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How-to — UDP Client Endpoints

The UDP clients expect a :class:`.DatagramProtocol` instance to communicate with the remote endpoint.

.. seealso::

      Explains what a :class:`.DatagramProtocol` is and how to use it.


If you are familiar with UDP sockets, you know that there are no real connections (communication pipes) like there are with TCP sockets.

If not, I advise you to read the Unix manual pages :manpage:`udp(7)` and :manpage:`connect(2)`.

You need the host address (domain name or IP) and the port of connection in order to connect to the remote host:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/basics/api_sync/

      .. note::

         The client does nothing when it enters the :keyword:`with` context. Everything is done on object creation.

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/basics/api_async/

      .. note::

         The call to :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.wait_connected` is required to actually initialize the client,
         since we cannot perform asynchronous operations at object creation.
         This is what the client does when it enters the the :keyword:`async with` context.

         Once completed, :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.wait_connected` is a no-op.

If you have your own way to obtain a connected :class:`socket.socket` instance, you can pass it to the client.

If the socket is not connected, an :exc:`OSError` is raised.


It must be a :data:`~socket.SOCK_DGRAM` socket with :data:`~socket.AF_INET` or :data:`~socket.AF_INET6` family.


The resource ownership is given to the client. You must close the client to close the socket.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/basics/api_sync/

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/basics/api_async/

      .. note::

         Even with a ready-to-use socket, the call to :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.wait_connected` is still required.

There's not much to say, except that objects passed as arguments are automatically converted to bytes to send to the remote host thanks to the :term:`protocol object`.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: send_packet_example1
         :start-after: [start]

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: send_packet_example1
         :start-after: [start]

You get the next available packet, already parsed.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example1
         :start-after: [start]

      You can control the receive timeout with the ``timeout`` parameter:

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example2
         :start-after: [start]

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example1
         :start-after: [start]

      You can control the receive timeout by adding a timeout scope using the :term:`asynchronous framework` :

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example2
         :start-after: [start]


Remember to catch invalid data parsing errors.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example3
         :start-after: [start]
         :emphasize-lines: 3-4

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example3
         :start-after: [start]
         :emphasize-lines: 4-5

You can use iter_received_packets() to get all the received packets in a sequence or a set.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example4
         :start-after: [start]

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example4
         :start-after: [start]

The timeout parameter defaults to zero to get only the data already in the buffer, but you can change it.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example5
         :start-after: [start]

      .. seealso::

            The method description and usage (especially for the ``timeout`` parameter).

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: recv_packet_example5
         :start-after: [start]

      .. seealso::

            The method description and usage (especially for the ``timeout`` parameter).

For low-level operations such as :meth:`~socket.socket.setsockopt`, the client object exposes the socket through a :class:`.SocketProxy`:

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: socket_proxy_example
         :start-after: [start]

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      .. literalinclude:: ../_include/examples/howto/udp_clients/usage/
         :pyobject: socket_proxy_example
         :start-after: [start]

      .. warning::

         Make sure that :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.wait_connected` has been called before.

.. tabs::

   .. group-tab:: Synchronous

      All client methods are thread-safe (such as :class:`asyncio.Lock`).
      Synchronization follows these rules:

      * :meth:`~.UDPNetworkClient.send_packet` and :meth:`~.UDPNetworkClient.recv_packet` do not share the same
        :class:`threading.Lock` instance.

      * :meth:`~.UDPNetworkClient.close` will not wait for :meth:`~.UDPNetworkClient.recv_packet`.

      * The :attr:`client.socket <.UDPNetworkClient.socket>` methods are also thread-safe. This means that you cannot access
        the underlying socket methods (e.g. :meth:`~socket.socket.getsockopt`) during a write operation.

   .. group-tab:: Asynchronous

      All client methods do not require external task synchronization. Synchronization follows these rules:

      * :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.send_packet` and :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.recv_packet` do not share the same lock instance.

      * :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.aclose` will not wait for :meth:`~.AsyncUDPNetworkClient.recv_packet`.