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File metadata and controls

234 lines (185 loc) · 7.02 KB

Usage Guide

Here's a handy guide to help outline exactly how all of this works.

Setting it up

First, clone the repo:

$ git clone

Then change into the directory and run the setup script:

$ cd bane
$ ./

Or, if you're lazy, here's the whole thing in one line:

$ git clone && cd bane && ./

Starting a work session

First, you will probably want to run the Grunt watch task, which is the default task:

$ grunt

This will automatically compile your Jade templates, Sass stylesheets, and Font Custom SVGs as they change. You can modify this task in Gruntfile.js.

More conveniently, you can use the script, like so:

$ source ./

This is just a little bit more convenient and opens up a new tab with the site in it.

Directory Structure

BBBane.ed (★Backbone Boilerplate Bane edition★) has the following directory structure, with the example project:

├── Gruntfile.js
├── app
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── config.js
│   ├── main.js
│   ├── modules
│   │   └── (your modules)
│   ├── router.js
│   ├── styles
│   │   └── (stylesheets, based off Atomic)
│   ├── templates
│   │   ├── some_module
│   │   │   └── (module templates)
│   │   └── main.jade
│   └── templates.js
├── assets
│   └── images
├── data
│   └── (dummy JSON data)
├── favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── package.json
├── source
│   ├── icons
│   │   └── (SVG source files)
│   └── images
│   		└── (PSDs, AIs, etc)
└── vendor
    ├── jam
    │   └── (jam packages)
    └── js
        └── libs
            └── (other js libs)

Main Logic

Here is where the application kicks off. app.js and router.js are loaded, and then the Router created in router.js is instantiated and attached to your app.
Backbone's history is setup. In our case, we're using hash urls instead of the HTML5 history API. Using "true" urls requires some special handling on the server, and in our prototyping use case it's nice if we can just use a simple HTTP server (see below on how).

This file also specifies a binding for links in the document, hijacking relative links (i.e. links on the same site) so they use the app's router instead of their normal behavior. Specifying a data-bypass attribute on the element will override this binding.

Here is where you can load in any additional JS packages and configure your app object, such as setting what the root url is. This is also where LayoutManager is setup and where template fetching is handled.

This is where the navigation interaction is handled. You load your app here and your modules as well. Routes are created here as well.

This is what RequireJS loads first (as specified in index.html) and loads Jam's RequireJS config (thereby loading your core packages) and then loading main.js.


Here is the meat-and-potatoes of your app. Modules are logical units representing the entities in your application. Things that 'belong together' should be wrapped up in a module, which would encompass the relevant model(s), view(s), and collection(s).
You load these modules into router.js.


Templates are stored here. Bane uses Jade as its templating engine, and expects .jade as template extensions. You should try to group them according to module, though you are not held to these rules.


Bane is using my Atomic CSS microframework as a submodule. It's still a work in progress and is meant to reflect my own style defaults, so you may want to swap this out with something more appropriate for yourself.

If you decide to stick with my framework, you can edit _atomic.scss to configure Atomic, such as colors/type and what modules to use, and to paste in icon classes generated by Font Custom (see below).
In index.scss you can place the rest of your styles.


Place dummy data in here as json files. Specify your collection urls to point to the appropriate files here. This allows your prototype to feel a little more 'real'.


Place asset source files in here, such as SVGs for building icon fonts, or PSDs for raster graphic assets.

Libraries & Packages & Plugins

Third-party packages are placed in here, such as those installed by Jam (in vendor/jam/), or those you install yourself (in vendor/js/, for example).


Specify your app's dependencies and other information here.
This is also where Jam's directories are specified.

Helpful Goodies

Font Custom

Font Custom is an awesome tool that allows you to build your own icon fonts from SVG files.

Here's how to install it on OSX.
You will need Homebrew, which can be installed by running the following command:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, to install Font Custom:

$ brew install fontforge ttfautohint
$ gem install fontcustom

See the Font Custom site for Linux installation instructions.

The source SVGs are located in source/icons, so if you are modifying, adding, or removing icons, place them there.

If you have the Grunt default (watch) task running, Grunt will automatically compile, move and modify these files so that you're using the newest icons.

Otherwise, you'll need to run following command from your application root to compile the SVGs into an icon font.

$ fontcustom compile source/icons


Grunt is an essential automation tool. It will perform a set of preconfigured tasks for you, which you define in Gruntfile.js.

Bane's default task can be initialized with:

$ grunt

in Bane's root directory.

This will start watching the project files for any changes, and automatically compile Jade, Sass, and Font Custom files. It will also run a server on port 8989, providing access to the project (i.e. http://localhost:8989).

If you are not running the native app version of LiveReload, you can optionally uncomment the livereload: true configuration line in the Gruntfile to start a LiveReload server as well. To use it, install the LiveReload Chrome extensions, so that your site will automatically refresh on file change.

You can easily augment Grunt to your own liking with its vast set of plugins.