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Tmux Launcher

Sources tmux profiles by invoking source-file helping to keep your tmux configurations portable.

This document is a brief introduction and guide, see mxl help and mxl help <cmd> for the man pages.

Requires node and tmux.


npm i -g mxl


Usage: mxl <command> [-anrh] [-a|--all] [-n|--noop]
           [-r|--recursive] [--color|--no-color] [-h|--help]
           [--version] [-c|--directory=<dir...>]
           [-p|--pattern=<ptn...>] [-s|--session=<name>] <args>

Tmux launcher.

 attach, att, a             Attach to a session.
 exec, ex                   Execute a command in a pane.
 list, ls                   List configuration files.
 source, so                 Source tmux configuration files.
 alias, as                  Manage file aliases.
 remove, rm                 Remove aliases by pattern match.
 prune, pr                  Remove stale aliases.
 index, idx                 Generate alias index.
 kill, k                    Kill sessions, windows and panes.
 install, i                 Install alias files.
 view, vi                   View and edit configuration files.
 quit                       Kill the tmux server.
 help                       Show help for commands.

 -c, --directory=[dir ...]  Working directory contexts.
 -p, --pattern=[ptn ...]    Filter files by regexp pattern(s).
 -a, --all                  Match all configuration files.
 -n, --noop                 Print matched files, do not call source-file.
 -s, --session=[name]       Create session before source file(s).
 -r, --recursive            Match files recursively.
 -h, --help                 Print help and exit.
     --[no]-color           Enable or disable terminal colors.
     --version              Print version and exit.

Report bugs to

Quick Start

First install a scratch template into $HOME.

cd ~
mxl i @scratch

Modify ~/tmux.conf to suit your needs then source it to create a scratch alias by username:

mxl .

Check the new alias exists:

mxl as

Then once you are in tmux you can launch the scratch template in your home directory:


Or from any directory with:

mxl @<username>

Now go read the man pages!

Configuration Examples

See the templates for example tmux configuration files, these files become the global aliases on installation.


Clone the repository, install deps (npm i) and symlink the executable in $PATH.

Install vim-tmux if possible, it's very useful.

When NODE_ENV is set to devel error stack traces are printed and man pages may be generated dynamically (NODE_ENV=devel mxl help).


To run the test suite:

npm test

Note that the working directory for test execution is set to fixtures/conf.

Run an individual test spec with TEST_SPEC:

TEST_SPEC=test/spec/context npm test


To generate code coverage:

npm run cover


To rebuild the default rc file aliases from the files in tpl run:

npm run alias

This is automatically called on postinstall to ensure shipped aliases are correct.


To build all documentation:

npm run docs


To build all man pages (requires manpage):

npm run manual


To build the readme file from the partial definitions (requires mdp):

npm run readme


Everything is MIT. Read the license if you feel inclined.

Generated by mdp(1).