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Item14813: add FAVBUTTON to ease bookmarking
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Item14693: depend on new TopicTitlePlugin

 * add solr index handler to make individual list entries searchable
 * add importer to convert ...LeftBar topics to listies
 * docu dynamic listies in wiki apps
  • Loading branch information
MichaelDaum committed Jan 29, 2019
1 parent 6633bc5 commit 1cb12a6
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Showing 37 changed files with 2,025 additions and 716 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
Expand All @@ -10,3 +11,4 @@ pub/System/ListyPlugin/jquery.listy.css
145 changes: 140 additions & 5 deletions data/System/ListyPlugin.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
%META:TOPICINFO{author="micha" comment="reprev" date="1443685357" format="1.1" reprev="10" version="10"}%
%META:TOPICINFO{author="ProjectContributor" comment="" date="1548755206" format="1.1" version="1"}%
---+!! %TOPIC%

Expand All @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ same collection can be stored in separate topics.

---++ Usage

---+++ Simple
---+++ Create a Listy

Just type

Expand All @@ -45,6 +45,17 @@ To store "My Links" of the currently logged in user, use:

This will store the set of links organized by this widget into the user's profile page and have them in a "mylinks" collection.

---+++ Favorites button

The =%FAVBUTTON= macro lets add a topic to a listy. By default it adds the current topic to your "mylinks" collections (see above):

<verbatim class="tml">

Note that any "mylinks" listy on the same page will automatically be updated as you click on the favbutton. Clicking on it again
will remove it from the listy again.

---+++ Scrum Board
(with the help of [[Foswiki:Extensions/GridLayoutPlugin][GridLayoutPlugin]])

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,6 +86,62 @@ This will display three listies next to each
other, a "todo", an "inprogress" and a "done" listy. You will be able to create entries for each listy, assign them to one of the
collections and move them around using drag and drop.

---+++ Dynamic Listies

Listy entries may be generated based on a query over topics, for instance topics that have some kind of =TaskForm= attached to it:

<verbatim class="tml">
| *Name* | *Type* | *Size* | *Values* | *Description* | *Attributes* | *Default* |
| Summary | text | 80 | | | | |
| Owner | text | 20 | | | | |
| Status | radio | 5 | created, todo, inprogress, done | | | created |

Tasks are created as part of a wiki application and them might be managed using a scrum board extending above example:

<verbatim class="tml">
%BEGINGRID{gutter="1" border="off"}%
---++ Backlog
collections="created, todo, inprogress, done"
query="form='TaskForm' AND ! Status=~'\b(todo|inprogress|done)\b'"
---++ Todo
collections="created, todo, inprogress, done"
query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\btodo\b'"
---++ In progress
collections="created, todo, inprogress, done"
query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\binprogress\b'"
---++ Done
collections="created, todo, inprogress, done"
query="form='TaskForm' AND Status='\bdone\b'"

Note that each listy is of =type="query"= and thus prefilled by entries that refer to the found topics. The parameter =collection_formfield="Status"= then informs the listy
to alter the =Status= formfield of the related topic while an entry is dragged from one listy to the next.

---+++ Custom formatting

A listy can be integrated in a wiki application specifying a customized formatting for each listy item. Below
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,17 +174,18 @@ renders each topic in a listy by displaying an image and part of its [[%SYSTEMWE

---++ Syntax

---+++ LISTY
=%<nop>LISTY{"&lt;collection>" ...}%=

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| =topic= | | =%<nop>BASETOPIC%= |
| =topic= | location where all entries of this listy are stored | =%<nop>BASETOPIC%= |
| =collection= | the collection ID, can be just any string; leave it empty to refer to the "default" collection | =&lt;empty>= |
| =collections= | list of known collections stored at =topic=; this lets you move a listy item between collectiosn without having a drag'n drop | |
| =collection_formfield= | name of a formfield to be altered when dragging topic listies among collections | |
| =collection_value= | value to set a topic item's formfield to | collection |
| =hidenull= | boolean flag to hide the listy when there are no items in it | =false= |
| =showcollections= | boolean flag to show/hide the collections select box in the item editor | =true= |
| =sort= | sort listies using the specified property; possible values are =index=, =title=, =summary=, =date= | =index= |
| =sort= | sort listies using the specified property; possible values are =index=, =title=, =summary=, =date=, =topictitle= | =index= |
| =reverse= | boolean flag to reverse the sorting order as specified in =sort= | =off= |
| =types= | specify types of listy items, possible values are =topic=, =text=, =external= | =topic, text, external= |
| =autosave= | boolean flag to enable/disable saving changes automatically on every action; if switched off you will need to hit the "save" button to make any changes to the listy permanent; if switched on (default) any change will be stored immediately | =true= |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -165,6 +233,69 @@ There are a couple of additional variables that are used in the =listyplugin.tmp
| =$listyID= | id of the current listy |
| =$tml= | url-escaped TML used to render this listy; this is used to re-render the widget after an update |


| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| ="..."= or =source= | topic to be added to the listy | current user's profile page |
| =web=, =topic= | topic to be added to the list | current topic |
| =collection= | name of the listy collection to add the favorite to | mylisty |
| =favtext= | button text to be displayed when the source topic has not been favorited yet | %MAKETEXT{"Favorite"}% |
| =favicon= | button icon | fa-star-o |
| =favtitle= | button tooltip | %MAKETEXT{"Add to favorites"}% |
| =unfavtext= | button text to be displayed when the source topic has been favorited | %MAKETEXT{"Unavorite"}% |
| =unfavicon= | button icon | fa-star |
| =unfavtitle= | button tooltip | %MAKETEXT{"Remove from favorites"}% |
| =class= | css class to be added to the button element | |
| =style= | css styles to be added to the button element | |
| =animate= | animation to be added to the button, see [[%SYSTEMWEB%.VarJQICON]] | |
| =showlabel= | boolean flag to show/hide the button label | on |
| =showicon= | boolean flag to show/hide the button icon | on |


<verbatim class="tml">
class="foswikiLarge foswikiAlert"

<div class="%IF{"not context ListyPluginEnabled" then="foswikiHidden"}%">
class="foswikiLarge foswikiAlert"

---++ Importing standard =...<nop>LeftBar=

A standard Foswiki installation using !PatternSkin allows to store a custom sidebar for each user into a separate =<nop>...LeftBar= topic for each user.
These can be converted to a setup based on !ListyPlugin that stores those links into personal =mylinks= using a REST handler of the !ListyPlugin.
Use the following commandline:

<verbatim class="tml">
cd <foswiki-directory>
./rest /ListyPlugin/importSideBar param=value ...

| *Parameter* | *Description* | *Default* |
| =web= | user web to search for =...<nop>LeftBar= topics | %USERSWEB% |
| =suffix= | suffix of topics to search for | <nop>LeftBar |
| =include= | regular expressions of topics to include in the conversion process | |
| =exclude= | regular expressions of topics to prevent from being processed | |
| =debug= | boolean flag to enable debug outout | off |
| =verbose= | boolean flag to enable verbose progress output | off |
| =target= | target web to store create listy entries | %USERSWEB% |
| =collection= | collection name to store entries to | mylinks |

Note that the conversion process tries to clean up as good as possible entries in the ...<nop>LeftBar topics. However, as this is a free-form
topic any kind of content may be found, only some of it may be converted into a listy.

---++ Installation Instructions

Expand All @@ -174,6 +305,10 @@ There are a couple of additional variables that are used in the =listyplugin.tmp
---++ Change History

%TABLE{columnwidths="7em" tablewidth="100%"}%
| 29 Jan 2019: | added =%FAVBUTTON= macro; \
added solr index handler to make individual listy entries searchable; \
depend on !TopicTitlePlugin now |
| 02 Feb 2017: | added sidebar importer that allows to convert a <nop>WikiUserLeftBar to a listy |
| 23 Jan 2017: | new features: populate listies using a search query; \
change formfields of a topic behind a listy item drag&droping them between listies |
| 22 Sep 2015: | first final relase |
Expand All @@ -187,7 +322,7 @@ There are a couple of additional variables that are used in the =listyplugin.tmp
%META:FIELD{name="Release" title="Release" value="%25$RELEASE%25"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Description" title="Description" value="%25$SHORTDESCRIPTION%25"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Repository" title="Repository" value=""}%
%META:FIELD{name="Copyright" title="Copyright" value="&copy; 2015-2017 Michael Daum"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Copyright" title="Copyright" value="&copy; 2015-2019 Michael Daum"}%
%META:FIELD{name="License" title="License" value="[[][GPL (Gnu General Public License)]]"}%
%META:FIELD{name="Home" title="Home" value=""}%
%META:FIELD{name="Support" title="Support" value="Foswiki:Support/ListyPlugin"}%
82 changes: 62 additions & 20 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Plugin for Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki,
# ListyPlugin is Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Michael Daum
# ListyPlugin is Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Michael Daum
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ use Foswiki::Func ();
use Foswiki::Plugins ();
use Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib ();

our $VERSION = '2.00';
our $RELEASE = '23 Jan 2017';
our $VERSION = '3.00';
our $RELEASE = '29 Jan 2019';
our $SHORTDESCRIPTION = 'Fancy list manager';
our $core;
Expand All @@ -44,27 +44,57 @@ our $core;
sub initPlugin {

Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler('LISTY', \&LISTY);

Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib::registerMethod("ListyPlugin", "saveListyItem", sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcSaveListyItem(@_);

Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib::registerMethod("ListyPlugin", "deleteListyItem", sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcDeleteListyItem(@_);

Foswiki::Contrib::JsonRpcContrib::registerMethod("ListyPlugin", "saveListy", sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcSaveListy(@_);
Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler('FAVBUTTON', \&FAVBUTTON);

sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcSaveListyItem(@_);

sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcDeleteListyItem(@_);

sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->jsonRpcSaveListy(@_);

sub {
my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->restImportSideBar(@_);
authenticate => 1,
validate => 0,
http_allow => 'GET,POST',

if ($Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION > 2.0) {
my $metaDataName = $Foswiki::cfg{ListyPlugin}{MetaData} || 'LISTY';
Foswiki::Meta::registerMETA($metaDataName, alias => lc($metaDataName), many => 1);
Foswiki::Func::registerMETA($metaDataName, alias => lc($metaDataName), many => 1);

if ($Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SolrPlugin} && $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{SolrPlugin}{Enabled}) {
require Foswiki::Plugins::SolrPlugin;
Foswiki::Plugins::SolrPlugin::registerIndexTopicHandler(sub {
return getCore()->solrIndexTopicHandler(@_);

return 1;
Expand All @@ -86,7 +116,7 @@ sub finishPlugin {

sub getCore {
my $session = shift;
my $session = shift || $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION;

unless (defined $core) {
require Foswiki::Plugins::ListyPlugin::Core;
Expand All @@ -111,5 +141,17 @@ sub LISTY {
return getCore($session)->LISTY(@_);

=begin TML
---++ FAVBUTTON($session, $params, $theTopic, $theWeb) -> $string
stub for FAVBUTTON to initiate the core before handling the macro

my $session = shift;
return getCore($session)->FAVBUTTON(@_);


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