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How to contribute

So you're thinking about contributing to Fhi.Frontend.Demo, and or its submodule? Great! Maintaining and enhancing Fhi.Frontend.Demo (and submodule) is a big job, so the community's help is really appreciated. Helping out isn't just writing code, it also includes submitting issues, helping confirm issues and improving the documentation.

Git submodule

There is a submodule in this repo:

The information in this file refers to this repo but also the submodule.

Submitting Issues

Requests for new features and bug reports keep the project moving forward.

Before you submit an issue

Submitting a good issue

  • Give the issue a short, clear title that describes the bug or feature request
  • Include steps to reproduce the issue
  • If possible, include a short code example that reproduces the issue
  • Use markdown formatting as appropriate to make the issue and code more readable.

Confirming Issues

Before we work on issues, we must confirm them and be able to reproduce them. Confirming issues takes up a great deal of the team's time, so making that job easier is really appreciated.

Issues that need confirmation will have the confirm label or be unlabeled and have no milestone. You can help us to confirm issues by;

  • Add steps to reproduce the issue
  • Test issues and provide feedback

Fixing Bugs and Adding Features

We love pull requests, but would prefer that new contributors start with smaller issues and let us know before you contribute to prevent duplication of work.

It is also a good idea to add a comment to an issue that you are working on to let everyone know. If you stop working on it, also please let us know.


These are just examples. Feel free to find workflows that suites you. For more info about git submodules see:

How to work on Fhi.Frontend.Style and Fhi.Frontend.Demo

  1. Create a new branch in this repo (from dev), and a new branch with the same name in the git submodule ./Fhi.Frontend.Style (from main).
  2. Run npm start
  3. Work on both parent and submodule code, and commit changes in both repos.
  4. When ready
    1. Run git push in this repo
    2. Run git push --recurse-submodules=check in the submodule repo
Icon set updates

When making changes to the icon file set, run npm run generate-icon-list.

How to work on ./projects/fhi-[project] and Fhi.Frontend.Demo

  1. Create a new branch in this repo (from dev)
  2. Run ng build @folkehelseinstituttet/[project] --watch
  3. In a new consol, run npm start
  4. Work on both library and app code simultanously
  5. When ready, run git push and follow the pull request guidelines
How to do code scaffolding in an Angular library project
  1. Run ng generate module fhi-[name] --project @folkehelseinstituttet/[project] to generate a new module
  2. Add new module to FhiAngularComponentsModule
  3. Run ng generate component fhi-[name] --project @folkehelseinstituttet/[project] to generate a new component
  4. Add new component to exports in new module
  5. Add both the new module and the new component to the public API Surface of fhi-angular-components

You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum --project @folkehelseinstituttet/[project].

Note: Don't forget to add option --project or else it will be added to the default project in your angular.json file.

Pull request guidelines


Feature branches
  1. Create a new branch from main.
  2. Prefix your branch name with either new/, enhancement/ or bugfix/.
  3. Before pull request, remember to update, and if this is the first pull request after a release, add an extra hash to the existing "version number heading", add a new heading called # Unreleased, a date, and then list your changes.
  4. Push feature branch, create pull request with a good name, and a comment if necessary
  5. After approved review, squash and merge to main, and delete your feature branch.
Release branches
  1. Create a new branch from main.
  2. Name it release/x.x.x, where x.x.x is the version you're releasing.
  3. Change text # Unreleased to # x.x.x i
  4. Run npm version [patch, minor, major] to upgrade package.json and automatically create a new commit.
  5. Push release branch and create pull request from release branch into main
  6. After approved review, squash and merge to main (deploy), delete the release branch for the previous release, but keep the latest release branch.

Fhi.Frontend.Demo, including library projects

A library project is an Angular concept for organising code that are going to be made into a npm package. A library project is defined in ./angular.json, and the files are located in ./projects/fhi-[project]

Feature branches
  1. Create a new branch from dev.
  2. Prefix your branch name with either new/, enhancement/ or bugfix/.
  3. Before pull request, remember to also push any changes made to the submodule Fhi.Frontend.Style so that the branch with changes are available to the reviewer.
Release branches for library projects

Before creating a release branch

  • Check that all peerDependencies are updated
  • Check that @folkehelseinstituttet/* is already released if listed in peerDependencies
  • Check that the dependency matrix is updated, and has "Unreleased" as latest version.
  • Check that the is updated, and has "Unreleased" as latest version.

If one or more of the checks above is not OK; create a branch, fix, and create a new pull request.

If everything is OK; create a release branch

  • When creating a release branch, follow the instructions below to the letter!
  1. Create a new branch from dev.
  2. Name it release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, where x.x.x is the version you're releasing.
  3. Update the following and commit:
    1. text # Unreleased to # x.x.x in the CHANGELOG for the project: ./projects/fhi-[project]/
    2. text Unreleased to x.x.x in the dependency matrix for the project: ./projects/fhi-[project]/ (if a new line was added).
    3. version in ./projects/fhi-[project]/package.json to x.x.x manually.

      It's cumbersome to use npm version since package.json is in another directory than the git directory. And since there is no package-lock.json, and no need for a tag in the current workflow, doing it manually is faster. A better, and more automated, solution may come in the future.

  4. Create PR into dev from release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, and when approved, make sure commit message is Release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, and then merge (ie. deploy).

    NB! Automated release job only runs if Release/fhi-[project]/ is present in commit message since this isn't a release for everything in the repo, just a particular library.

Release a patch to older version in a library project

Almost same procedure as described under Release branches for library projects, but there are some minor differences:

  1. Create a new branch from fhi-[project]/vx, where X is the major version you're patching (remember ref. to correct git submodule).
  2. Name it release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, where x.x.x is the version you're releasing.
  3. Update the following and commit:
    1. Add # x.x.x in beginning of the CHANGELOG for the project: ./projects/fhi-[project]/
    2. Add and extra # to the previous version number.
    3. NB! when updating version in ./projects/fhi-[project]/package.json to x.x.x, ALSO update publishConfig.tag to v[x] where [x] is the major version you're patching.
  4. Create PR into fhi-[project]/vx from release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, and when approved, make sure commit message is Release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, and then merge (ie. deploy).
  5. Create PR into dev from release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x to merge relevant changes from the patch back into dev, and when approved, make sure commit message is Release/fhi-[project]/x.x.x, and then merge AND delte branch release.

    NB! This PR will probably have conflicts, so just merge dev into release before creating PR, and fix conflicts. Ask someone if in doubt about any conflicts, but here are a few things to remember when merging:

    1. ALWAYS merge changes to CHANGELOG (in chronological order based on date, not version)
    2. Sometimes merge changes to the code
    3. NEVER merge any changes to publishConfig.tag in ./projects/fhi-[project]/package.json
    4. Remember correct git submodule ref.
Release branches for the Fhi.Frontend.Demo app

There is no need for a release branch, since the branch dev represents the "truth". Therefore we do not create a pull request with main as base either, we just:

  1. Check that package.json is up to date with the latest versions of @folkehelseinstituttet/style
    • If not: create a feature branch named enhancement/update-dependencies, and fix it.
    • Create PR, and merge enhancement/update-dependencies to dev when approved.
  2. Merge main into dev and fix merge conflicts if any.
  3. Merge dev into main
  4. Push to origin (which will trigger the release)

Coding conventions


The project is using

  1. SASS with the SCSS syntax
  2. BEM, but only in the folder fhi/blocks
  3. And some custom rules

SCSS example file

CSS architecture

Read more about how we (try to) organize the CSS code.

HTML (Angular templates)

The project has also some custom rules for how we write markup: HTML example file


When it comes to TypeScript we adhere to Angular coding style guide TypeScript example file


Great documentation is essential for any open source project and Fhi.Frontend.Demo is no exception. In addition to READMEs in the repos, is where we document our frontend library, but often we lag behind the features that have been implemented or would benefit from better examples, so help is really appreciated!


Fhi.Frontend.Demo is under the MIT license. By contributing to Fhi.Frontend.Demo, you assert that:

  • The contribution is your own original work.
  • You have the right to assign the copyright for the work (it is not owned by your employer, or you have been given copyright assignment in writing).