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173 lines (146 loc) · 6.08 KB

File metadata and controls

173 lines (146 loc) · 6.08 KB

Merge, trim and dereplicate pairs of fastq files

Initial situation: fastq files are already demultiplexed, we have a pair of R1 and R2 files for each sample.

To adapt it to another dataset, you need to change primer sequences in the initial block of variables, and the raw fastq file search pattern and sample file naming if your raw fastq files follow another naming rule (in the final while loop):

cd "${PWD}"

export LC_ALL=C

## ------------------------------------------------------------ define variables
declare -r PRIMER_F="${1}"
declare -r PRIMER_R="${2}"
declare -ri THREADS="${3:-4}"
declare -r FASTQ_NAME_PATTERN="_R1_001.fastq.gz"
declare -r CUTADAPT_OPTIONS="--minimum-length 32 --cores=${THREADS} --discard-untrimmed"
declare -r CUTADAPT="$(which cutadapt) ${CUTADAPT_OPTIONS}"  # cutadapt 4.1 or more recent
declare -r SWARM="$(which swarm)"  # swarm 3.0 or more recent
declare -r VSEARCH="$(which vsearch) --quiet"  # vsearch 2.21.1 or more recent
declare -ri ENCODING=33
declare -r MIN_F=$(( ${#PRIMER_F} * 2 / 3 ))  # match is >= 2/3 of primer length
declare -r MIN_R=$(( ${#PRIMER_R} * 2 / 3 ))
declare -r FIFOS=$(echo fifo_{merged,trimmed}_fastq fifo_filtered_fasta{,_bis})
declare -i TICKER=0

## ------------------------------------------------------------------- functions
revcomp() {
    # reverse-complement a DNA/RNA IUPAC string
    [[ -z "${1}" ]] && { echo "error: empty string" ; exit 1 ; }
    local -r nucleotides="acgturykmbdhvswACGTURYKMBDHVSW"
    local -r complements="tgcaayrmkvhdbswTGCAAYRMKVHDBSW"
    tr "${nucleotides}" "${complements}" <<< "${1}" | rev

merge_fastq_pair() {
    ${VSEARCH} \
        --threads "${THREADS}" \
        --fastq_mergepairs "${FORWARD}" \
        --reverse "${REVERSE}" \
        --fastq_ascii "${ENCODING}" \
        --fastq_allowmergestagger \
        --fastqout fifo_merged_fastq 2> "${SAMPLE}.log" &

trim_primers() {
    # search forward primer in both normal and revcomp: now all reads
    # are in the same orientation. Matching leftmost is the default.
    ${CUTADAPT} \
        --revcomp \
        --front "${PRIMER_F};rightmost" \
        --overlap "${MIN_F}" fifo_merged_fastq 2>> "${SAMPLE}.log" | \
        ${CUTADAPT} \
            --adapter "${ANTI_PRIMER_R}" \
            --overlap "${MIN_R}" \
            --max-n 0 - > fifo_trimmed_fastq 2>> "${SAMPLE}.log" &

convert_fastq_to_fasta() {
    # use SHA1 values as sequence names,
    # compute expected error values (ee)
    ${VSEARCH} \
        --fastq_filter fifo_trimmed_fastq \
        --relabel_sha1 \
        --fastq_ascii "${ENCODING}" \
        --eeout \
        --fasta_width 0 \
        --fastaout - 2>> "${SAMPLE}.log" | \
        tee fifo_filtered_fasta_bis > fifo_filtered_fasta &

extract_expected_error_values() {
    # extract ee for future quality filtering (keep the lowest
    # observed expected error value for each unique sequence)
    local -ri length_of_sequence_IDs=40
    paste - - < fifo_filtered_fasta_bis | \
        awk 'BEGIN {FS = "[>;=\t]"} {print $2, $4, length($NF)}' | \
        sort --key=3,3n --key=1,1d --key=2,2n | \
        uniq --check-chars=${length_of_sequence_IDs} > "${SAMPLE}.qual" &

dereplicate_fasta() {
    # dereplicate and discard expected error values (ee)
    ${VSEARCH} \
        --derep_fulllength fifo_filtered_fasta \
        --sizeout \
        --fasta_width 0 \
        --xee \
        --output "${SAMPLE}.fas" 2>> "${SAMPLE}.log"

list_local_clusters() {
    # retain only clusters with more than 2 reads
    # (do not use the fastidious option here)
    ${SWARM} \
        --threads "${THREADS}" \
        --differences 1 \
        --usearch-abundance \
        --log /dev/null \
        --output-file /dev/null \
        --statistics-file - \
        "${SAMPLE}.fas" | \
        awk 'BEGIN {FS = OFS = "\t"} $2 > 2' > "${SAMPLE}.stats"

## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ main
declare -r ANTI_PRIMER_R="$(revcomp "${PRIMER_R}")"

# from raw fastq files to ready-to-use sample files
find . -name "${FASTQ_NAME_PATTERN}" -type f -print0 | \
    while IFS= read -r -d '' FORWARD ; do
        TICKER=$(( $TICKER + 1 ))
        echo -e "${TICKER}\t${FORWARD}"
        REVERSE="${FORWARD/_R1_/_R2_}"  # adapt to fastq name patterns

        # clean (remove older files, if any)
        rm --force "${SAMPLE}".{fas,qual,log,stats} ${FIFOS}
        mkfifo ${FIFOS}


        # make sure fifos are done and not reused
        wait && rm ${FIFOS}

exit 0

The code above uses named pipes (fifo) to avoid writing intermediate results to mass storage. The goal is to speed up processing, and to make the code more modular and clearer. On the other hand, fifos are tricky to use, as you must remember to launch producers and consumers in the backgroup before running the last consumer.

Under certain very rare and elusive multithreading conditions, vsearch --fastq_mergepairs can hang, interrupting the data flow and the pipeline. Until that bug can be reproduced and fixed, be cautious.

update pipeline with vsearch 2.23

Now, sequence length are header attributes extract_expected_error_values() can be simplified.

deduce fastq name pattern

The goal is to eliminate the need for manual edits. Observed patterns are:

  • _L001_R1_001.fastq,
  • _L001_R1_002.fastq,
  • _L001_R1.fastq,
  • _R1.fastq,
  • _n_1.fastq (with n a value ranging from 1 to 9),
  • _1.fastq,
  • .1.fastq,
  • forward.fastq (and reverse.fastq)

Compressed (.gz, .bz) or not. The most current is _L001_R1_001.fastq as produced by Illumina MiSeq single-lane sequencers.

add tests for executable, parameters and values provided by users