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Tutorial: Object detection and tracking

Similar to face detection and tracking, different objects can be deteced and tracked using the Braccion arm. Supported object classes are taken from mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco.

How to execute object detection

A launch file containing required nodes is given on: braccio_camai/launch/face_detection/braccio_driver_object_detection.launch

It can be executed as follows:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roscd braccio_camai
roslaunch  braccio_camai braccio_driver_object_detection.launch

Please notice that, object to be tracked can be parametrized on the ROS node object_detection, using the parameter tracked_object. Default object to be tracked is bottle.

How to test it

A graphical interface based on RVIZ can be use for debugging and testing object detection and tracking. In a separate terminal, execute the following commands:

cd catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash
roscd braccio_camai
roslaunch  braccio_camai braccio_gui_object_detection.launch