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C++/Qt FontoBene Parser

A header-only library to parse FontoBene stroke fonts with C++11/Qt.

Successor of fontobene-qt5, now supporting both Qt5 and Qt6.


$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ make -j8
$ tests/fontobene-qt-tests
$ make install

Qt Version

By default the used Qt version is automatically detected by CMake while Qt6 is preferred over Qt5. To explicitly specify the Qt version to use, set the CMake variable FONTOBENE_QT_MAJOR_VERSION to either 5 or 6:



If you're packaging fontobene-qt and want an example pkg-config file, check out fontobene-qt-5.pc.example (for Qt5) and fontobene-qt-6.pc.example (for Qt6). Both should be provided to let users choose the Qt version. Depending on your distro, the includedir might need adjusting.


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