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git-svn-id: 0b4bb1d4-4e5a-0410-9cc4-b2b747904278
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MichaelDaum authored and MichaelDaum committed Jan 8, 2009
1 parent 185540e commit 021f150
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Showing 7 changed files with 510 additions and 2 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions data/System/LdapNgPlugin.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" date="1167752717" format="1.1" version="$Rev: 1801 $"}%
---+!! <nop>%TOPIC%


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<table style="float:right">
<td><img src="%ATTACHURLPATH%/wikiringlogo40x40.png"></td>
<td><a href="" title="Make your Wiki ring!" style="text-decoration:none">
Powered by <br /> <nop>WikiRing Consultants </a>
This plugin provides an interface to query an LDAP directory and display the results in a <nop>WikiApplication
It is a complete rewrite of the Foswiki:Extensions/LdapPlugin by Gerard Hickey to provide
greater flexibility and performance based on the Foswiki:Extensions/LdapContrib package.

---++ Syntax Rules
---+++ LDAP
<verbatim>%LDAP{(filter=)"filter" ...}%</verbatim>
Query an LDAP directrory.

* =filter=: the LDAP query string
* =host=: host IP or name to connect to
* =port=: port to of the host
* =version=: protocol version; possible values: 2,3
* =ssl=: use ssl to bind to the server; possible values 0,1
* =base=: base dn of the (sub)tree to search in;
if =base= is written in brackets (e.g. 'base="(ou=people)"') then it is prepended to the default
base of the LdapContrib
* =scope=: scope of search; possible values: sub, base, one
* =format=: format string used to display a database record
* =header=: header to prepend the output; default: '$dn'
* =footer=: footer to appended to the output
* =sep=: separator between database records; default: '$n'
* =sort=: name of attributes to sort the output
* =reverse=: reverse the result set; possible values: on, off; default: off
* =limit=: maximum number of records to return; default: 0 (unlimited)
* =skip=: number of records in the hit set to skip before displaying them; default: 0
* =hidenull=: wether to hide any output on an empty hit set; possible values: on, off; default: off
* =clear=: comma separated list of attributes to be removed from the output if they are not resolved

Cgi Parameters:
* =refresh=: refresh the cache of blobs (i.e. jpegPhotos); possible values: on, off; default: off;
(right now only the jpegPhoto attribute is recognized as a blob)

The =header=, =format= and =footer= format strings may contain the following variables:
* $percnt: % sign
* $dollar: $ sign
* $n: newline
* $count: the number of hits
* $index: the record number
* $&lt;attr-name>: the value of the record attribute &lt;attr-name>

List all LDAP userinformation. Information is drawn from cache and not from
the LDAP server. Use =?refreshldap=on= to update.

* =format=: format string used to display a user record
* =header=: header to prepend the output
* =footer=: footer to appended to the output
* =sep=: separator between database records; default: '$n'
* =limit=: maximum number of records to return; default: 0 (unlimited)
* =skip=: number of records in the hit set to skip before displaying them; default: 0
* =include=: regular expression a user's <nop>WikiName must match to be included in the output
* =exclude=: regular expression a user's <nop>WikiName must not match
* =hideunknown=: on/off, enable/disable filtering out users that did not log in yet and thus
have no hometopic (e.g. created by Foswiki:Extensions/NewUsersPlugin), defaults to 'on'

The =format= string may contain the following variables:
* $percnt: % sign
* $dollar: $ sign
* $n: newline
* $index: the record number
* $wikiName: the user's <nop>WikiName
* $loginName: the user's login name
* $displayName: a link pointing to the users hometopic in the %MAINWEB% web, if it exists, and
'&lt;nop&gt;$wikiName' otherwise
* $emails: the list of all known email addresses

---++ Examples
header="| *Nr* | *Name* | *Mail* | *Photo* |$n"
format="| $index | $cn | $mail | <img src=\"$jpegPhoto\" alt=\"$cn\" title=\"$cn\" width=\"100px\"> |"
footer="$n<br/><font color='red'>$count users</font>"

header="| *Nr* | *Group* | *Members* |$n"
format="| $index | $cn | $memberUid |"


---++ Plugin Settings
<!-- provided for compatibility only
* Set SHORTDESCRIPTION = Query and display data from an LDAP directory

The %TOPIC% will use the default configuration of the LdapContrib in your =LocalSite.cfg= file, that is
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{Host} (overridable per query)
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{Port} (overridable per query)
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{Base} (overridable per query)
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{Version} (overridable per query)
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{SSL} (overridable per query)
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{BindDN}
* $Foswiki::cfg{Ldap}{BindPasswd}

---++ Plugin Installation Instructions

---++ Plugin Info
This work was partly funded by Spanlink Communications.
| Plugin Author: | Michael Daum |
| Copyright &copy;: | 2006-2009 Michael Daum |
| License: | GPL ([[][GNU General Public License]]) |
| Plugin Version: | v2.03 |
| Change History: | &nbsp; |
| 08 Jan 2009: | ported to foswiki |
| 12 Jun 2008: | fixed yet another "sep" problem |
| 13 Nov 2007: | fixed $nop |
| 01 Oct 2007: | added LDAPUSERS, lined up to changes in <nop>LdapContrib-2.0 |
| 04 June 2007: | don't convert from/to utf8 if the site charset is already utf8 |
| 18 Dec 2006: | added support for addresses as specified in RFC4517 |
| 04 Dec 2006: | map utf8 strings from LDAP to the site's encoding and vice versa |
| 30 Nov 2006: | replaced commonTagsHandler with a properly registered LDAP tag |
| 31 Aug 2006: | added NO_PREFS_IN_TOPIC |
| 19 Jul 2006: | public release |
| 25 April 2006: | Initial (internal) version |
| Perl Version: | 5.8 |
| Plugin Home: | Foswiki:Extensions/%TOPIC% |
| Feedback: | Foswiki:Extensions/%TOPIC%Dev |
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Plugin for Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki,
# Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Michael Daum
# Portions Copyright (C) 2006 Spanlink Communications
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version. For
# more details read LICENSE in the root of this distribution.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

package Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin;

use strict;

$VERSION = '$Rev: 1801 $';
$RELEASE = 'v2.02';
$SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'Query and display data from an LDAP directory';

sub initPlugin {
$isInitialized = 0;

Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler('LDAP', \&handleLdap);
Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler('LDAPUSERS', \&handleLdapUsers);
Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler('EMAIL2WIKINAME', \&handleEmailToWikiName);

# for testing only
return 1;

sub initCore {
return if $isInitialized;
require Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin::Core;;
$isInitialized = 1;

sub handleLdap {
return Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin::Core::handleLdap(@_);

sub handleLdapUsers {
return Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin::Core::handleLdapUsers(@_);

sub handleEmailToWikiName {
return Foswiki::Plugins::LdapNgPlugin::Core::handleEmailToWikiName(@_);


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