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A free, new-user-friendly website starter project designed to walk you through creating, editing, and publishing any web project; from a personal blog, to a company website!

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What is ZeroPoint?

For new users

ZeroPoint is a free, new-user-friendly website starter designed to walk you through creating and publishing a fast, secure web project using modern tools and technology. ZeroPoint makes it easy to "get up to zero" and start building your site.

For experienced developers

ZeroPoint is a modern, opinionated, bare-bones Jamstack starter using Eleventy to get "up to zero" on a project quickly and easily. Why you might choose ZeroPoint as your Jamstack starter:

  • Powered by Eleventy, which rocks!
  • No CSS frameworks or libraries; use whatever you like best
  • GitHub Action replaces the ZeroPoint name throughout the site with your project's name!
  • Custom generated project-specific readme file to help you take the next steps and launch your project!
  • Sass for CSS
  • Javascript compilation and minification
  • Browsersync to preview your work

Get started: Use This Template

Get started with ZeroPoint one of the following ways:

Start with GitHub

Create a new project using ZeroPoint and add it to your GitHub account

Start with Netlify

Create a copy of ZeroPoint and deploy it straight to Netlify for free!

Deploy to Netlify

With GitHub CLI (

Get started from your command line

 gh repo create --template MWDelaney/ZeroPoint

Get to Know ZeroPoint

Ready to go deeper? Here's how ZeroPoint is laid out:                 # → Root of your ZeroPoint-based project
├── src/                    # → Source directory
│   ├── assets/             # → Site assets
│   │   ├── fonts/
│   │   ├── images/
│   │   ├── scripts/
│   │   ├── styles/
│   │   ├── views/
│   │   │   └── layouts/
│   │   │   └── partials/
│   │   └── assets.json     # → Shared attributes for files in the assets directory
│   ├── config/             # → Eleventy configuration
│   │   ├── collections.js  # → Add and configure collections (
│   │   ├── filters.js      # → Add and configure filters (
│   │   ├── passthroughs.js # → Add and configure passthroughs (
│   │   ├── plugins.js      # → Add and configure plugins (
│   │   ├── shortcodes.js   # → Add and configure shortcodes (
│   │   ├── templateLanguages.js   # → Configure custom template languages (HINT: this is where ZeroPoint's Sass and Javascript pipelines are set up!) (
│   │   ├── watchtargets.js # → Add and configure watch targets (
│   │   └── config.json     # → Shared attributes for files in the config directory
│   ├── content             # → A nice, organized, recommended place for all site content
│   │   └── pages           # → Add "pages" collection items here
│   └── data                # → Customize site data (
│       ├── navigation.json # → Site navigation configuration
│       └── site.json       # → Site branding configuration
├── .eleventy.js            # → Core Eleventy config file
├── netlify.toml            # → Netlify deployment and plugin configuration (optional)
├──      # → ZeroPoint readme
└──               # → Your project's readme (automatically generated when this template is used)

Eleventy Configuration

Eleventy configuration is abstracted from the typical .eleventy.js file and moved to /src/config/ for easy organization and configuration of collections, filters, passthroughs, etc.

Install project dependencies

npm i

Run the project locally

npm run dev

Build for staging

(The same as production except every page is flagged noindex)

npm run staging

Build for production

npm run production


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