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junky lib: PyTorch utilities


The lib contains several layers to use in PyTorch models.

Table of Contents

  1. Masking
  2. CharEmbeddingRNN
  3. CharEmbeddingCNN
  4. HighwayNetwork
  5. Highway biLSTM


from junky.layers import Masking
layer = Masking(input_size, mask=float('-inf'),
                indices_to_highlight=-1, highlighting_mask=1,
output = layer(x, lens)

Replaces certain elemens of the incoming data x to the mask given.


input_size: The number of expected features in the input x.

mask: Replace to what. Default is -inf

indices_to_highlight: What positions in the feature dimension of the masked positions of the incoming data must not be replaced to the mask. Default is -1. None means "replace all".

highlighting_mask: Replace data in that positions to what. If None, the data will be left as is. Default is 1

batch_first: If True, then the input and output tensors are provided as (batch, seq, feature) (<==> (N, *, H)). Default: False.


  • Input:
    x: :math:(*, N, H) where :math:* means any number of additional dimensions and :math:H = \text{input_size}.
    lens: Array of lengths of x by the seq dimension. We mask data in all seq positions that greater than lens.

  • Output: :math:(*, N, H) where all are the same shape as the input and :math:H = \text{input_size}.

NB: Masking layer was made for using right before Softmax. In that case and with mask=-inf (default), the Softmax output will have zeroes in all positions corresponding to indices_to_mask.

NB: Usually, you'll mask positions of all non-pad tags in padded endings of the input data. Thus, after Softmax, you'll always have the padding tag predicted for that endings. As the result, you'll have loss = 0, that prevents your model for learning on padding.


>>> m = Masking(4, batch_first=True)
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
>>> output = m(input, [1, 3])
>>> print(output)
tensor([[[ 1.1912, -0.6164,  0.5299, -0.6446],
         [   -inf,    -inf,    -inf,  1.0000],
         [   -inf,    -inf,    -inf,  1.0000]],

        [[-0.3011, -0.7185,  0.6882, -0.1656],
         [-0.3316, -0.3521, -0.9717,  0.5551],
         [ 0.7721,  0.2061,  0.8932, -1.5827]]])
>>> m = Masking(4, batch_first=True, mask=4.,
                indices_to_highlight=(1, -1), highlighting_mask=None)
>>> input = torch.randn(2, 3, 4)
>>> output = m(input, [1, 3])
>>> print(output)
tensor([[[-0.4479, -0.8719, -1.0129, -1.5431],
         [ 4.0000,  0.6978,  4.0000,  0.1203],
         [ 4.0000,  0.1990,  4.0000, -0.4277]],

        [[ 0.2840,  1.1241, -0.5342,  0.2857],
         [ 0.3409,  0.7630,  0.4099,  0.1182],
         [ 1.3610, -0.1528, -1.7044, -0.4466]]])


from junky.layers import CharEmbeddingRNN
layer = CharEmbeddingRNN(alphabet_size, emb_layer=None, emb_dim=300,
                         pad_idx=0, out_type='final_concat')

Produces character embeddings using Bidirectional LSTM.


alphabet_size: Length of character vocabulary.

emb_layer: Optional pre-trained embeddings initialized as torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained() or elsewise.

emb_dim: Character embedding dimensionality.

emb_dropout: Dropout for embedding layer. Default: 0.0 (no dropout).

pad_idx: Indices of padding element in character vocabulary.

out_type - defines what to get as a result after the BiLSTM. Possible values:
'final_concat' - concatenate final hidden states of forward and backward LSTM;
'final_mean' - take mean of final hidden states of forward and backward LSTM;
'all_mean' - take mean of all timeframes;
'all_max' - take maximum of all timeframes.


  • Input:
    x: [batch[seq[word[ch_idx + pad] + word[pad]]]]; torch.Tensor of shape :math:(N, S(padded), C(padded)), where N is batch_size, S is seq_len and C is max char_len in a word in current batch.
    lens: [seq[word_char_count]]; torch.Tensor of shape :math:(N, S(padded), C(padded)), word lengths for each sequence in batch. Used in masking & packing/unpacking sequences for LSTM.

  • Output: :math:(N, S, H) where N, S are the same shape as the input and :math:H = \text{lstm hidden size}.

NB: In LSTM layer, we ignore padding by applying mask to the tensor and eliminating all words of len = 0. After LSTM layer, initial dimensions are restored using the same mask.


from junky.layers CharEmbeddingCNN
layer = CharEmbeddingCNN(alphabet_size, emb_layer=None, emb_dim=300, emb_dropout=0.0,
                         pad_idx=0, kernels=[3, 4, 5], cnn_kernel_multiplier=1)

Produces character embeddings using multiple-filter CNN. Max-over-time pooling and ReLU are applied to concatenated convolution layers.


alphabet_size: Length of character vocabulary.

emb_layer: Optional pre-trained embeddings, initialized as torch.nn.Embedding.from_pretrained() or elsewise.

emb_dim: Character embedding dimensionality.

pad_idx: Indices of padding element in character vocabulary.

kernels: Convoluiton filter sizes for CNN layers.

cnn_kernel_multiplier: defines how many filters are created for each kernel size. Default: 1.


  • Input:
    x: [batch[seq[word[ch_idx + pad] + word[pad]]]]; torch.Tensor of shape :math:(N, S(padded), C(padded)), where N is batch_size, S is seq_len with padding and C is char_len with padding in current batch.
    lens: [seq[word_char_count]]; torch.Tensor of shape :math:(N, S, C), word lengths for each sequence in batch. Used for eliminating padding in CNN layers.

  • Output: :math:(N, S, E) where N, S are the same shape as the input and :math:E = \text{emb_dim}.


from junky.layers import HighwayNetwork
layer = HighwayNetwork(in_features, out_features=None,
                       U_layer=None, U_init_=None, U_dropout=0,
                       H_features=None, H_activation=F.relu, H_dropout=0,
                       gate_type='generic', global_highway_input=False,
layer(x, x_hw, *U_args, **U_kwargs)

Highway Network is described in Srivastava et al. and Srivastava et al. and it's formalation is: H(x)*T(x) + x*(1 - T(x)), where:

H(x) - affine trainsformation followed by a non-linear activation;
T(x) - transform gate: affine transformation followed by a sigmoid activation;
* - element-wise multiplication.

There are some variations of it, so we implement more universal architectute: U(x)*H(x)*T(x) + x*C(x), where:

U(x) - user defined layer that we make Highway around; By default, U(x) = I (identity matrix);
C(x) - carry gate: generally, affine transformation followed by a sigmoid activation. By default, C(x) = 1 - T(x).


in_features: number of features in input.

out_features: number of features in output. If None (default), out_features = in_features.

U_layer: layer that implements U(x). Default is None. If U_layer is callable, it will be used to create the layer; elsewise, we'll use it as is (if num_layers > 1, we'll copy it). Note that number of input features of U_layer must be equal to out_features if num_layers > 1.

U_init_: callable to inplace init weights of U_layer.

U_dropout: if non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of U(x) on each layer, with dropout probability equal to U_dropout. Default: 0.

H_features: number of input features of H(x). If None (default), H_features = in_features. If 0, don't use H(x).

H_activation: non-linear activation after H(x). If None, then no activation function is used. Default is F.relu.

H_dropout: if non-zero, introduces a Dropout layer on the outputs of H(x) on each layer, with dropout probability equal to H_dropout. Default: 0.

gate_type: a type of the transform and carry gates:
'generic' (default): C(x) = 1 - T(x);
'independent': use both independent C(x) and T(x);
'T_only': don't use carry gate: C(x) = I;
'C_only': don't use carry gate: T(x) = I;
'none': C(x) = T(x) = I.

global_highway_input: if True, we treat the input of all the network as the highway input of every layer. Thus, we use T(x) and C(x) only once. If global_highway_input is False (default), every layer receives the output of the previous layer as the highway input. So, T(x) and C(x) use different weights matrices in each layer.

num_layers: number of highway layers.

The .forward() method receives params as follows:

x and x_hw: inputs of the network. The first layer of the network executes formula: x = U(x)*H(x)*T(x_hw) + x_hw*C(x_hw). Next, if global_highway_input is False, x_hw = x. If True, then x_hw = x_hw*C(x_hw) and it's already won't change on the other layers. If x_hw is None, we adopt x_hw = x.

*U_args and **U_kwargs are params for U_layer if it needs ones.

Highway biLSTM

from junky.layers import HighwayBiLSTM
layer = HighwayBiLSTM(hw_num_layers, lstm_hidden_dim, lstm_num_layers,
    in_features, out_features, lstm_dropout,
    init_weight=True, init_weight_value=2.0, batch_first=True

Highway biLSTM model implementation, modified from from Original Article.


hw_num_layers: number of highway biLSTM layers.

in_features: number of features in input.

out_features: number of features in output.

lstm_hidden_dim: hidden dim for LSTM layer.

lstm_num_layers: number of LSTM layers.

lstm_dropout: dropout between 2+ LSTM layers.

init_weight: whether to init bilstm weights as xavier_uniform_

init_weight_value: bilstm weight initialization gain will be defined as np.sqrt(init_weight_value)`

batch_first: True if input.size(0) == batch_size.


x: input tensor of shape (N, S, in_features) or (S, N, in_features), where N == batch size. Please specify batch_first=True, is input tensor has shape (N, S, E).

lens: tensor of sequence lengths without padding.


Tensor of shape (N, S, out_features).