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File metadata and controls

17 lines (12 loc) · 1.45 KB



Name Type Description Notes
source_id Option<i32> Identifier for the iNat source record associated with this status, retrievable via (this endpoint is not a part of our public API and is thus subject to change or removal) [optional]
authority Option<String> Organization that declared this status [optional]
status Option<String> Body of the status, often coded, particularly when the status comes from the IUCN or NatureServe. Consult the authority and/or the status URL for details about the meanings of codes. [optional]
status_name Option<String> Human-readable name of the status if it was coded. [optional]
iucn Option<i32> Coded value representing the equivalent IUCN status. Mappings: NOT_EVALUATED = 0, DATA_DEFICIENT = 5, LEAST_CONCERN = 10, NEAR_THREATENED = 20, VULNERABLE = 30, ENDANGERED = 40, CRITICALLY_ENDANGERED = 50, EXTINCT_IN_THE_WILD = 60, EXTINCT = 70 [optional]
geoprivacy Option<String> Default geoprivacy for observations of this taxon in the status's place. [optional]
place Option<crate::models::CorePlace> [optional]

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