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What is DNS anyway?

DNS (Domain Name System) is a framework for translating between names and IP addresses, and a nameserver is a computer/device that uses DNS to translate between (human-readable) hostnames and their corresponding IP addresses (thus, without one you would have to know in advance the IP address of every machine you connect to). Each time you type a name into your browser or click a link, that action triggers a DNS lookup using your local settings for DNS nameservers.

Inherent problems with the legacy DNS infrastructure include:

  • legacy DNS is not encrypted, which leaves it open to snooping, hijacking, etc
  • even though it supports TCP, it relies largely on UDP, which leaves it open to even more attack methods

DNS in its legacy form has been around as long as the Internet, but now we have both Internet RFCs for encrypted DNS, and a growing population of alternative DNS providers using the newer encrypted protocols that respect and support online privacy needs.

Terms and acronyms

DNSCrypt:This can mean the protocol or an implementation (eg, DNSCrypt-proxy)
DNS over TLS:DoT is the primary encrypted DNS implementation (TCP over port 853)
DNS over HTTPS:DoH is an alternate method using the standard (secure) web port
PII:Personally Identifiable Information (anything that ties data to an individual)
stub resolver:a local non-recursive DNS "server" that uses DoT and/or DoH

Why you should care about your DNS lookups

Mainly because DNS is abused by the same entities who collect your online data and use it for their own (usually nefarious) purposes. Your DNS queries can even be (literally) hijacked before they ever reach the internet. These not-so-nice entities may include the following:

  • many "public" DNS providers who log personal data
  • your internet service and/or phone plan provider
  • your hardware and/or OS vendors
  • pretty much anyone on the internet who wants to sniff legacy DNS traffic

DNS handling in FreePN

There are three DNS modes for the fpnd network daemon:

  • leave your DNS traffic as-is (the default)
  • route your DNS requests with your web traffic (optional)
  • drop all insecure outgoing DNS draffic if you are using a local secure stub resolver (optional)

Reasons why the first option is the default:

  • we don't know (and will not assume) how your system is setup
  • breaking DNS is a bad thing
  • too many other packages you may have installed already do this (connman, systemd, and networkmanager)

The default option above involves doing nothing about your current DNS setup, ie, it will work just as it always has, but leaves it insecure and definitely not private (unless you've already set up your own dnscrypt resolver).

The second option involves using a public DNS provider (eg, Cloudflare or OpenNIC) and setting route_dns to True in the fpnd settings file (fpnd.ini). If you're on Ubuntu (or Gentoo with a systemd profile) then systemd should already be the default "manager" of DNS settings, which makes it trivial to add our example config and edit it to suit your needs.

The third option (which we also have an example config fragment for) involves installing a secure DNS stub resolver on your device (such as stubby; see below) and configuring systemd-resolved to use it.

So, if you want to take back a big chunk of your privacy and you're using FreePN because you want more privacy, then you really should consider running a secure stub resolver on your system. Although both systemd and networkmanager support DNSCrypt in some fashion, there are known issues in the implementations, along with open bugs with DNS leaks.

There are many open source examples of DoT/DoH stub resolvers (just try searching github for DNSCrypt). The DNS Privacy Project has been heavily invovled in the development of the getdnsapi package and the associated stub resolver called stubby.

The getdnsapi and stubby implementations are full-featured and work very well, but going back to the github search above reveals many more. If you've ever looked at python code, you might enjoy looking at a very clean/pure python implementation of a local DoT forwarder that uses only the built-in python SSL functions.

Setup process for private DNS

The general setup process for switching to a local stub resolver/proxy on your machine is straight-forward:

  1. take control of your existing DNS settings
  2. install a DoT/DoH stub resolver/proxy
  3. configure your new resolver to use the DNS servers you want
  4. (re)start your new resolver
  5. check that it works

See the DNS Setup doc for the steps to secure your local DNS lookups.

More on the security of DNS

One broad category of DNS vulnerabilities applies to the inherent design and architecture of the DNS system, both at the protocol-layer and the system-layer.

  • the wikipedia article on DNS lists some of the security issues with the DNS system
  • one commonly exploited architectural vulnerability is cache poisoning
  • DNSSEC came about as a countermeasure against some of the weaknesses in the protocol
  • DNSCrypt came about as a countermeasure against even more of those weaknesses
  • notes on DNS from a developer that point out several system-level weaknesses

DNS is defined and described in numerous Internet RFCs. Modern RFCs now include a "Security Considerations" section that discusses security aspects related to the topic of the RFC. Two of the latest DNSCrypt protocol specifications can be found in this DNSCrypt team github repo.
