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Item14237: Finished documenting testing concepts
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vrurg committed Oct 20, 2017
1 parent f06d354 commit 2c476fd
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Showing 2 changed files with 194 additions and 51 deletions.
226 changes: 177 additions & 49 deletions UnitTestContrib/lib/Unit/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,48 +1,159 @@
# See bottom of file for license and copyright information

package Unit::PlackTestCase;
use v5.14;

=begin TML
---+ package Unit::PlackTestCase
---+!! class Unit::PlackTestCase
Testing %WIKITOOLNAME% with =Plack::Test=.
Testing %WIKITOOLNAME% with =[[CPAN:Plack::Test][Plack::Test]]=.
---++ Concepts
This class providing framework for testing %WIKITOOLNAME% with
package PlackViewTests;
use Assert;
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use Foswiki::Class;
extends qw(Unit::PlackTestCase);
around prepareTestClientList => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $this = shift;
my $tests = $orig->( $this, @_ );
push @$tests, (
# This is intentional use of client-prefixed function to demonstrate
# both methods of defining a test. What makes these tests different
# is initRequest key.
client => \&clientSimple,
name => 'probe',
initRequest => sub {
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $app = $args{serverApp};
$app->cfg->data->{UsersWebName} = 'Sandbox';
return $tests;
sub clientSimple {
my $this = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $test = $args{plackTestObj};
my $expected =
'<h1 id="Welcome_to_the_Main_web"> Welcome to the Main web </h1>
Congratulations, you have finished installing Foswiki.
my $res = $test->request( GET "/" );
my $content = $res->content;
$this->assert_html_matches( $expected, $content );
Expected output (irrelevant text is replaced with =[...]=):
$ perl $FOSWIKI_HOME/test/bin/ -clean PlackViewTests
Running PlackViewTests
Unit test run Summary:
All tests passed (2)
---+++ Concepts
This class provides framework for testing %WIKITOOLNAME% with
=[[CPAN:Plack::Test][Plack::Test]]=. It must be subclassed to create a test
case. In turn, it subclasses _Unit::TestCase_ and as such inherits most of its
---+++ List of tests
The framework operates with simple OO interface of =Plack::Test=. Upon
transferring control to a test sub it passes a =Plack::Test= object as a
A test developer needs to clearly understand that the framework operates with
two major levels: the actual test code and an application in simulated server
environment. The latter is actually created by =Plack::Test= every time its
=request()= method is called. !PlackTestCase takes special measures to get the
test application properly initialized and to allow the test developer to define
the application's parameters.
It is no less important to remember that with certain =Plack::Test= backends
(MockHTTP, in particular) it is possible for two application objects to exist in
memory simultaneously. One of them would the application responsible to running
the test code and the other is the one processing the test request. To
understand the implications of this situation read about =$Foswiki::app= and
=%Foswiki::cfg= globals in %PERLDOC{"Foswiki::App"}% and
%PERLDOC{"Foswiki::Config"}% docuemntations. An example of possible confusion
would a case where content of =%Foswiki::cfg= hash referenced in a =client=
sub (see %PERLDOC{attr="testClientList"}% below) would differ from that in
=initRquest= sub; or when changes made by =initRequest= sub wouldn't be later
seen by the =client= sub. As it is stated in Foswiki's coding guidelines,
those globs are to be avoided anyway as they're only provided to ease porting
of the old style plugin.
Keeping the last two paragraphs in mind it would worth reminding that =$app=
in =initRequest= from SYSNOPSIS section and =$this->app= in =clientSimple()=
method are two different objects.
---++++ List Of Tests
A test within test case can be defined in two ways. The first one is similar to
=Unit::TestCase= behaviour of looking for functions with =test= prefix. Except
that a Plack test case function must be prefixed with =client=. The different
prefix is here to avoid messing up with =Unit::TestCase= because this
framework's tests are called with different parameters.
The other way is to override method
=[[#PrepareTestClientList][prepareTestClientList()]]= and define your own list
of tests. Each test in the list is defined by a hash of its properties. See
=[[#testClientList][testClientList]]= object attribute description to read about
that a Plack test case function must be prefixed with _client_. The different
prefix is here to avoid messing up with =Unit::TestCase= because tests of this
framework are called with different parameters. In the output the prefix _client_
is replaced with _test__ for being consistent with the standard.
The other way is to override method =%PERLDOC{method="prepareTestClientList"}%=
and define your own list of tests. Each test in the list is defined by a hash of
properties. See =%PERLDOC{"Unit::PlackTestCase" attr="testClientList"}%= object
attribute description to learn about them.
The SYNOPSIS section displays both approaches in a single test case: same method
=clientSimple()= gets called twice producing two test names in the script
output: _test_Simple_ and _test_probe_. Apparently the first one is made of the
method name; and the second is formed from a %PERLDOC{attr="testClientList"}%
element name.
---+++ Initialization/deinitialization of tests
---++++ Initialization/Deinitialization Of Tests
In addition to =Unit::TestCase= =set_up()= and =tear_down()= methods this
framework provide additional layers of initialization/deinitialization. Those
are =initTest/shutdownTest= and =initRequest/shutdownRequest=. Their use is
In addition to =%PERLDOC{"Unit::TestCase" method="set_up"}%= and
=%PERLDOC{"Unit::TestCase" method="tear_down"}%= methods this framework provides
additional layers of initialization/deinitialization. Those are
=initTest/shutdownTest= and =initRequest/shutdownRequest=. Their use is
preferred because they provide better per-test support.
The reason for separate init/deinit methods lies in the fact =Plack::Test= actually
create a new application instance for each request being executed. This means different
run time environments for the test code and the application code processing the request.
The reason for separate init/deinit methods lies in the fact =Plack::Test=
actually create a new application object for each request being executed. This
means different run-time environments for the test code and the application code
processing the request.
=initTest/shutdownTest= are executed right before and after the client (test) function is called.
=initTest/shutdownTest= are executed right before and after the client (test)
function is called.
=initRequest= is executed as early as possible in =Foswiki::App= object
construction stage. Practically it means it's initiated using =postConfig=
Expand All @@ -51,6 +162,12 @@ before any other =Foswiki::App= subsystem is initialized. This allows us to
patch the config in a way we require and have the effect we desire in simpliest
way possible.
: %X% <em>The =postConfig= callback must not be overriden via
=%PERLDOC{attr="testClientList"}%= =appParams=. Same applies to
%PERLDOC{"Unit::TestApp"}% =testPostHandleRequest= callback. Those are used
internally by this framework. Whatever one would like to do with these
callbacks must be done with =initRequest/shutdownRequest=.</em>
=shutdownRequest= is executed right after the request has been processed and
before response is been returned.
Expand All @@ -59,8 +176,8 @@ both test and application environments creating semi-permanent sandbox which
simulates a real-life case of a session in action.
For each of the four init/deinit stages there is a key in test profile hash with
the same name. The key must be a code ref allowing easy adjustments being made
on a per-test level. In other words, instead of writing somethingl like this:
the same name. The key must be a code ref allowing easy adjustments on a
per-test level. In other words, instead of writing somethingl like this:
around initRequest => sub {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,11 +213,10 @@ around prepareTestClientList => sub {
return $tests;
This way it is much easier to control all test-specific details.
It is much easier to control all test-specific details in this way.

use Plack::Test;
Expand All @@ -116,8 +232,13 @@ with qw(Foswiki::Util::Localize Unit::FoswikiTestRole);

=begin TML
---++ ObjectAttribute testClientList : arrayref

=begin TML
---+++ ObjectAttribute testClientList : arrayref
List of hashrefs with test parameters. Each hash ref may have the following keys:
Expand All @@ -127,12 +248,15 @@ Keys:
| =name= | _required_ | Test name. Must be a valid Perl identifier. | |
| =client= | _required_ | Reference to the test sub. | |
| =appClass= | | Defines class of application object. | =Unit::TestApp= |
| =appParams= | | Hash of application constructor parameters. See the application class documentation. | ={}= |
| =appParams= | | Hash of application constructor parameters. See the \
application class documentation. | ={}= |
| =appSub= | | Coderef to PSGI application sub. Normally to be skipped as the \
framework generates a default one for you. |
| =initTest= | | Coderef to test-specific init sub | |
| =shutdownTest= | | Coderef to test-specific deinitialize sub | |
| =initRequest= | | Coderef to test-specific request init sub | |
| =shutdownRequest= | | Coderef to test-specific request deinitialize sub | |
| =adminUser= | | Default admin user defined by a hashref of =wikiname=, =login=, =group= keys. | See =Unit::FoswikiTestRole= =setupAdminUser()= method. |
| =adminUser= | | Default admin user defined by a hashref of =wikiname=, =login=, =group= keys. | See =%PERLDOC{"Unit::FoswikiTestRole" method="setupAdminUser"}%= method. |
| =testWebs= | | Hash of webs to create for this test. Keys define web names. Values are hashes of ='TopicName' => "Topic Text"= pairs. | |
| =testUsers= | | List of users to create for this test. Elements are hashes with keys =login=, =forename=, =surname=, =email=, =group= describing each user. | |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,7 +339,7 @@ has testClientList => (

=begin TML
---++ ObjectAttribute defaultAppClass
---+++ ObjectAttribute defaultAppClass
Default name of the class to instantiate the application object.
Expand All @@ -230,6 +354,12 @@ has defaultAppClass => (
default => 'Unit::TestApp',

=begin TML

around set_up => sub {
my $orig = shift;
my $this = shift;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -265,7 +395,7 @@ sub _execPerTestStageCode {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod initTest(%args)
---+++ ObjectMethod initTest(%args)
This methods gets called right before every individual test is been run.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,7 +478,7 @@ sub initTest {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod shutdownTest(%args)
---+++ ObjectMethod shutdownTest(%args)
This method is been called right after each individual test finishes. =%args=
keys are the same as in =initTest()=.
Expand All @@ -367,10 +497,10 @@ sub shutdownTest {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod initRquest( %args )
---+++ ObjectMethod initRquest( %args )
This method is called in server context upon every request. See the section
about [[#InitDeinit][initialization/deinitialization]].
about %PERLDOC{anchor="InitDeinit" text="initialization/deinitialization"}%.
=%args= contains following keys:
Expand All @@ -386,7 +516,7 @@ about [[#InitDeinit][initialization/deinitialization]].
=testClientList= attribute description. |
Note that this method is called on the test case object and =$this->app= points
to test case's application instance which is different from =serverApp= key.
to test case's application object which is different from =serverApp= key.

Expand All @@ -406,7 +536,7 @@ sub initRequest {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod shutdownRequest( %args )
---+++ ObjectMethod shutdownRequest( %args )
This methods is called when request processing is finished right before sending
back a response.
Expand All @@ -423,7 +553,7 @@ sub shutdownRequest {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod list_tests() => @tests
---+++ ObjectMethod list_tests() => @tests
Completely overrides =list_tests()= from =Unit::TestCase=. Prepares tests using
=testClientList= attribute.
Expand All @@ -445,9 +575,7 @@ around list_tests => sub {
$this->assert_not_null( $clientHash->{client},
"client $clientHash->{name} code is undefined" );

unless ( defined $clientHash->{appSub} ) {
$clientHash->{appSub} = $this->_genDefaultAppSub($clientHash);
$clientHash->{appSub} //= $this->_genDefaultAppSub($clientHash);
my $testSubName = "test_" . $clientHash->{name};
unless ( $suite->can($testSubName) ) {
no strict 'refs';
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -477,8 +605,7 @@ around list_tests => sub {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod prepareTestClientList() => @testList
---+++ ObjectMethod prepareTestClientList() => @testList
=testClientList= object attribute initializer.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -555,7 +682,7 @@ sub _genDefaultAppSub {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod writeTopic( $web, $topic, $text ) => $topicObject
---+++ ObjectMethod writeTopic( $web, $topic, $text ) => $topicObject
Simple shortcut for creating a topic defined by =$web= and =$topic= using
Expand All @@ -577,7 +704,7 @@ sub writeTopic {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod findHTMLTag( $html, %criteria ) => $matchedEntity
---+++ ObjectMethod findHTMLTag( $html, %criteria ) => $matchedEntity
Simple search for a particular tag in HTML page in =$html= parameter.
=%criteria= hash must contain mandatory key =tag= which defines HTML entity to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -765,9 +892,10 @@ sub setLocalizableAttributes {

=begin TML
---++ See Also
=Foswiki::Util::Localize=, =Unit::FoswikiTestRole=, =Plack::Test=,
=%PERLDOC{"Foswiki::Util::Localize"}%=, =%PERLDOC{"Unit::FoswikiTestRole"}%=,
Expand Down

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