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Generate a smart test with 3D for Captcha validation

the project build in python 3. the project use the library Vpython for create 3D shapes. therefor you need first install the Vpython library. you can do it via the command:

pip install vpython

its easy for the user to use and write the Captach's word, but it can be difficult for bots to use. its suppose to be a "Checking page" that will refer u to the page u wanted, but it can be implement in other methods.

Logic: the project create 3 shapes randomly in canvas: it can be: 3 same shapes 2 same shapes + 1 different shape all the shape different

there are 5 different shape's types
the color of each shape will be DIFFERENT in any case.
there are 6 different colors, so we got 6*5*4 option for colors = 120
therefore we got 3^5 * 120 = 243*120 = 29160 option for shapes and colors for the user to choose
  • to make it even harder to bots, i use textures there are 12 different texture for the shapes = 3^12 = 531441 now 531441*29160 = 15496819560 different combination of shape's type, color and texture

  • in each shape will be a different word. the chance for them to be identical are convergent to 0 [see MATH for more info]

  • also to make it even harder to bots, the project don't use "forms". instead i recognize the key press in the keyboard.

how to use:

  • copy the file to your project
  • make sure that Vpython library install in your python 3
  • functions: word_valid_do() word_invalid_do() need to be implement by u.


we use the chars(0-9, a-z, A-Z) = 10+26+26 = 62 diffrent option for 1 char                                                    
word can be between 5-10 chars, therefor:                                                                                   
    62^5 = 916132832 different option in low number of chars
    62^10 = 8.3929937*(10^17) different option in high number of chars
the odd for two identical word is:                                                                                          
  1 / (62^5 * 62^5)   = 1 / (62^(5+5)) = 1 / (62^10) ~= 1.19147*(10^-18)     = 0.00000000000000000119147                      
  1 / (62^10 * 62^10) = 1 / (62^(10+10)) = 1 / (62^20) ~= 1.4196007*(10^-36) = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000014196007 
so as we can see the odd rly small, but u can even handle this by checking if the words are identical.         
for 3 identical words its go even smaller.                                                                                
  1 / (62^5 * 62^5 * 62^5) = 1 / (62^15)    ~= 1.3005428*(10^-27)                                                         
  1 / (62^10 * 62^10 * 62^10) = 1 / (62^30) ~= 1.6914116*(10^-54)              

Good luck

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                               |_|  \_\___/ \__, | |______\___| \_/  \__, |
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Generate a smart test with 3D for Captcha validation






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