accordion messages. ERM-862
  • Fixed coverage date format on submit. ERM-1091, ERM-1092
  • Added Description to Agreement Line display in Edit Agreement view. ERM-1099
  • Display eholdings icon on external resource cards. ERM-1106
  • Retrieve upto 100 entitlement options. ERM-1158
  • Added load more functionality to covered eresources MCL. ERM-1128


17 Sep 14:13
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Fixed error on editing an inward relationship to outward, refs ERM-1118


04 Sep 13:17
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Fixed issue with editing an agreement with a supplementary document and no category specified. ERM-1090


06 Jul 20:46
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4.0.2 2020-07-06

  • Fixed issue with only 10 results being retrieved for internal contacts. ERM-980


11 Jun 20:03
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  • Added permission set and ability to delete agreements. ERM-777
  • Show/hide pick list actions based on refdata category type. ERM-735
  • Added ability to set and view agreement line notes. ERM-779
  • Display Embargo information in "E-resources in package" and "Agreement line" display. ERM-805
  • Added support for "Alternative names" for agreements. ERM-827
  • Added coverage details to "options for acquiring E-resources" view. ERM-845
  • Added ability to view and edit PCI information. ERM-847
  • Added ability to view and edit Agreement line information. ERM-870 871 844 872 885
  • Added ability to search/filter agreements based on custom properties. ERM-876
  • Added new agreement-agreement relationships. ERM-889
  • Added external links to titles on platforms. ERM-859
  • Display information from siblingInstances in the agreements resources results. ERM-774 776
  • Added Tags UI to eresources and agreement line display. ERM-919 ERM-920
  • Added ability to view/edit "Suppress from discovery" for agreement lines. ERM-923 924
  • Added ability to view/edit "Suppress from discovery" for PCIs. ERM-933
  • Display Embargo details when viewing/editing an agreement line. ERM-938 939
  • Display number of titles selected for agreement lines from eholdings. ERM-451
  • Bumped the required node version to 10.