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Python Chat API + Web Client

A Python/Django REST API to manage a chat application. Also, there is a sample Web Client to consume the API endpoint.

Chat API Features

  • Manage messages, senders and recipients
  • Built-in "Echo" auto-responder Service, extensible to new services
  • Configured to be deployed in Heroku
  • Python modules:
    • django: Full featured Web framework
    • gunicorn: Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
    • django_heroku: Heroku module for deployment integration

Chat Web Client Features

  • Web based Front-end static client
  • Google Login integration
  • Send and Receive messages to any contact by email.
  • Web technologies:
    • Vue.js: JavaScript Framework for web applications
    • Vuetify: Material Design UI Component Framework
    • gapi : Google API client for Javascript
    • web workers: To receive and send API request in a separate process


Install python packages

pip install -r requirements.txt

Prepare database

Create database schema

python migrate

Create a super user

python createsuperuser

Run the web service (Debug mode)

To run with DEBUG activated:

export DEBUG=1

python runserver

Run the web service (Production mode)

To run with DEBUG disabled:

unset DEBUG

python collectstatic

python runserver

Access the web service

Go to http://localhost:8000/ for the main site

Go to http://localhost:8000/admin/ for the administrator interface, using your previously created super user.

Deployment to Heroku

Install Heroku client

This command line interface (CLI) helps to do some tasks related to Heroku.

You can install this tool following the official guide.

The main steps are:

1.- For MacOS, install Homebrew and run brew install heroku/brew/heroku

2.- In Ubuntu/Debian based systems, install SnapCraftand run sudo snap install --classic heroku

3.- For windows, download and execute the installer.

Register your application in Heroku

1.- Create an account in to login ( 2.- After registation, go to 3.- Create a new application using the button [Add] (

Login to Heroku

You need an accout in to login.

heroku login [--interactive]

Asociate your repository with Heroku

Use the app name you previously registered in Heroku

heroku git:remote -a your-app-name

Deploy your application

git push heroku master

At the end of the deployment log you will find the administrator password created:

remote: Admin created with pass [Admin.56734564]

Access the Heroku application

Go to for the main site

Go to for the administrator interface. User is 'admin' and the password is created during the first deployment.