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File metadata and controls

192 lines (149 loc) · 6.89 KB

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min (built-in task)

Minify files with UglifyJS.


This task is a multi task, meaning that grunt will automatically iterate over all min targets if a target is not specified.

Need some help getting started with grunt? Visit the getting started page. And if you're creating your own tasks or helpers, be sure to check out the types of tasks page as well as the API documentation.

A Very Important Note

Your grunt.js gruntfile must contain this code, once and only once. If it doesn't, grunt won't work. For the sake of brevity, this "wrapper" code has been omitted from all examples on this page, but it needs to be there.

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  // Your grunt code goes in here.

Project configuration

This example shows a brief overview of the config properties used by the min task. For a more in-depth explanation, see the usage examples.

// Project configuration.
  // Project metadata, used by the <banner> directive.
  meta: {},
  // Lists of files to be minified with UglifyJS.
  min: {}

Usage examples

Minifying individual files

In this example, running grunt min:dist (or grunt min because min is a multi task) will minify the specified source file, writing the output to dist/built.min.js.

Note that UglifyJS strips all comments from the source, including banner comments. See the "Banner comments" example for instructions on how to add a banner to the generated source.

// Project configuration.
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

Minifying while concatenating files

In this example, running grunt min:dist (or grunt min because min is a multi task) will first concatenate the three specified source files, in order, minifying the result and writing the output to dist/built.min.js.

Note that UglifyJS strips all comments from the source, including banner comments. See the "Banner comments" example for instructions on how to add a banner to the generated source.

// Project configuration.
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['src/intro.js', 'src/project.js', 'src/outro.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

With a slight modification, running grunt min will join the specified source files using ; instead of the default newline character before minification.

// Project configuration.
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['src/intro.js', 'src/project.js', 'src/outro.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js',
      separator: ';'

Minifying and concatenating separately

Often, it's desirable to create both unminified and minified distribution files. In these cases, the concat task should be run first, followed by the min task.

In this example, running grunt concat:dist min:dist (or grunt concat min because both concat and min are multi tasks) will first concatenate the three specified source files, in order, writing the output to dist/built.js. After that, grunt will minify the newly-created file, writing the output to dist/built.min.js.

Note that UglifyJS strips all comments from the source, including banner comments. See the "Banner comments" example for instructions on how to add a banner to the generated source.

// Project configuration.
  concat: {
    dist: {
      src: ['src/intro.js', 'src/project.js', 'src/outro.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.js'
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

Banner comments

In this example, running grunt min:dist (or grunt min because min is a multi task) will first strip any preexisting comments from the src/project.js file (because that's how UglifyJS works), then concatenate the result with a newly-generated banner comment, writing the output to dist/built.js.

This generated banner will be the contents of the meta.banner underscore template string interpolated with the config object. In this case, those properties are the values imported from the package.json file (which are available via the pkg config property) plus today's date.

Note: you don't have to use an external JSON file. It's completely valid to create the pkg object inline in the config. That being said, if you already have a JSON file, you might as well reference it. See the directives page for more information on the <banner> and <json> directives and their options.

// Project configuration.
  pkg: '<json:package.json>',
  meta: {
    banner: '/*! <%= %> - v<%= pkg.version %> - ' +
      '<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %> */'
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['<banner>', 'dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'

Specifying UglifyJS options

In this example, custom UglifyJS mangle, squeeze and codegen options are specified. The listed methods and their expected options are explained in the API section of the UglifyJS documentation:

  • The mangle object is passed into the pro.ast_mangle method.
  • The squeeze object is passed into the pro.ast_squeeze method.
  • The codegen object is passed into the pro.gen_code method.
// Project configuration.
  min: {
    dist: {
      src: ['dist/built.js'],
      dest: 'dist/built.min.js'
  uglify: {
    mangle: {toplevel: true},
    squeeze: {dead_code: false},
    codegen: {quote_keys: true}


A generic uglify helper is available for use in any other task where file minification might be useful. For example:

var src ='example.js');
var minSrc = grunt.helper('uglify', {mangle: {except: ['zomg']}});

A generic gzip helper is available for use in any other task where gzipped text might be useful. For example:

var src ='example.js');
var gzipSrc = grunt.helper('gzip', src);
grunt.log.writeln('Original size: ' + src.length + ' bytes.');
grunt.log.writeln('Gzipped size: ' + gzipSrc.length + ' bytes.');

To this end, a specialized min_max_info helper is available for use in any other task where before-compression & after-compression sizes need to be logged. For example:

var src ='example.js');
var minSrc = grunt.helper('uglify', {mangle: {except: ['zomg']}});
grunt.helper('min_max_info', minSrc, src);

See the min task source for more information.