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Item13182: Item252: Item10242: Unit tests
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Add unit tests for render escaping issues.
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gac410 committed Jan 4, 2015
1 parent d81c299 commit a2cfc64
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 0 deletions.
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions UnitTestContrib/test/unit/
Expand Up @@ -327,6 +327,131 @@ EXPECTED


sub test_EscapeInStyles {
my $this = shift;


#need to be in view script context for tooltips to be processed.
Foswiki::Func::getContext()->{view} = 1;

my $topicText = <<TOPIC;
<style type="text/css">
.cell_red { background-color: #f44 !important; }
.cell_yellow { background-color: #ff4 !important; }
.cell_green { background-color: #4f4 !important; }
Some other text

my ($topicObject) =
Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $this->{test_web}, $this->{test_topic} );

my $rendered =
Foswiki::Func::renderText( $topicObject->text(), $topicObject->web,
$topicObject->topic );

my $tml = $topicObject->renderTML( $topicObject->text() );

$this->assert_str_equals( $topicText, $tml . "\n" );


sub test_GeneralEscaping {
my $this = shift;


#need to be in view script context for tooltips to be processed.
Foswiki::Func::getContext()->{view} = 1;

my $topicText = <<'TOPIC';
* WebPreferences
* !WebPreferences
* (!WebPreferences)
* %RED%
* !%RED%
* (!%RED%)
* notAWikiWord
* !notAWikiWord
* (!notAWikiWord)
* !
* (!
* <code> A != B </code>
* !WEB%.!%TOPIC%
* !*Bold* *Bold*
* !=Code= =Code=
* !_Italics_ _Italics_
Some other text

my ($topicObject) =
Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $this->{test_web}, $this->{test_topic} );

my $scriptUrl =
Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $this->{test_web}, $this->{test_topic},
'view' );
$scriptUrl =~ s/\/$this->{test_topic}//; # Remove the topic

my $expanded = Foswiki::Func::expandCommonVariables(
$topicObject->text(), $topicObject->topic,
$topicObject->web, $topicObject
my $rendered =
Foswiki::Func::renderText( $expanded, $topicObject->web,
$topicObject->topic );

$this->assert_html_equals( <<"EXPECTED", $rendered . "\n" );
<li> <a href="${scriptUrl}/WebPreferences">WebPreferences</a>
</li> <li> <nop>WebPreferences
</li> <li> (<nop>WebPreferences)
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <span class='foswikiRedFG'>
</li> <li> &#37;RED%
</li> <li> (!<span class='foswikiRedFG'>)
<p></p> <ul>
<li> notAWikiWord
</li> <li> <nop>notAWikiWord
</li> <li> (<nop>notAWikiWord)
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <a href="mailto&#58;joe&#64;example&#46;com">joe&#64;</a>
</li> <li> <nop>joe\
</li> <li> (<nop>joe\
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <code> A <nop>= B </code>
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <a href="${scriptUrl}/TestTopicRenderTests">TestTopicRenderTests</a>
</li> <li> <nop>WEB%.!TestTopicRenderTests
<p></p> <ul>
<li> <nop>*Bold* <strong>Bold</strong>
</li> <li> <nop>=Code= <code>Code</code>
</li> <li> <nop>_Italics_ <em>Italics</em>
Some other text


sub _cut_the_crap {

#from Fn_SEARCH::cut_the_crap
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