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François edited this page Sep 7, 2022 · 4 revisions


A singleton type class is enough to create a View-ViewModel set. In this class, there are two methods:


public static TControl CreateControl<TControl, TViewModel>(Action<TControl, TViewModel> action, bool initialize = true, params object[] args)
    where TControl: ContentControl
    where TViewModel : ViewModel
    return new ControlFactory().CreateControl(action, initialize, args);

This factory method create a View-ViewModel set for any type of control deriving from ContentControl.


public static TWindow CreateWindow<TWindow, TViewModel>(Action<TWindow, TViewModel> action, bool initialize = true, params object[] args)
    where TWindow: Window
    where TViewModel : ViewModel
    return new WindowFactory().CreateWindow(action, initialize, args);

This factory method create a View-ViewModel set for any type of window (Window).

For these two methods, it is possible to indicate whether you want to execute the Initialize method or not, as well as the parameters to pass to this method if there are any.


Creating a window with its associated ViewModel:

SubWindow subWindow = UIFactory.CreateWindow<SubWindow, SubWindowVM>((win, vm) =>
    win.WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen;
    win.Title = "Other window";
    vm.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;
}, true);

Creating a control with its associated ViewModel:

TextUser textUser = UIFactory.CreateControl<TextUser, TextUserVM>((usr, vm) => 
    vm.ContentText = "Default text...";
}, true);
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