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Item12870: upgraded to latest DataTables
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MichaelDaum committed May 25, 2016
1 parent 1d3c8f2 commit 1eeb7be
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Showing 84 changed files with 7,979 additions and 6,881 deletions.
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142 changes: 88 additions & 54 deletions data/System/JQDataTablesPlugin.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="micha" comment="reprev" date="1459412123" format="1.1" reprev="4" version="4"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="micha" comment="reprev" date="1464182351" format="1.1" reprev="7" version="7"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -29,45 +29,89 @@ one. It is strongly recommended that you at least install [[Foswiki:Extensions/D


Using a %DATATABLE you can query a set of topics and display their structured data in a dynamic table. Results are best when querying structured data attached to your topics
as each formfield defined in the [[%SYSTEMWEB%.DataForms][DataForm]] directly correlates to a column in the generated table. In this case you may specify the form definition
in the =form= parameter and formfields in the =columns= parameter. The %DATATABLE will then use this information to properly display formfield values as well as sort columns
along the technical representation. For example a date formfield will properly be displayed according to your locale's date format while sorting by date uses date values represented
as epoch seconds.

Syntax: =%<nop>DATATABLE{"&lt;query>" parameter="..." parameter="..." ...}%=

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| =&lt;query>=, =query= | | |
| =class= | | |
| =width= | | |
| =web= | | |
| =form= | | |
| =paging=, =pager= | | |
| =scrolling=, =scroller= | | |
| =searching= | | |
| =searchmode= | | |
| =reverse= | | |
| =info= | | |
| =ordering= | | |
| =scrollx= | | |
| =scrolly= | | |
| =scrollcollapse= | | |
| =searchdelay= | | |
| =sort= | | |
| =lengthmenu= | | |
| =rows= | | |
| =columns= | | |
| =selecting= | | |
| =selectmode= | | |
| =selectproperty= | | |
| =selection= | | |
| =responsive= | | |
| =fixedheader= | | |
| =&lt;field-name>_title= | | |
| =&lt;field-name>_width= | | |
| =connector= | | |
| =&lt;query>=, =query= | specify a search query to filter rows on the server-side; NOTE: the query language might vary depending on the =connector= being used, e.g. =dbcache= vs =search= vs =solr= | |
| =connector= | connector to be used to fetch data dynamically from the backend; possible values are =search= (using Foswiki's native %SEARCH), =dbcache= (needs Foswiki:Extensions/DBCachePlugin), =solr= (needs Foswiki:Extensions/SolrPlugin), additional connectors may be implemented by plugins; NOTE: for general-purpose search =dbcache= is the best choice | defined in =$Foswiki::cfg{JQDataTablesPlugin}{DefaultConnector}= |
| =class= | additional css class to be added to the widget in addition to =foswikiTable= | |
| =width= | width of table, e.g. =100%= and the like | |
| =web= | web to query for data | current web |
| =form= | data form definition | |
| =paging=, =pager= | switch on/off paging data; NOTE: this parameter is deactivated when =scrolling= is specifed as well (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =pagelength=, =rows= | number of rows to be displayed when =paging= is enabled (see [[][docu]]) | =10= |
| =lengthmenu= | switches on a menu element to change the page length (see [[][docu]]) | =[10, 25, 50, 100]= |
| =scrolling=, =scroller= | switch on/off dynamic scrolling; data will be fetched from the backend as you are scrolling up and down; NOTE: this parameter disables =paging= as these two features are mutual exclusive | =off= |
| =searching= | switch on/off the global search box (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =searchmode= | defines how to search, either using one search box covering all columns (=global=), or using one search box per column (=multi=) | =global= |
| =searchdelay= | delay before changes in a search box will cause new data to be fetched from the backend | =400= |
| =sort= | specifies the column for initial ordering (see [[][docu]]) | first column |
| =reverse= | specifies the initial ordering direction | =off= |
| =info= | switch on/off the info about the number of rows in the set (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =ordering= | switch on/off the ability to sort the table by clicking on a column header (see [[][docu]]) | =on= |
| =scrollx= | switch on/off horizontal scrolling (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =scrolly= | specify vertical scrolling (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =scrollcollapse= | switch on/off collapsing of the table height on small data sets (see [[][docu]]) | =off= |
| =columns= | comma-separated list of formfield names to be displayed; see the notes on special columns below | all formfields of the !DataForm specified by =form= |
| =selecting= | switch on/off [[][select extension]] | |
| =selectproperty= | specifies the property of a row to be selected when =selection= is enabled | =topic= |
| =selectmode= | possible values are =os=, =single=, =multi=, this specifies the way a selection is made (see [[][docu]]) | =multi= |
| =responsive= | switch on/off [[][responsive extension]] | |
| =fixedheader= | switch on/off [[][fixed header extension]] | |
| =&lt;field-name>_title= | a column title for a given =field-name=, e.g. =ProjectState_title="State"= | name of the formfield as specified in =columns= |
| =&lt;field-name>_width= | column width for a given field, e.g. =ProjectID_width=5em= | |

---+++ Special column names

In general column names specified in the =columns= parameter of the %DATATABLE parameter directly relate to a formfield of an attached !DataForm. Values are displayed and sorted according the the type of
the formfield. There are however a few column names that have a special meaning or trigger an additional behavior on data in this column:

* =index=: this is an auto-generated column enumerating the rows in a table
* =Date=, =Changed=, =Modified=, =Created=,, =createdate=: these fields are all date fields and treated accordingly
* =Topic=: alias for =topic=
* =TopicTitle=: displays the !TopicTitle of a topic linking to it
* =By=, =Author=: alias for author of recent topic revision
* =Creator=: author if the initial topic revision
* =Worflow=: name of the workflow assigned to a topic
* A column name starting with a =/= (slash) will be excluded from any special treatment, i.e. =/Author= will _not_ be interpreted as the author of the recent topic revision, but as the =Author= formfield of a !DataForm (see below example).

---+++ Example

Below example lists all topics in the %SYSTEMWEB% web that have the [[%SYSTEMWEB%.PackageForm]] attached to it:

<verbatim class="tml">
lengthmenu="5, 10, 20, 50, 100"
columns="index, Topic, Description, Version, Release, /Author"

%IF{"context JQDataTablesPluginEnabled"
then="$percntINCLUDE{\"%WEB%.%TOPIC%\" section=\"example3\"}$percnt"

---++ HTML5
Adds paging, searching and formatting to your tables automatically - just add =%<!-- -->JQREQUIRE{"datatables"}%= to your topic or template,
and wrap your tables into a =.jqDataTablesContainer=.

A data table can also be applied to an already existing table enhancing it with additional features such as paging, client-side sorting, searching etc.
This is done by wrapping your tables into a =.jqDataTablesContainer= div element and specify additional parameters using HTML5 data attributes

<verbatim class="tml">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer" data-paginate="true" data-searching="true" data-info="true">
| *Header* | *Header* | *Header* | *Header* |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
Expand All @@ -76,24 +120,10 @@ and wrap your tables into a =.jqDataTablesContainer=.

Use jquery.metadata ={options}= to configure the !DataTable. See for a full list of all options.

Some useful parameters are:

| *Name* | *Description* | *Default* |
| aaSorting | an array specifying the columns to be sorted initially; e.g. ='aaSorting':[ [2,'asc'] ]= will sort the third column in ascending order | ='aaSorting':[ [0, 'asc'] ]= |
| aLengthMenu | an array of integers to chose from in the length select control | =[ 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 ]= |
| bFilter | switch on/off the filter control | false |
| bInfo | switch on/off the info control | false |
| bLengthChange | switch on/off the length select | false |
| bPaginate | switch on/off the paginate widget | false |
| iDisplayLength | number of rows to display initially | 10 |
| sPaginationType| ='full_numbers'= - a more verbose pager, or ='two_buttons'= - only a forward and backwards arrow | ='full_numbers'= |

Use this to enable additional controls for filtering and pagination:
See for a full list of all options.

<verbatim class="tml">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer {'bFilter':true, 'bInfo':true, 'bLengthChange': true, 'bPaginate':true }">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer" data-paginate="true" data-searching="true" data-info="true">
| *Header* | *Header* | *Header* | *Header* |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
| Data | Data | Data | Data |
Expand All @@ -102,18 +132,19 @@ Use this to enable additional controls for filtering and pagination:

Here's an example generating a table dynamically and then add a filter and pagination on top:
---++ Example
This example generates a table dynamically using a [[%SYSTEMWEB%.FormattedSearch]]:

%JQREQUIRE{"datatables" warn="off"}%
<verbatim class="tml">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer {'bFilter':true, 'bPaginate':true, 'bInfo':true }">
<div class="jqDataTablesContainer" data-paginate="true" data-searching="true" data-info="true">
header="| *Name* | *Date* | *Author* |"
format="| $topic | $date | $wikiname |"
format="| $topic | $date | $wikiusername |"
Expand All @@ -140,10 +171,10 @@ Click on the table headers to sort the columns according to their data type.
| *#* | *String* | *Date* | *Number* | *Currency* | *Size* |
| 3 | ActionTrackerPlugin | 27 Jan 2010 - 17:07 | 1 | 1,00 | 10KB |
| 1 | AntiWikiSpamPlugin | 03 Jan 2013 - 09:07 | 10 | 10,00 | 3GB |
| 2 | BibtexPlugin | 13 May 2012 - 02:59 | 0.01 | 1,01 | 100MB |
| 2 | RenderListPlugin | 13 May 2012 - 02:59 | 0.01 | 1,01 | 100MB |
| 5 | CommentPlugin | 10 Apr 2011 - 23:39 | 100 | 0,10 | 2024kB |
| 4 | FindElsewherePlugin | 23 Dec 2012 - 17:06 | 20 | 100,- | 0.1kB |
| 6 | FindElsewherePlugin | | 0 | -100,- | 1024TB |
| 6 | JsonRpcContrib | | 0 | -100,- | 1024TB |
Expand All @@ -159,6 +190,9 @@ Click on the table headers to sort the columns according to their data type.

---++ Change History
%TABLE{columnwidths="7em" tablewidth="100%"}%
| 25 May 2015: | updated to latest version of !DataTables |
| 22 Apr 2015: | implemented server-side grid widget |
| 18 Mar 2014: | remove =console.log()= leftover; improve sorting date columns |
| 09 Nov 2013: | implemented sorting for currency, and metrics |
| 08 Nov 2013: | make it work under ={NoConflict}=; \
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
Expand Up @@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ use Foswiki::Plugins::JQueryPlugin ();
use Foswiki::Func ();
use Foswiki::AccessControlException ();

our $VERSION = '2.99';
our $RELEASE = '2.99';
our $VERSION = '3.00';
our $RELEASE = '25 May 2016';
our $SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'JQuery based progressive enhancement of tables';

sub initPlugin {
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/JQDataTablesPlugin/
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,10 @@ sub column2Property {
my ( $this, $columnName ) = @_;

return unless defined $columnName;

# escape column name to disambiguate property names from formfield names
return $columnName if $columnName =~ s/^\///;

return $this->{propertyMap}{$columnName} || $columnName;

Expand Down
52 changes: 26 additions & 26 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/JQDataTablesPlugin/
Expand Up @@ -245,15 +245,17 @@ sub search {
my $propertyName = $this->column2Property($fieldName);
next if !$propertyName || $propertyName eq '#';

my $isEscaped = substr($fieldName, 0, 1) eq '/' ? 1:0;

my $cell = $db->expandPath( $topicObj, $propertyName );

if ( $propertyName eq 'index' ) {
if ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName eq 'index' ) {
$cell = {
"display" => "<span class='rowNumber'>$index</span>",
"raw" => $index,
elsif ( $propertyName =~
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName =~
/^(Date|Changed|Modified|Created|info\.date|createdate)$/ )
my $html =
Expand All @@ -268,23 +270,23 @@ sub search {
"raw" => Foswiki::Time::formatTime( $cell || 0 ),
elsif ( $propertyName eq 'topic' ) {
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName eq 'topic' ) {
$cell = {
"display" => "<a href='"
. Foswiki::Func::getViewUrl( $params{web}, $topic )
. "' style='white-space:nowrap'>$topic</a>",
"raw" => $topic,
elsif ( $propertyName eq 'topictitle' ) {
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName eq 'topictitle' ) {
$cell = {
"display" => "<a href='"
. Foswiki::Func::getViewUrl( $params{web}, $topic )
. "'>$cell</a>",
"raw" => $cell,
elsif ( $propertyName =~
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName =~
/^(Author|Creator|info\.author|createauthor)$/ )
my $topicTitle = Foswiki::Plugins::DBCachePlugin::getTopicTitle(
Expand All @@ -302,7 +304,7 @@ sub search {
"raw" => $cell || "",
elsif ( $propertyName =~ /(Image|Photo|Logo)/ ) {
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName =~ /(Image|Photo|Logo)/ ) {
my $url = $cell;
unless ( $url =~ /^(http:)|\// ) {
$url =
Expand All @@ -321,7 +323,7 @@ sub search {
"raw" => $cell || "",
elsif ( $propertyName =~ /^email$/i ) {
elsif ( !$isEscaped && $propertyName =~ /^email$/i ) {
my $html = $cell ? "<a href='mailto:$cell'>$cell</a>" : "";
$cell = {
"display" => $html,
Expand All @@ -335,27 +337,25 @@ sub search {
# try to render it for display
my $fieldDef = $formDef->getField($propertyName) if $formDef;

if ($fieldDef) {

# patch in a random field name so that they are different on each row
# required for older JQueryPlugins
my $oldFieldName = $fieldDef->{name};
$fieldDef->{name} .= int( rand(10000) ) + 1;

if ( $fieldDef->can("getDisplayValue") ) {
$html = $fieldDef->getDisplayValue($cell);
else {
$html =
$fieldDef->renderForDisplay( '$value(display)',
$cell, undef, $params{web}, $topic );
$html =
Foswiki::Func::expandCommonVariables( $html, $topic,
$params{web} );

# restore original name in form definition to prevent sideeffects
$fieldDef->{name} = $oldFieldName;
# patch in a random field name so that they are different on each row
# required for older JQueryPlugins
my $oldFieldName = $fieldDef->{name};
$fieldDef->{name} .= int(rand(10000)) + 1;

if ($fieldDef->can("getDisplayValue")) {
$html = $fieldDef->getDisplayValue($cell);
} else {
$html = $fieldDef->renderForDisplay('$value(display)', $cell, undef, $params{web}, $topic);

$html = Foswiki::Func::expandCommonVariables($html, $topic, $params{web});
$html = Foswiki::Func::renderText($html, $params{web}, $topic);

# restore original name in form definition to prevent sideeffects
$fieldDef->{name} = $oldFieldName;

$cell = {
Expand Down

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