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Repository files navigation site

Quick notes

Main page starts from index.html which includes the home page located in pages/ All other pages are also located in pages/.

Top right menu is defined in _data/navigation.yml.

Team member content is in _data/team.csv (this file is a (manual) CSV export of FriquiFundDB).

A Jekyll theme is used to manage basic style:

Repository structure

It pretty much follows Jekyll documentation:

Folder _data/

Well-formatted site data should be placed here. The Jekyll engine will autoload all data files (using either the .yml, .yaml, .json, .csv or .tsv formats and extensions) in this directory, and they will be accessible via If there's a file members.yml under the directory, then you can access contents of the file through

  • _data/navigation.yml: Defines the menu in the top-right navigation bar.
  • _data/sitetext.yml: ????
  • _data/style.yml: Right now, basically defines the home page background image.
  • _data/team.csv: FriquiFund members details.

Folder _includes/

These are the partials that can be mixed and matched by your layouts and posts to facilitate reuse. The liquid tag {% include file.ext %} can be used to include the partial in _includes/file.ext.

  • _includes/home/: Sections included in home page and html chunk used to wrap this sections and included using liquid tag include.
  • _includes/members/: html chunk used to wrap members' information in members page.
  • footer.html: Web footer.
  • head.html: Web <head> tag.
  • header.html: Web <header> tag. Basically used to include the home page background image.
  • nav.html: Web top-side navigation bar.

Folder _layouts/

These are the templates that wrap posts. Layouts are chosen on a post-by-post basis in the front matter. The liquid tag {{ content }} is used to inject content into the web page.

  • _layouts/default.html: Base layout. Includes basic html page structure, <head> tag, navigation bar, page content, footer and assets links.
  • _layouts/page.html: Page layout. Inherits from default layout and includes some additional margin.

Folder _posts/

Your dynamic content, so to speak. The naming convention of these files is important, and must follow the format: The permalinks can be customized for each post, but the date and markup language are determined solely by the file name.

Folder img/

Logos, background images and other images used in the web.

Folder pages/

Web pages. Can be implemented using both html and markdown. They include

Folder pics/

Pictures of FriquiFund members.


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