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Item13897: Continue adaptation to the new Foswiki::App
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
- Foswiki::UI::View is now Foswiki::UI descendant.

- Since is not used ouside of Foswiki::App it's create() method
has been removed to maintain transparent meaning for this method across all
core codebase.

- Static method Foswiki::_gzipAccepted is now an attribute of engine class.

- Macro subs has been moved from Foswiki namespace to Foswiki::Macros.

- Macro classes are now descendants of Foswiki::AppObject.

- web and topic attributes of Foswiki::Request are now set to some default
values when not defined by request.

- normalizeWebTopicName is now object method of Foswiki::Request.

- All Foswiki::UI::check*() are now object methods.
  • Loading branch information
vrurg committed Apr 11, 2016
1 parent cca8703 commit 74b0669
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Showing 72 changed files with 599 additions and 553 deletions.
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions PlainFileStoreContrib/lib/Foswiki/Store/
Expand Up @@ -861,9 +861,9 @@ sub remove {

# Implement Foswiki::Store
sub query {
my ( $this, $query, $inputTopicSet, $session, $options ) = @_;
my ( $this, $query, $inputTopicSet, $app, $options ) = @_;

my $engine;
my $searchEngine;
if ( $query->isa('Foswiki::Query::Node') ) {
unless ( $this->has_queryObj ) {
my $module = $Foswiki::cfg{Store}{QueryAlgorithm};
Expand All @@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ sub query {
$this->queryObj( $module->new() );
$engine = $this->queryObj;
$searchEngine = $this->queryObj;
else {
ASSERT( $query->isa('Foswiki::Search::Node') ) if DEBUG;
Expand All @@ -900,11 +900,11 @@ sub query {
$this->searchQueryObj( $module->new() );
$engine = $this->searchQueryObj;
$searchEngine = $this->searchQueryObj;

no strict 'refs';
return $engine->query( $query, $inputTopicSet, $session, $options );
return $searchEngine->query( $query, $inputTopicSet, $app, $options );
use strict 'refs';

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1233,9 +1233,8 @@ sub _readChanges {
$entry->{topic} = $2;
$entry->{user} =
? $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->{users}
->getWikiName( $entry->{cuid} )
? $Foswiki::app->users->getWikiName( $entry->{cuid} )
: $entry->{cuid};
$entry->{more} =
( $entry->{minor} ? 'minor ' : '' ) . ( $entry->{comment} || '' );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1270,8 +1269,8 @@ sub _readChanges {
$row{minor} = ( $row{more} =~ m/minor/ );
$row{cuid} =
? $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->users->getCanonicalUserID( $row{user} )
? $Foswiki::app->users->getCanonicalUserID( $row{user} )
: $row{user};
$row{path} = $web;
$row{path} .= ".$row{topic}" if $row{topic};
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ sub eachGroupMember {

if ( !$expanding{$group}
&& $app->topicExists( $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName}, $group ) )
&& $app->store->topicExists( $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName}, $group ) )
$expanding{$group} = 1;

Expand Down
239 changes: 0 additions & 239 deletions core/lib/
Expand Up @@ -105,16 +105,6 @@ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(%regex);

has access => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
clearer => 1,
predicate => 1,
default => sub {
require Foswiki::Access;
return Foswiki::Access->create( $_[0] );
has attach => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,16 +205,6 @@ has search => (
return Foswiki::Search->new( session => $_[0] );
has templates => (
is => 'ro',
lazy => 1,
predicate => 1,
clearer => 1,
default => sub {
require Foswiki::Templates;
return Foswiki::Templates->new( session => $_[0] );
has topicName => (
is => 'rw',
clearer => 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -927,122 +907,6 @@ BOGUS

sub _gzipAccepted {
my $encoding;
if ( ( $ENV{'HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING'} || '' ) =~
/(?:^|\b)((?:x-)?gzip)(?:$|\b)/ )
$encoding = $1;
elsif ( $ENV{'SPDY'} ) {
$encoding = 'gzip';
return $encoding;

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod satisfiedByCache( $action, $web, $topic ) -> $boolean
Try and satisfy the current request for the given web.topic from the cache, given
the current action (view, edit, rest etc).
If the action is satisfied, the cache content is written to the output and
true is returned. Otherwise ntohing is written, and false is returned.
Designed for calling from Foswiki::UI::*

sub satisfiedByCache {
my ( $this, $action, $web, $topic ) = @_;

my $cache = $this->cache;
return 0 unless $cache;

my $cachedPage = $cache->getPage( $web, $topic ) if $cache;
return 0 unless $cachedPage;

Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("found $web.$topic for $action in cache")
if Foswiki::PageCache::TRACE();
if ( int( $this->response->status() || 200 ) >= 500 ) {
"Cache retrieval skipped due to non-200 status code "
. $this->response->status() )
return 0;
Monitor::MARK("found page in cache");

my $hdrs = { 'Content-Type' => $cachedPage->{contenttype} };

# render uncacheable areas
my $text = $cachedPage->{data};

if ( $cachedPage->{isdirty} ) {
$cache->renderDirtyAreas( \$text );

# dirty pages are cached in unicode
$text = encode_utf8($text);
elsif ( $Foswiki::cfg{HttpCompress} ) {

# Does the client accept gzip?
if ( my $encoding = _gzipAccepted() ) {

# Cache has compressed data, just whack it out
$hdrs->{'Content-Encoding'} = $encoding;
$hdrs->{'Vary'} = 'Accept-Encoding';

# Mark the response so we know it was satisfied from the cache
$hdrs->{'X-Foswiki-PageCache'} = 1;
else {
# e.g. CLI request satisfied from the cache, or old browser that doesn't
# support gzip. Non-isdirty pages are cached already utf8-encoded, so
# all we have to do is unzip.
require Compress::Zlib;
$text = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip( $cachedPage->{data} );
} # else { Non-isdirty pages are stored already utf8-encoded }

# set status
my $response = $this->response;
if ( $cachedPage->{status} == 302 ) {
$response->redirect( $cachedPage->{location} );
else {

# See Item9941
# Don't allow a 200 status to overwrite a status (possibly an error status)
# coming from elsewhere in the code. Note that 401's are not cached (they
# fail Foswiki::PageCache::isCacheable) but all other statuses are.
# SMELL: Cdot doesn't think any other status can get this far.
$response->status( $cachedPage->{status} )
unless int( $cachedPage->{status} ) == 200;

# set remaining headers
$text = undef unless $this->setETags( $cachedPage, $hdrs );

# send it out
$response->body($text) if defined $text;

Monitor::MARK('Wrote HTML');
level => 'info',
action => $action,
webTopic => $web . '.' . $topic,
extra => '(cached)',

return 1;

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod setCacheControl( $pageType, \%hopts )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1494,55 +1358,6 @@ sub isValidEmailAddress {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod getSkin () -> $string
Get the currently requested skin path

sub getSkin {
my $this = shift;

my @skinpath;
my $skins;

if ( $this->request ) {
$skins = $this->request->param('cover');
if ( defined $skins
&& $skins =~ m/([[:alnum:].,\s]+)/ )

# Implicit untaint ok - validated
$skins = $1;
push( @skinpath, split( /,\s]+/, $skins ) );

$skins = $this->prefs->getPreference('COVER');
if ( defined $skins
&& $skins =~ m/([[:alnum:].,\s]+)/ )

# Implicit untaint ok - validated
$skins = $1;
push( @skinpath, split( /[,\s]+/, $skins ) );

$skins = $this->request ? $this->request->param('skin') : undef;
$skins = $this->prefs->getPreference('SKIN') unless $skins;

if ( defined $skins && $skins =~ m/([[:alnum:].,\s]+)/ ) {

# Implicit untaint ok - validated
$skins = $1;
push( @skinpath, split( /[,\s]+/, $skins ) );

return join( ',', @skinpath );

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod getScriptUrl( $absolute, $script, $web, $topic, ... ) -> $scriptURL
Returns the URL to a Foswiki script, providing the web and topic as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1727,60 +1542,6 @@ sub deepWebList {

=begin TML
---++ ObjectMethod normalizeWebTopicName( $web, $topic ) -> ( $web, $topic )
Normalize a Web<nop>.<nop>TopicName
See =Foswiki::Func= for a full specification of the expansion (not duplicated
*WARNING* if there is no web specification (in the web or topic parameters)
the web defaults to $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName}. If there is no topic
specification, or the topic is '0', the topic defaults to the web home topic
*WARNING* if the input topic name is tainted, then the output web and
topic names will be tainted.

sub normalizeWebTopicName {
my ( $this, $web, $topic ) = @_;

ASSERT( defined $topic ) if DEBUG;

#SMELL: Item12567: Writing the separator as a character class for some reason
# taints all the results including the data ouside the character class..
if ( defined $topic && $topic =~ m{^(.*)(?:\.|/)(.*?)$} ) {
$web = $1;
$topic = $2;

if ( DEBUG && !UNTAINTED( $_[2] ) ) {

# retaint data untainted by RE above
$web = TAINT($web);
$topic = TAINT($topic);
$web ||= $cfg{UsersWebName};
$topic ||= $cfg{HomeTopicName};

# MAINWEB and TWIKIWEB expanded for compatibility reasons
while (
$this->_expandMacroOnTopicRendering( $1 ) || ''/e

# Normalize web name to use / and not . as a subweb separator
$web =~ s#\.#/#g;

return ( $web, $topic );

=begin TML
---++ StaticMethod load_package( $full_package_name )
Will cleanly load the package or fail. This is better than 'eval "require $package"'.
Expand Down

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