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Sphinx extension to save typing when linking to some information contained in a Doxygen documentation.


Installing this extension is done in just a few steps:

Please note that it is also possible to build a Debian package for the extension (see below), which makes it easier to uninstall the extension afterwards.

Debian package

If like me you prefer installing softwares from packages instead of sources to ease maintenance, here's a quick guide on how to build a package for this extension on Debian testing:

  • Make sure the following packages are installed beforehand:
    • debhelper
    • python-all
    • python-setuptools
  • Download the latest version of the code from GitHub:
  • Rename the tarball into: sphinxcontrib-paradoxy_<version>.orig.tar.gz, where <version> matches the version string defined in
  • Extract the tarball and go to the newly created directory.
  • Build the package by running dpkg-buildpackage.
  • Install the newly created package with sudo dpkg -i ../python-sphinxcontrib.paradoxy_*_all.deb

Other .deb-based distributions and older Debian releases may require some tweaking in the packaging directory for a package to be built correctly.


The following packages must be installed on your machine for this extension to work:

  • python (2.6.x or 2.7.x). The code has not been tested under Python 3.x.y yet.
  • python-sphinx (1.0.7 or later)
  • python-lxml (2.3.2 is known to work, others probably work too)

You will also need a Doxygen tagfile for the project you want to link to. Such a tagfile can be generated by setting the option GENERATE_TAGFILE in your Doxyfile to the path where you want the file to be generated and then running doxygen.

How to use

First, load the extension in your

extensions = [
    # other extensions...

This extension adds two new config values. The first one is called paradoxy and is created like this:

paradoxy = {'exmpl': ('', '/path/to/tagfile'), ...}

The second one is called paradoxy_cache_limit and indicates the number of days a remote tagfile will be kept in cache before being considered invalid (which will cause it to be fetched again the next time sphinx-build is run). The default value is 1, meaning that remote tagfiles will only be fetched once per day. Set the value to 0 to disable caching entirely.

Now you can use e.g. :exmpl:`foo` in your documents. This will create a link to the page at containing the documentation about the symbol named foo. The link caption will be the symbol's name, unless an explicit caption is given, e.g. :exmpl:`Foo <foo>`.

The full path to the symbol is retrieved from the Doxygen tagfile located at /path/to/tagfile, which can be either a local file or an URL to some online file.

If add_function_parentheses is set to True in your and if no explicit caption was given, the symbol will be suffixed with a set of parentheses whenever this is appropriate.

The following objects can currently be referenced:


Bug reports

Bugs should be reported through the project's issue tracker on GitHub:

License and credits

This extension is licensed under the 2-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.

© 2013, François Poirotte <>.

This extension is heavily based on the extlinks and intersphinx extensions developped by the Sphinx community.