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File metadata and controls

190 lines (146 loc) · 5.55 KB

Framgia Phalcon Coding Standard

This documentation was created based on Framgia Hyakkaten Project - Coding Standard(Vietnamese).

1. PHP Version

  • PHP 5.4 or higher.

2. Naming rule

  • Class's name should be written in UpperCamelCase. Function's name should be written in LowerCamelCase. Private function name should be started with _.

Class example: MailSender, UserIdentity.

Function example: addCondition, sendMail, _checkMail.

  • Variable's name should be written in snake_case. Private variable should start with _.

Variable example: $user_id, $is_admin, private $_status.

  • Constant variable name should be in capital case, separated by _


3. Indentation

Use 4 spaces for indentation. (DO NOT USE HARD Tab)

4. String

Use single quote for normal string, double quotes for string which contain php variable.

$str = 'This is a string';
echo "result = {$result}";

5. Control Structures

Control structures contain if, for, foreach, while, switch,... Below is an example of if.

if ((expr_1) || (expr_2)) {
    // action_1;
} elseif (!(expr_3) && (expr_4)) {
    // action_2;
} else {
    // default_action;

Some notes:

  • Use one space before the first parenthesis, one space between the last parenthesis and the opening bracket.
  • Always use curly bracket even if the are not needed.
  • Opening curly bracket should be placed in the same line as the control structure.
  • Inline assignment should not be used inside of the control structure.
  • In case of switch control structure, case must have the same indentation level as the control structure.

6. Function

  • Do not use space between function name and the open parenthesis.
  • Do not use space between the open parenthesis and the first variable.
  • Use space between comma and next varialbe.
  • Do not use space between the last variable and the close parenthesis.
  • Do not use space between the close parenthesis and semicolon.
$var = foo($bar, $baz, $quux);

In case of using multiple parameters when calling function:

  • Parameters placed in new line should be indented by 4 spaces in comparison to function call line.
  • The close parenthesis should be placed in new line.
            'Help me!',
                'foo'  => 'bar',
                'spam' => 'eggs',

7. Class

  • Opening curly bracket { must be placed in new line
class FooBar
    //... code goes here

8. Function declaration

  • Opening curly bracket { must be placed in new line.
  • Try to make your function return something.
function fooBar()
    // ... code goes here
    return true;

9. Array

  • Do not use array(), use [] instead.

When dividing array to multiple lines, you can place , in the final line

$some_array =  [
    'key'  => 'val',
    'foo'  => 'bar',

10. PHP Code Tags

  • Always you long tags <?php ?>, instead of short tag <? ?>.
  • You can use <?= ?>.
  • If your file contains only php code, do not use close tag ?>.


  • Use comment style of C (/* */) or C++ (//).
  • DO NOT use Perl/Shell style (#).

12. Class comment

  • Write comment for each variable declared inside class. Comment should be placed righ before declaring variable.

Structure: @var ClassName (VariableName) Your comment here


 * @var ActiveRecord the currently loaded data model instance.

private $_model;
  • Write comment for each function declared inside class. Comment should be place right before declaring function.


@param ClassName VariableName
@return ClassName VariableName


* Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
* @param string $className active record class name.
* @return User the static model class
public static function model($className = __CLASS__) 
    return parent::model($className);


13. Model and Database

  • Table name should be plural and underscored. For examples: users, big_people, news.
  • All tables should have primary key named id.
  • Foreign key is named by "singular" name of related table and followed by _id. For examle, if you want to add a field of your table which related to id of table users, you should name it as user_id.
  • Join table should be named by the two related table, seperated by underscored. For example: students_subjects
  • Model class corresponding to table should be plural and CameCased. For example: Users, BigPeople, News.

14. Controller

  • Controller which corresponding to a model, should be named same as model's name, followed by Controller. For example: UsersController.
  • Action name should be cameBack and followed by Action. For example: indexAction.

15. View

  • File name should be correspond to action name, and written in snake_case
  • Use Volt template engine.

If you aren't familiar with Volt, please read the following documents.

Phalcon: Volt Template Engine

Jinja2: Template Designer Documentation