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form5-checkbox is a simple jQuery plugin to skin checkboxes. Only 2KB of minified Javascript, along with your own styles (very basic demo styles are provided).


Getting started

How to fetch form5-checkbox?

Install with Bower: bower install form5-checkbox

Clone the Github project: git clone

Or download zip.

Then what?

After installation simply load the files along with other styles and scripts. Remember that this script requires jQuery, meaning jQuery should already be loaded before this script. We recommend using the latest stable release.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/form5-checkbox.css">
<script src="path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/form5-checkbox.min.js"></script>

No need for any special markup, form5-radio should target inputs directly. Simply create an input with type='checkbox' and the plugin will generate a new element like so.

// This
<input type="checkbox">

// Will become
<checkbox type="checkbox">
  <input type="checkbox">

See our demo for a live example.

What about labels?

There is a way to include labels directly with this plugin, or simply by adding the data-label='...' attribute to your input, which will allow you to append the contents in a pseudo element for example.

See our demo for a live example.

`## Advanced usage

There are not many ways to configure the scripts functionality, except for event based callbacks. Here you can see all the options with their default values, and below you can find more detailed description for each option.

  toggle: function(){},
  init: function(){},
  debug: false

toggle: function () Default: function() {}

Optional function to be ran each time a checkbox button is toggled.

init: function () Default: function() {}

Optional function to be ran at initialization.

debug: boolean Default: false

If you are having problems and are not sure certain parts of the scripts are actually working, you can enable this option to receive console.logs with messages for initialization, toggling and destroying. This will also add a debug="true" attribute to your new element enabling you to add some styles that might help with debugging.

After initialization

Sometimes we do things we wish we hadn't, and just wanna take a step back and rethink the situation. For those instances, we included a helper string that enables you to simply reverse all changes made by this script.


After running this, you can initialize some fresh new checkbox buttons with new options or whatever your mind can imagine.

Still not satisfied?

You could go all in and customize the script directly. The original can be found in src/form5-checkbox.js. To compile a minified/uglified version of your new script you can build it again by running:

$ npm install
$ grunt build

If you would like to extend the core functionality of this script in a way that could benefit others, don't hesitate to create a pull request!


Using Cress

If you are using our awesome CSS framework Cress, you can find a .scss file using the appropriate variables in src/form5-checkbox.cress.scss. That way you have a some basic checkbox buttons working directly with your current styles.


Written by Benedikt D Valdez, developer at Form5.


Árni Reynir Óskarsson, developer at Form5.