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feat(textAngular) change serial to allow it to be set manually
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Allows you to set the post-fix of the generated html and text editors of text angular.

Closes #175
  • Loading branch information
Simeon authored and Simeon committed Jun 4, 2014
1 parent 68b2c8c commit cfda6ef
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#Contributing to textAngular

We'd love for you to contribute to our source code and to make textAngular even better than it is
today! Here are the guidelines we'd like you to follow:

- [Issues and Bugs](#issue)
- [Feature Requests](#feature)
- [Submission Guidelines](#submit)
- [Coding Rules](#rules)
- [Commit Message Guidelines](#commit)

## <a name="issue"></a> Found an Issue?
If you find a bug in the source code or a mistake in the documentation, you can help us by
submitting an issue to our [GitHub Repository][github]. Even better you can submit a Pull Request
with a fix.
## <a name="feature"></a> Want a Feature?
You can request a new feature by submitting an issue to our [GitHub Repository][github]. If you
would like to implement a new feature then consider what kind of change it is:

* **Major Changes** that you wish to contribute to the project should be discussed first as an issue in the repository so that we can better coordinate our efforts, prevent
duplication of work, and help you to craft the change so that it is successfully accepted into the
* **Small Changes** can be crafted and submitted to the [GitHub Repository][github] as a Pull Request.

## <a name="submit"></a> Submission Guidelines

### Submitting an Issue
Before you submit your issue search the archive, maybe your question was already answered.

If your issue appears to be a bug, and hasn't been reported, open a new issue.
Help us to maximize the effort we can spend fixing issues and adding new
features, by not reporting duplicate issues. Providing the following information will increase the
chances of your issue being dealt with quickly:

* **Overview of the issue** - if an error is being thrown a non-minified stack trace helps
* **Motivation for or Use Case** - explain why this is a bug for you
* **Angular Version(s)** - is it a regression?
* **Browsers and Operating System** - is this a problem with all browsers or only IE8?
* **Reproduce the error** - provide a live example (using [Codepen][codepen], [Plunker][plunker] or
[JSFiddle][jsfiddle]) or a unambiguous set of steps.
* **Related issues** - has a similar issue been reported before?
* **Suggest a Fix** - if you can't fix the bug yourself, perhaps you can point to what might be
causing the problem (line of code or commit)

Here is a great example of a well defined issue:

**If you get help, help others. Good karma rulez!**

### Submitting a Pull Request
Before you submit your pull request consider the following guidelines:

* Search [GitHub]( for an open or closed Pull Request
that relates to your submission. You don't want to duplicate effort.
* Make your changes in a new git branch

git checkout -b my-fix-branch master

* Create your patch, **including appropriate test cases**.
* Follow our [Coding Rules](#rules).
* Run the full Angular test suite, as described in the [developer documentation][dev-doc],
and ensure that all tests pass.
* Commit your changes using a descriptive commit message that follows our
[commit message conventions](#commit-message-format) and passes our commit message presubmit hook
`validate-commit-msg.js`. Adherence to the [commit message conventions](#commit-message-format)
is required because release notes are automatically generated from these messages.

git commit -a
Note: the optional commit `-a` command line option will automatically "add" and "rm" edited files.

* Build your changes locally to ensure all the tests pass

grunt test

* Push your branch to GitHub:

git push origin my-fix-branch

* In GitHub, send a pull request to `angular:master`.
* If we suggest changes then
* Make the required updates.
* Re-run the Angular test suite to ensure tests are still passing.
* Rebase your branch and force push to your GitHub repository (this will update your Pull Request):

git rebase master -i
git push -f

That's it! Thank you for your contribution!

#### After your pull request is merged

After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch and pull the changes
from the main (upstream) repository:

* Delete the remote branch on GitHub either through the GitHub web UI or your local shell as follows:

git push origin --delete my-fix-branch

* Check out the master branch:

git checkout master -f

* Delete the local branch:

git branch -D my-fix-branch

* Update your master with the latest upstream version:

git pull --ff upstream master

## <a name="rules"></a> Coding Rules
To ensure consistency throughout the source code, keep these rules in mind as you are working:

* All features or bug fixes **must be tested** by one or more [specs][unit-testing].
* We **love functions and closures** and, whenever possible, prefer them over objects.
* Where possible follow the coding style that is already in place.
* Use **tabs** not spaces.

## <a name="commit"></a> Git Commit Guidelines

We have very precise rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This leads to **more
readable messages** that are easy to follow when looking through the **project history**.

### Commit Message Format
Each commit message consists of a **header**, a **body** and a **footer**. The header has a special
format that includes a **type**, a **scope** and a **subject**:

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Any line of the commit message cannot be longer 100 characters! This allows the message to be easier
to read on github as well as in various git tools.

### Type
Must be one of the following:

* **feat**: A new feature
* **fix**: A bug fix
* **style**: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing
semi-colons, etc)
* **refactor**: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
* **perf**: A code change that improves performance
* **test**: Adding missing tests
* **chore**: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation

### Scope
The scope could be anything specifying place of the commit change. For example `$location`,
`$browser`, `$compile`, `$rootScope`, `ngHref`, `ngClick`, `ngView`, etc...

### Subject
The subject contains succinct description of the change:

* use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
* don't capitalize first letter
* no dot (.) at the end

Just as in the **subject**, use the imperative, present tense: "change" not "changed" nor "changes"
The body should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior.

The footer should contain any information about **Breaking Changes** and is also the place to
reference GitHub issues that this commit **Closes**.

A detailed explanation can be found in this [document][commit-message-format].
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ Include script tags similar to the following:

Include script tags similar to the following:
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>
<script src=''></script>

**Via jsDelivr:**
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion demo/demo.html
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ <h1>Bound with ta-bind, our internal html-binding directive</h1>
<script type="text/javascript">
angular.module("textAngularTest", ['textAngular']);
function wysiwygeditor($scope) {
$scope.orightml = '<h2>Try me!</h2><p>textAngular is a super cool WYSIWYG Text Editor directive for AngularJS</p><p><b>Features:</b></p><ol><li>Automatic Seamless Two-Way-Binding</li><li>Super Easy <b>Theming</b> Options</li><li style="color: green;">Simple Editor Instance Creation</li><li>Safely Parses Html for Custom Toolbar Icons</li><li class="text-danger">Doesn&apos;t Use an iFrame</li><li>Works with Firefox, Chrome, and IE8+</li></ol><p><b>Code at GitHub:</b> <a href="">Here</a> </p>';
$scope.orightml = '<h2>Try me!</h2><p>textAngular is a super cool WYSIWYG Text Editor directive for AngularJS</p><p><img class="ta-insert-video" ta-insert-video="" src="" allowfullscreen="true" width="300" frameborder="0" height="250"/></p><p><b>Features:</b></p><ol><li>Automatic Seamless Two-Way-Binding</li><li>Super Easy <b>Theming</b> Options</li><li style="color: green;">Simple Editor Instance Creation</li><li>Safely Parses Html for Custom Toolbar Icons</li><li class="text-danger">Doesn&apos;t Use an iFrame</li><li>Works with Firefox, Chrome, and IE8+</li></ol><p><b>Code at GitHub:</b> <a href="">Here</a> </p><h4>Supports non-latin Characters</h4><p>昮朐 魡 燚璒瘭 譾躒鑅, 皾籈譧 紵脭脧 逯郹酟 煃 瑐瑍, 踆跾踄 趡趛踠 顣飁 廞 熥獘 豥 蔰蝯蝺 廦廥彋 蕍蕧螛 溹溦 幨懅憴 妎岓岕 緁, 滍 蘹蠮 蟷蠉蟼 鱐鱍鱕, 阰刲 鞮鞢騉 烳牼翐 魡 骱 銇韎餀 媓幁惁 嵉愊惵 蛶觢, 犝獫 嶵嶯幯 縓罃蔾 魵 踄 罃蔾 獿譿躐 峷敊浭, 媓幁 黐曮禷 椵楘溍 輗 漀 摲摓 墐墆墏 捃挸栚 蛣袹跜, 岓岕 溿 斶檎檦 匢奾灱 逜郰傃</p>';
$scope.htmlcontent = $scope.orightml;
$scope.disabled = false;

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/textAngular.js
Expand Up @@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ See or for requirements a
// all these vars should not be accessable outside this directive
var _keydown, _keyup, _keypress, _mouseup, _focusin, _focusout,
_originalContents, _toolbars,
_serial = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000000),
_serial = (attrs.serial) ? attrs.serial : Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000000000000),
_name = ( ? : 'textAngularEditor' + _serial,

Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions test/textAngular.spec.js
Expand Up @@ -149,6 +149,30 @@ describe('textAngular', function(){

describe('Use serial attribute', function(){
'use strict';
var $rootScope, element, textAngularManager;
beforeEach(inject(function (_$compile_, _$rootScope_, _textAngularManager_) {
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
textAngularManager = _textAngularManager_;
element = _$compile_('<text-angular serial="test"></text-angular>')($rootScope);

describe('generates id\'s and name attributes', function () {
it('name of editor', function(){
it('to textEditor', function(){
it('to htmlEditor', function(){

describe('Disable the editor', function(){
'use strict';
var $rootScope, element;
Expand Down

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