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File metadata and controls

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What's Access Token?

Access Token here is an API token which is used to authenticate an API request, an api token is associated with an API user once generated in FortiOS. FortiOS Ansible supports api token based authentication, please see Run Your Playbook for how to use access_token in Ansible playbook.

Sometimes we also want to dynamically generate an API token via FortiOS ansible module, we have a demo to show how to generate an API token:

# to customize privileges for the API user, we can also define an accprofile via module fortios_system_accprofile.
- name: Create An API User if not present
     vdom: 'root'
     state: 'present'
         name: 'AnsibleAPIUser'
         accprofile: 'super_admin' # This is predefined privilege profile.
            - name: 'root'
             - id: '1'
               ipv4_trusthost: ''

# To reference the generated token, we can use notation "{{ tokeninfo.meta.results.access_token  }}"in further tasks or keep it somewhere in disk.
- name: Generate The API token
     vdom: 'root'
     selector: 'generate-key.system.api-user'
         api-user: 'AnsibleAPIUser'
  register: tokeninfo

- name: do another api request with newly generated access_token
     access_token: "{{ tokeninfo.meta.results.access_token  }}"
     vdom: 'root'
     selector: 'system_status'

How To Backup And Restore FOS?

Legacy module fortios_system_config_backup_restore is deprecated since 2.0.0, new modules are available for doing equivalent jobs. New modules are desined to be very flexible, that requires us to combine modules to do complex task.

Note: operation backup and restore needs administrative privilege, better not choose access token based authentication.

Backup settings to local file.

FortiOS Ansible collection doesn't provide any modules for local file operations, here we use builtin copy module to copy plain configuration text into a file.

- name: Backup a virtual domain.
     selector: 'system_config_backup'
     vdom: 'root'
         scope: 'global'
  register: backupinfo

- name: Save the backup information.
     content: '{{ backupinfo.meta.raw }}'
     dest: './local.backup'

Restore settings from local file.

FortiOS only accepts base64 encoded text, the configuration text must be encoded before being uploaded.

- name: Restore from file.
     selector: 'restore.system.config'
     vdom: 'root'
         scope: 'global'
         source: 'upload'
         vdom: 'root'
         file_content: "{{ lookup( 'file', './local.backup') | string | b64encode }}"

Restore settings from other sources.

no matter what source is, just make sure content is encoded.

- name: Backup a virtual domain.
     selector: 'system_config_backup'
     vdom: 'root'
         scope: 'global'
  register: backupinfo

- name: Restore from intermediate result.
     selector: 'restore.system.config'
     vdom: 'root'
         scope: 'global'
         source: 'upload'
         vdom: 'root'
         file_content: "{{ backupinfo.meta.raw | string | b64encode}}"

For more options to restore, see module fortios_monitor and its selector restore.system.config, for more options to backup, see module fortios_monitor_fact and its selector system_config_backup.

How To Import A License?

Import a license for a newly installed FOS instance.

Make sure the active management port allows access to http service by setting allowaccess.

FortiGate-VM64 # show system interface port1
config system interface
edit "port1"
    set vdom "root"
    set mode dhcp
    set allowaccess ping https ssh http fgfm
    set type physical
    set snmp-index 1

Then run the following playbook to upload licence for the first time:

- hosts: fortigate_new
  connection: httpapi
   - fortinet.fortios
   vdom: "root"
   ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
   ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
   ansible_httpapi_port: 443

   - name: Upload the license to the newly installed FGT device
         vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
         selector: 'upload.system.vmlicense'
             file_content: "{{ lookup( 'file', './FGVM02TM20012347.lic') | string | b64encode }}"
     ignore_errors: True

In the example, we put license file FGVM02TM20012347.lic under current working directory.

Once FOS accepts a valid licence, it reboots immediately and the connection terminates suddenly, as a result, we must not regard connection timeout as errors, we'd better ignore connection timeout exception. and the default connection timeout is 30 seconds, better make it smaller.

Access token based authentication is not allowed in initial license import

Renew a license for a licence-ready FOS instance.

To renew the license for a running FOS instance, we don't have to use http service (by default, after license is activated, http service is redirected to https service, which causes problems for Ansible). by setting ansible_httpapi_use_ssl to true and ansible_httpapi_port to 443, the task can normally upload the license.

Renewing a license can use access token based authentication as long as associated API user has admin privilege to upload license.

How does Ansible work with login banner?

what's login banner?

FOS puts a barrier in login process if pre- and(or) post- login bannner are enabled, and ansible authentication is restricted: only access token based authentication is allowed.

How to safely generate access token?

For Ansible FOS login banner usage, there could be a deadlock if one the of following cases apprears:

  • I don't have an API user or access token.
  • I have an access token but it has expired.

upon such deadlocks, there is no other way but to disable banners and (re)generate one.

To generate an access token in advance, please see How To Generate Access Token Dynamically, and please do token generation with Ansible with all the login banners disabled(it's not necessay to disable banners if we generate access token from WEB UI).

FGVM02TM20012347 # config system global
FGVM02TM20012347 (global) # set post-login-banner disable
FGVM02TM20012347 (global) # set pre-login-banner disable
FGVM02TM20012347 (global) # end
FGVM02TM20012347 #

where to keep generated access token?

Normally if we generate an access token from WEB UI, we may put it in inventory file as a variable fortios_access_token:

fortigate01 ansible_host=<the address of the host> fortios_access_token=<the access token>

we can encrypt the inventory file through ansible tool ansible-vault, thus avoiding token leaks.

To automate token (re)generation, we might also want to keep it somewhere else in local storage. An example is given below to show how to save and re-use a token later:

- name: Generate The API token
     vdom: 'root'
     selector: 'generate-key.system.api-user'
         api-user: 'AnsibleAPIUser'
  register: tokeninfo

- name: Save the API token
     content: "{{ tokeninfo.meta.results.access_token }}"
     dest: './'

then in subsequent tasks, we read the token directly from saved file:

 vdom: "root"
 ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
 ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
 ansible_httpapi_port: 443
 saved_access_token: "{{ lookup( 'file', './') | string }}"

 - name: do another api request with saved access_token
     access_token: "{{ saved_access_token }}"
     vdom: 'root'
     selector: 'system_status'

Caveats: saved access token is not guarded by Ansible, once leaked, others may access the FOS illegally. one way to restrict illegal access is to limit source localtion in ipv4_trusthost during creating the API users.

How To Work With Raw FotiOS CLI?

In FortiOS, some CLI commands are not exported as RestAPI, as a reasult, Ansible FortiOS collection has no identical module for those CLI commands. And FortiOS default CLI shell is not a standard Unix shell, so Ansible builtin modules like shell and command are of no use. To work this around in Ansible, we use a verbose but very efficient and flexible way to execute some FortiOS CLI commands from Ansible.

Below are two examples of the template:

Append a firewall address member to a group using append command:

- hosts: localhost
    # ======================== Below are crenditials to connect to Fortigate Device========
    fgt_host: ''
    fgt_user: 'admin'
    fgt_pass: 'password'

    firewall_group_name: 'firwalladdressgroup0'
    firewall_address_name: 'firewalladdress0'
    # =====================================================================================
    script_path: '/tmp/'
   - name: Prepare The Shell Scrit Template.
     raw: |
            cat > {{script_path }} << EOF_OUTER
            # /bin/bash
            # Please make sure tool sshpass is installed. e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install sshpass.
            # Optionally you can pass some parameters.
            # The character `a` at second line below is to avoid post-login-banner barrier.
            sshpass -p '{{ fgt_pass }}' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {{ fgt_user }}@{{ fgt_host }} <<EOF
            # ====================== Edit Your Commands Below =============================================
            config firewall addrgrp
            edit '\$1'
            append member '\$2'
            # ==============================================================================================

   - name: Execute The Cli Commands.
     raw: |
            chmod +x {{ script_path }} && {{ script_path }} '{{ firewall_group_name }}' '{{ firewall_address_name }}'
       executable: /bin/bash

Enable/Disable pre-/post- login banners

- hosts: localhost
    # ======================== Below are crenditials to connect to Fortigate Device========
    fgt_host: ''
    fgt_user: 'admin'
    fgt_pass: 'password'
    # =====================================================================================
    script_path: '/tmp/'
   - name: Prepare The Shell Scrit Template.
     raw: |
            cat > {{script_path }} << EOF_OUTER
            # /bin/bash
            # Please make sure tool sshpass is installed. e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu, apt-get install sshpass.
            # Optionally you can pass some parameters.
            # The character `a` at second line below is to avoid post-login-banner barrier.
            sshpass -p '{{ fgt_pass }}' ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {{ fgt_user }}@{{ fgt_host }} <<EOF
            # ====================== Edit Your Commands Below =============================================
            config system global
            set pre-login-banner '\${1:-disbale}'
            set post-login-banner '\${2:-disable}'
            # ==============================================================================================

   - name: Execute The Cli Commands, e.g. enable pre- and post- login banner.
     raw: |
            chmod +x {{ script_path }} && {{ script_path }} enable enable
       executable: /bin/bash

How to use the set_fact module in a task?

In Ansible, there's an important module that works with variables and is used to get or set variable values, which is set_fact. This module is used to set new variables and these variables are available to subsequent plays in a playbook. Using set_fact, we can store the value after preparing it on the fly using certain task.

The following example will show you how set_fact module can be used in a task to configure the firewall address group.

Configuring the firewall address group with a string type of variable that contains all the grouped firewall addresses:

- hosts: fortigateslab
  connection: httpapi
    - fortinet.fortios
    vdom: 'root'
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
    ansible_httpapi_port: 443
    demo_input: ',,'
    demo_members: []
    - name: Process input content
        demo_members: "{{ demo_members + [{'name': item.strip(' ')}] }}"
        - "{{demo_input.split(',')}}"

    - debug:
        var: demo_members

    - name: Configure Firewall Schedule Recurring
        vdom:  '{{ vdom }}'
        state: 'present'
        enable_log: True
        access_token: '{{ fortios_access_token }}'
          name: 'group_1'
          comment: 'created via Ansible'
          visibility: 'enable'
          member: '{{ demo_members }}'

In the example, the first task is preprocessing the input content. Specifically, it splits the input content with comma to get a list of the firewall addresses. Then it appends the each address to the variable demo_members. So the demo_members variable can be assigned to the variable members in the subsequent play.

How to use the member operation to add an element in an object?

Member operation is used to add an element to an existing object. The example below will show you how to use it.

- hosts: fortigateslab
  connection: httpapi
    - fortinet.fortios
    ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: true
    ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: false
    ansible_httpapi_port: 443
  - name: Add an dns entry in the existing obj.
      #access_token: "{{ access_token }}"
      state: "present"
      member_state: "present"
      member_path: "dns_entry:id"
        name: 1
          - id: 1
          - id: 2

Set up FortiToken multi-factor authentication

It uses one of the two free mobile FortiTokens that is already installed on the FortiGate.

- name: To configure MFA.
    enable_log: true
    vdom:  "{{ vdom }}"
    state: "present"
      auth_concurrent_override: "enable"
      auth_concurrent_value: "0"
      authtimeout: "0"
      email_to: ""
      fortitoken: "FTKMOB324C29689B"
      id:  "8"
      name: "test_user"
      status: "enable"
      two_factor: "fortitoken"
      two_factor_authentication: "fortitoken"
      two_factor_notification: "email"
      type: "password"
      username_case_sensitivity: "disable"
      username_sensitivity: "disable"

- name: Activate the mobile token
    vdom: "root"
    selector: "send-activation.user.fortitoken"
      token: FTKMOB324C29689B
      method: email

Avoid using the special placeholder 0 as the mkey in some modules

While '0' is a special placeholder that allows the backend to assign the latest available number for the entity, it does have limitations, for example, when you create a new router_static entity that has the identical configurations with an existing one, if the 'seq_num' is '0' or seq_num is absent, there will be an error thrown out from the backend and complain "duplicate entry already exists". Also, it's required to provide the mkey when updating or deleting an entity. Therefore, using your own value for this purpose to avoid any potential issues in the future.

- name: Configuring Static Routing 1
    enable_log: true
    state: present
      seq_num: 1
      dst: ""
      gateway: ""
      device: "port1"
      status: "enable"
      distance: 10

- name: Update the distance parameter
    enable_log: true
    state: present
      seq_num: 1
      distance: 15

- name: Delete the specific router static entity
    enable_log: true
    state: absent
      seq_num: 1

Resolution for Ansible Always Sending GET/PUT Requests as POST Requests

We have been inundated with complaints regarding older Ansible versions consistently sending GET/PUT requests as POST requests due to a bug in the ansible.netcommon module. To prevent such issues, please ensure that you have installed the latest Ansible version.

To upgrade to the latest version of ansible.netcommon, use the following command: ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.netcommon --force