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The Either data type

The Either data type is a powerful and flexible tool for handling potentially failed computations in functional programming. It can be found in the @fp-ts/core/Either module, and it has two variants, Left and Right, which can be used to represent different outcomes.

The Left variant is used to represent a failure, and it can contain useful information such as an error message or a failure code. The Right variant, on the other hand, is used to represent a successful outcome, and it can contain the result of the computation.

Unlike the Option type, Either allows you to attach additional information to the failure case, making it more informative. In this usage, None is replaced with a Left which can contain useful information. Right takes the place of Some.


The Either data type is the union of two members: Left and Right. The way chosen by the @fp-ts/core library to model this union in TypeScript is to use a feature of the language called Discriminating Unions.

A common technique for working with unions is to have a single field which uses literal types which you can use to let TypeScript narrow down the possible current type

By convention in @fp-ts/core, this single field which uses literal types is named "_tag" (but you can use any name when defining your unions).

Furthermore, Either is a "polymorphic" data type, that is, it makes use of a feature of TypeScript named "Generics", meaning that the Either data type is a container that can hold any type.

Here's the complete definition of the Either type:

// Holds the information for a failure case
export type Left<E> = {
  // Discriminating field used to identify the variant
  readonly _tag: "Left";
  // The actual error
  readonly left: E;

// Holds the result of a successful computation
export type Right<A> = {
  // Discriminating field used to identify the variant
  readonly _tag: "Right";
  // The actual value
  readonly right: A;

export type Either<E, A> = Left<E> | Right<A>;

The Either data type is defined as a union of two other types, Left and Right, that represent the two possible outcomes of a computation: a failure or a success.

The type parameters E and A are used to specify the type of the failure value and the success value that the Either holds respectively.

The _tag field is used to distinguish between the two variants, Left and Right.

Using Either

To create an instance of Either, you can use the right and left constructors, which construct a new Either holding a Right or Left value respectively.

import { left, right } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const success: Either<string, number> = right(1);
const failure: Either<string, number> = left("error message");

Let's summarize the two cases in a table:

Cheat sheet (constructors)

Name Given To
right A Either<never, A>
left E Either<E, never>


You can also use the fromOption function to convert an Option to an Either.

import { Either, fromOption } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";
import { none, some } from "@fp-ts/core/Option";

const success: Either<string, number> = fromOption(
  () => "error message"
const failure: Either<string, number> = fromOption(
  () => "error message"

The fromOption function requires a second argument because it needs to know what value to use for the Left variant of the Either type when given a None. In the example, the argument "error message" is used as the value for the Left variant when None is encountered. This allows Either to provide more information about why a failure occurred.

Cheat sheet (conversions)

Name Given To Note
fromOption Option<A>, onNone: LazyArg<E> Either<E, A>
toOption Either<E, A> Option<A>
getRight Either<E, A> Option<A> alias of toOption
getLeft Either<E, A> Option<E>
toRefinement A => Either<E, B> Refinement<A, B>
fromIterable Iterable<A>, onEmpty: LazyArg<E> Either<E, A>
toArray Either<E, A> Array<A>

Working with Either

Once you have an instance of Either, you can use the various functions provided in the @fp-ts/core/Either module to work with it.

The map function can be used to transform the Right values:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, right, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const success: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  map((x) => x + 1)
); // right(2)

As you can see you can transform the result of your computation without unwrapping and wrapping the underlying value of Either.

What is very convenient about Either is how the absence of value (i.e. a Left) is handled. See the example below:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, left, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const failure: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  // tries to map the value inside the `Right`, but it does not exist, resulting in `Left`
  map((x) => x + 1)

As you can see, even though we started with a Left value, we can still operate on our Either. No errors are thrown or shown to the user, unless we do it intentionally. What happens is that when the Either is Left, the mapping doesn't even happen and the Left value representing the failed computation is returned unchanged.

In case you want to map the value contained in the Left, for example to change the type of error you want to express, you can use the mapLeft API which acts like map but this time on the Left part of an Either:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, left, mapLeft } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const failure: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  left("error message"),
  mapLeft((x) => x + "!")
); // left("error message!")

Handling failing computations

Let's see how to use the Either data type to model a computation that can fail, such as a function that can throw an exception based on certain conditions. Let's take the case of the following function:

function parseNumber(s: string): number {
  const n = parseFloat(s);
  if (isNaN(n)) {
    throw new Error(`Cannot parse '${s}' as a number`);
  return n;

An alternative to throwing an exception is to always return a value, but this value will be of type Either<string, number> instead of number, with the following interpretation:

  • if parseNumber returns a Left<string> value, it means that the computation failed, and the Left contains an error message or other information about the failure
  • if the result is instead a Right<number> value, it means that the computation succeeded and the computed value is wrapped inside the Right

Let's see how we can rewrite the parseNumber function without throwing exceptions and using the Either data type instead:

import { Either, left, right } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

function parseNumber(s: string): Either<string, number> {
  const n = parseFloat(s);
  return isNaN(n) ? left(`Cannot parse '${s}' as a number`) : right(n);

console.log(parseNumber("2")); // right(2)
console.log(parseNumber("Not a number")); // left("Cannot parse 'Not a number' as a number")

What happens if we add a call to the parseNumber function to a pipeline that already involves an Either?

const result = pipe(
  map((s) => parseNumber(s)),
  map((n) => n2) // type-checker error!

There's something wrong, we received an error from the type checker, what happened?

The problem is that in the second map the parameter n is of type Either<string, number> and not number.

const result = pipe(
  map((s) => parseNumber(s)),
  map((x: Either<string, number>) => ...)

Fortunately, the fix is simple, when adding a computation that returns an Either to our pipeline we should use the flatMap function instead of the map function:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { right, flatMap, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const result = pipe(
  flatMap((s) => parseNumber(s)),
  map((n) => n2) // ok! now `n` has type `number`

Let's summarize the two cases in a table:

Cheat sheet (sequencing)

Name Given To
map Either<E, A>, A => B Either<E, B>
flatMap Either<E1, A>, E1 => Either<E2, B> Either<E1 | E2, B>

The flatMap function offers the same convenience as the map function, which only continues with the computations contained in the pipeline if a Left value is not encountered:

Happy path, starting with a valid input

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, right, flatMap, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const success: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  flatMap((s) => parseNumber(s)), // parse the input to number
  map((x) => x2), // double the parsed number
  map((x) => x - 3) // subtract 3
); // right(1)

Error path, starting with an invalid input

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, right, flatMap, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const failure: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  right("Not a number"),
  flatMap((s) => parseNumber(s)), // parse the input to number
  map((x) => x2), // This will not be executed because parseNumber will return Left
  map((x) => x - 3) // This will not be executed
); // left("Cannot parse 'Not a number' as a number")

Error path, starting with None

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, left, flatMap, map } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const leftStart: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  left("error message"),
  flatMap((s) => parseNumber(s)), // This will not be executed because it starts with Left
  map((x) => x2), // This will not be executed
  map((x) => x - 3) // This will not be executed
); // left("error message")

When using this approach, the desired outcome is always in clear view while defining your pipeline. This allows you to focus on the expected result, while leaving it to Either to handle any potential errors that may arise seamlessly and transparently.

You can focus on the successful scenario and let Either handle the tedious task of managing potential errors at every step of the pipeline, without the need for explicit handling.


At any time, it is possible to inspect what is happening in your pipeline using two utility functions:

Cheat sheet (debugging)

Name Given To Note
inspectRight Either<E, A>, A => void Either<E, A> callback called if it is a Right<A>
inspectLeft Either<E, A>, E => void Either<E, A> callback called if it is a Left<E>

Let's see an example where both are in action:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import {
} from "@fp-ts/core/Option";

const failure: Either<string, number> = pipe(
  right("Not a number"),
  flatMap((s) => parseNumber(s)),
  map((x) => x2),
  map((x) => x - 3)
// "Not a number"
// "Cannot parse 'Not a number' as a number"

Please note that these two functions should only be used for debugging purposes and it is not recommended to use them for performing side effects or encoding business logic.

Pattern matching and error handling

We have seen how easy and convenient it is to build pipelines involving the Either data type, leaving it to handle any errors that may occur at any step. However, at some point, you will be interested in manually handling the error to understand the overall result obtained from the pipeline and decide what to do accordingly.

The fastest way to get the value wrapped in an Either is to call the getOrThrow function, but be aware that, as the name suggests, an exception will be thrown in case the Either you are querying is a Left:

import { getOrThrow } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

console.log(getOrThrow(right(10)); // 10
console.log(getOrThrow(left("error message")); // throws new Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")

A more safe alternative is using the isRight and isLeft guards:

import { right, left, isRight, isLeft } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const success = some(1);

// Use the `isRight` function to check if the `success` is an instance of `Right`
if (isRight(success)) {
  console.log(`Either has a value: ${success.right}`);
} else {
  console.log(`Either is a Left.`);
// Either has a value: 1

const failure = left("error message");

// Use the `isLeft` function to check if the `failure` is an instance of `Left`
if (isLeft(failure)) {
  console.log(`Either has error: ${failure.left}`);
} else {
  console.log(`Either is a Right.`);
// Either has error: error message

Another alternative is pattern matching on the Either.

The match function allows us to match on the Left and Right cases of an Either value and provide different actions for each.

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { right, match } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const either = right(1);

 * Use the `match` function to conditionally return a string based on whether the `Either` is `Left` or `Right`.
 * If the `Either` is `Left`, the `left` will be passed to the first function.
 * If the `Either` is `Right`, the `right` will be passed to the second function.
const output = match(
  (left) => `Either has error. ${left}`,
  (right) => `Either has a value: ${right}`

console.log(output); // Either has a value: 1

One reason to use match instead of isRight or isLeft is that match is more expressive and provides a clear way to handle both cases of an Either. With match, you can directly provide two functions to handle the case of the Either being Left or Right, respectively. On the other hand, with isRight or isLeft, you would need to manually check the value and take separate actions based on whether it's Right or Left. With match, the code can be more concise and easy to understand. Additionally, if you have complex logic to handle both cases, using match can make the code easier to read and maintain.

There are specializations of match to make working with code that does not use Either more convenient and faster, particularly getOrNull and getOrUndefined.

import { getOrNull, getOrUndefined, right, left } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

getOrNull(right(5)); // 5
getOrNull(left("error")); // null

getOrUndefined(right(5)); // 5
getOrUndefined(left("error")); // undefined

For greater flexibility, there is also the getOrElse function which allows you to set what value corresponds to the Left case:

import { getOrElse, right, left } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

getOrElse(right(5), () => 0); // 5
getOrElse(left("error"), () => 0); // 0

It often happens that the action you want to take when a computation returns None is to continue with another computation that returns an Option, in this case you can use the orElse API:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";
import { Either, some, none, orElse } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const fetchData = (): Either<string, string> => {
  // Imagine we have a function that returns an `Either` of data
  return Math.random() < 0.5
    ? right("Data fetched successfully")
    : left("Data fetched unsuccessfully");

const retryFetchData = (): Either<string, string> =>
    fetchData(), // Call the function for the first time
    orElse(() => fetchData()) // If it fails, call it again

const result = retryFetchData();

Cheat sheet (error handling)

Name Given To
match Either<E, A>, onLeft: E => B, onRight: A => C B | C
getOrThrow Either<E, A> A (may throw)
getOrNull Either<E, A> A | null
getOrUndefined Either<E, A> A | undefined
getOrElse Either<E, A>, onLeft: E => B A | B
orElse Either<E1, A>, LazyArg<Either<E2, B>> Either<E1, A | B>
firstRightOf Either<E, A>, Iterable<Either<E, A>> Either<E, A>


A need that arises quickly when using the Either data type is the ability to interoperate with code that does not share the same style, in particular code that for example uses undefined or null to indicate that a value is optional, or code that throws exceptions.

The Either data type offers a series of APIs to make this task easier, let's start with the first of the two cases, that is when the need is to interoperate with code that use a nullable type to indicate that a value is optional.

It is possible to create an Eitehr from a nullable value using the fromNullable API, let's see an example:

import { fromNullable, right, left } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

console.log(fromNullable(null, () => "error")); // left("erro")
console.log(fromNullable(undefined, () => "error")); // left("erro")
console.log(fromNullable(1, () => "error")); // right(1)

Instead of a single value, we can also modify the definition of a function that returns a nullable value to a function that returns an Either (a process that goes by the name of "lifting"):

import { liftNullable, left, right } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const parse = (s: string): number | undefined => {
  const n = parseFloat(s);
  return isNaN(n) ? undefined : n;

// const parseEither: (s: string) => Either<string, number>
const parseEither = liftNullable(
  (s) => `Cannot parse '${s}' as a number`

console.log(parseEither("1")); // right(1)
console.log(parseEither("not a number")); // left("Cannot parse 'not a number' as a number")

On the other hand, if we have a value of type Either and we want to convert it into a nullable value we have two possibilities:

  • convert Left to null
  • convert Left to undefined

The two APIs getOrNull and getOrUndefined respectively achieve these two tasks:

import { getOrNull, getOrUndefined, right, left } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

console.log(getOrNull(right(1))); // 1
console.log(getOrNull(left("error message"))); // null

console.log(getOrUndefined(right(1))); // 1
console.log(getOrUndefined(left("error message"))); // undefined

Cheat sheet (interop - nullable)

Name Given To
fromNullable A, A => E Either<E, NonNullable<A>>
liftNullable (...a: A) => B | null | undefined, (...a: A) => E (...a: A) => Either<E, NonNullable<B>
flatMapNullable Either<E1, A>, (...a: A) => B | null | undefined, A => E2 Either<E1 | E2, NonNullable<B>>
getOrNull Either<E, A> A | null
getOrUndefined Either<E, A> A | undefined
merge Either<E, A> E | A

Now let's see the other case, that is when we need to interoperate with code that throws exceptions.

In a previous section, we saw how to convert the following function that can throw exceptions:

function parseNumber(s: string): number {
  const n = parseFloat(s);
  if (isNaN(n)) {
    throw new Error(`Cannot parse '${s}' as a number`);
  return n;

into a function that returns a Option:

import { Either, left, right } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

function parseNumber(s: string): Either<string, number> {
  const n = parseFloat(s);
  return isNaN(n) ? left(`Cannot parse '${s}' as a number`) : right(n);

However, this involves tedious, error-prone, and boilerplate-heavy work. It would be much more convenient not to have to rewrite the parseNumber function from scratch but only to transform it into the desired result in one step, and that's exactly what the fromThrowable API takes care of doing:

import { liftThrowable } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const parse = liftThrowable(JSON.parse, () => "parse error");

console.log(parse("1")); // right(1)
console.log(parse("")); // left("parse error")

On the other hand, if we have a value of type Option and want to get the wrapped value, accepting the fact that if the Option is a None we will get an exception, we can use the getOrThrow API:

import { getOrThrow, right, left } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

console.log(getOrThrow(right(10)); // 10
console.log(getOrThrow(left("error message")); // throws new Error("getOrThrow called on a Left")

Cheat sheet (interop - throwing)

Name Given To
liftThrowable (...a: A) => B (may throw), unknown => E (...a: A) => Either<E, B>
getOrThrow Either<E, A> A (may throw)

Combining two or more Eithers

The zipWith function allows you to combine two Eithers using a provided function. The resulting value is a new Either that holds the combined value of both original Eithers.

Let's consider the following example where we have two Eithers that hold values of two different types, string and number:

import { Either, right } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const name: Either<string, string> = right("John");
const age: Either<string, number> = right(25);

If we want to combine these two Eithers into a single Either that holds an object with properties name and age, we can use the zipWith function:

import { zipWith } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const combine = zipWith(name, age, (n, a) => ({ name: n, age: a }));
console.log(combine); // right({ name: 'John', age: 25 })

The zipWith function takes three arguments: the two Eithers that you want to combine, and a function that takes two arguments - the values held by the two Eithers - and returns the combined value.

If either of the two Eithers is Left, the resulting Either will be Left as well:

const name: Either<string, string> = left("missing name");
const age: Either<string, number> = right(25);
const combine = zipWith(name, age, (n, a) => ({ name: n, age: a }));
console.log(combine); // left("missing name")

This is because the zipWith function only combines the values if both Eithers are Right.

Cheat sheet (combining)

Name Given To
zipWith Either<E1, A>, Either<E2, B>, (A, B) => C Either<E1 | E2, C>
tuple [Either<E1, A>, Either<E1, B>, ...] Either<E1 | E2 | ..., [A, B, ...]>
struct { a: Either<E1, A>, b: Either<E1, B>, ... } Either<E1 | E2 | ..., { a: A, b: B, ... }>
all Iterable<Either<E, A>> Either<E, A[]>
appendElement Either<E1, [A, B, ...]>, Either<E2, C> Either<E1 | E2, [A, B, ..., C]>
ap Either<E1, (a: A) => B>, Either<E2, A> Either<E1 | E2, B>

For convenience, a series of algebraic operations such as sums and products are exported.

import { right, left, sum } from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const num1 = right(3);
const num2 = right(4);
const num3 = left("not a number");

// Summing two `Right` values will result in a `Right` with the sum of the values
const sumOfRight = sum(num1, num2);
console.log(sumOfRight); // right(7)

// Summing a `Right` and a `Left` will result in a `Left`
const sumOfRightAndLeft = sum(num1, num3);
console.log(sumOfRightAndLeft); // left("not a number")

Cheat sheet (algebraic operations)

Name Given To
sum Either<E1, number>, Either<E2, number> Either<E1 | E2, number>
multiply Either<E1, number>, Either<E2, number> Either<E1 | E2, number>
subtract Either<E1, number>, Either<E2, number> Either<E1 | E2, number>
divide Either<E1, number>, Either<E2, number> Either<E1 | E2, number>


Say you must implement a web form to signup for an account. The form contains two field: username and password and the following validation rules must hold:

  • username must not be empty
  • username can't have dashes in it
  • password needs to have at least 6 characters
  • password needs to have at least one capital letter
  • password needs to have at least one number

The Either<E, A> type represents a computation that might fail with an error of type E or succeed with a value of type A, so is a good candidate for implementing our validation rules.

For example let's encode each password rule:

import * as E from "@fp-ts/core/Either";

const minLength = (s: string): E.Either<string, string> =>
  s.length >= 6 ? E.right(s) : E.left("at least 6 characters");

const oneCapital = (s: string): E.Either<string, string> =>
  /[A-Z]/g.test(s) ? E.right(s) : E.left("at least one capital letter");

const oneNumber = (s: string): E.Either<string, string> =>
  /[0-9]/g.test(s) ? E.right(s) : E.left("at least one number");

We can chain all the rules using flatMap:

import { pipe } from "@fp-ts/core/Function";

const validatePassword = (s: string): E.Either<string, string> =>
  pipe(minLength(s), E.flatMap(oneCapital), E.flatMap(oneNumber));

Because we are using Either the checks are fail-fast. That is, any failed check shortcircuits subsequent checks so we will only ever get one error.

assert.deepStrictEqual(validatePassword("ab"), E.left("at least 6 characters"));

  E.left("at least one capital letter")

  E.left("at least one number")

However this could lead to a bad UX, it would be nice to have all of these errors be reported simultaneously.

The Validated abstraction may help here.


Validations are similar to Either<E, A>, where they represent a computation that may fail with an error of type E or succeed with a value of type A. Unlike typical computations involving Either, however, validations are capable of accumulating multiple failures.

For this to be possible, the Validated data type must have the ability to combine two or more values of type E and the simplest way is to wrap them in a (non-empty) ReadonlyArray.

This is the definition of the Validated data type:

 * Represents a computation that may fail with one or more errors of type `E`
 * or succeed with a value of type `A`.
export type Validated<E, A> = Either<NonEmptyReadonlyArray<E>, A>;

To proceed, we must first modify all the rules so that they return a Validated<string, string> value.

Instead of having to rewrite all previous functions, which can be cumbersome, we can use the liftEither helper. This helper converts a check that outputs an Either<E, A> into a check that outputs a Validate<E, A>.

const minLengthValidated = E.liftEither(minLength);
//    ^? const minLengthValidated: (s: string) => E.Validated<string, string>
const oneCapitalValidated = E.liftEither(oneCapital);
//    ^? const oneCapitalValidated: (s: string) => E.Validated<string, string>
const oneNumberValidated = E.liftEither(oneNumber);
//    ^? const oneNumberValidated: (s: string) => E.Validated<string, string>

Let's bring it all together. The validatePassword function takes a string s as input, and uses the tupleValidated helper to perform all three validation checks, returning a Validated value that collects all the validation error messages. If all the checks pass, the function returns the original string s as a successful Validated value:

const validatePassword = (s: string): E.Validated<string, string> =>
    ), => s)

    "at least 6 characters",
    "at least one capital letter",
    "at least one number",

assert.deepStrictEqual(validatePassword("Abcde6"), E.right("Abcde6"));