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101 lines (93 loc) · 4.24 KB

File metadata and controls

101 lines (93 loc) · 4.24 KB

SOK protocol

This file described protocol used by Sok to communicate with clients. Sok listen to connections on port specified in config (default 19151). The communication scheme is:

  • Client initialize tls connection (Sok force tls because of its authentication method)
  • Client sends command size (number of bytes)
  • Client sends command - yaml formatted string, max 128KB
  • Server executes command
  • Server sends number of bytes in response
  • Server sends response, then close connection

Command fields

  • login: user login. In case user isn't registered and command is create_accout this is desired user login. This field must be present. Example: "login: franekjel"
  • password: user password. If user isn't registered yet and command is create_accout this is new user password upon succesful registration. This field must be present. Example: "password: P@ssword"
  • command: desired operation. There is some command avaible (described below) that can require additional fields. This field must be present. Example "command: create_account"
  • contest: contest ID at which the operation will be performend. Necessary for some commands. Example: "contest: con1"
  • round: round ID at which the operation will be performend (like contest). Necessary for some commands. Example: "round: rnd1"
  • task: task ID, necessary for some command. Example: "task: task1"

Return message status

Return message always contains fields "status" if command was succesful Status is "ok" if command was executed successful. Otherwise it contains error message


  • create_account: Creates new account with specified login and password. If login is already used or not match criteria command may failed. Example:

    login: franekjel
    password: P@ssword
    command: create_account
  • get_task: Get problem statement for given task. Requires contest round and task field. Return message has fields filename and data which contains name of file and file content encoded in base64. Example of return message:

    status: ok
    filename: taskzad.txt
    data: UHJvYmxlbSBzdGF0ZW1lbnQgZm9yIHRhc2s=
  • list_contests: Get contests list. Return message contains list "contests". Each element in that list contains contest id and contest descriptio. Example (of return message):

    status: ok
    contests: [[easy, "Contest for beginners"], [med, "Contest for more advanced"]]
  • join_contest: Join specified contest. Requires contest and data field. Data field should contains contest access key.

  • submit: Submits solution. Requires contest, round, task and data. Data field contains code. Example:

    login: franekjel
    password: P@ssword
    command: submit
    contest: con1
    round: round1
    task: task1
    data: '#include <stdio.h>\n int main(){printf("answer");}'
  • contest_ranking: Get the ranking of given contests. Requires contest field. Return message contains additonal map field "contest_ranking":

    status: ok
    	foo: 45
    	franekjel: 120
    	bar: 80
  • round_ranking: Get the ranking of given round. Requires contest and round field. Return message contains additional fields: "tasks" - tasks names, "users" - user names and "round_ranking" - two dimensional array of points. Example:

    status: ok
    - task1
    - task2
    - task3
    - franekjel
    - foo
    - bar
    round_ranking: [[100, 0, 50], [0, 60, 0], [0, 0, 20]]

    In this example user franekjel get 100 points for task1 and 50 for task3, user foo get 60 points for task2 and user bar 20 points for task3

  • list_submissions: Get list of submissions in given round. Requires contest and round fields. Return message contains additional list field submissions. Each element is list with three values - submission ID, status (eg. OK, TIMEOUT) and points. If resuls are not present yet points will be 0.

    status: ok
    submissions: [['15be7c9cec0ef768', 'OK', 100], ['15be7c9cec0ab023', 'TIMEOUT', 78]]
  • get_submission: Get given submission. Requires contest, round, task and data fields. Data field contains submission ID. Example:

    login: franekjel
    password: P@ssword
    command: submit
    contest: con1
    round: round1
    task: task1
    data: '15be7c9cec0ef768'

    Return message contains yamled submission struct (as in tasks/submissions.go).