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Releases: froala/knockout-froala

Release 4.0.6

14 Oct 11:11
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  • Fixed the issue Outdent button is not enabled after indent when enabling Iframe option
  • Fixed ENTER_DIV does not work as expected when enter between a sentence
  • Fixed the issue empty space appears on copy pasting from Google sheets
  • Fixed the issue link carries through to the first character of the new first list item
  • Fixed, lists behave strangely when <p> inside <li>
  • Fixed issue with pasting content from notepad, Applying font-size on pasted content does not work as expected when pastePlain and htmlUntouched options are enabled
  • Fixed, TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of null
  • Fixed the issue progress bar gets hidden if the editor is resized while a large file is uploading
  • Fixed issue throwing error, "Cannot read property 'tagName' of undefined" when htmlUntouched option enabled and press delete on content in some scenarios
  • Fixed issue editor freezes/crashes when selecting table cells
  • Fixed issue link getting removed on image when toggling between an image caption and start typing
  • Fixed issue cannot upload .msg files even after configuring the correct MIME type
  • Fixed issue next textbox gets inside the focused textbox while pressing delete button on a bulleted sentence
  • Fixed html.getSelected() method to work correctly with ENTER_BR or ENTER_DIV options
  • Fixed issue inserting youtube videos with the autoplay option doesn't work
  • Fixed issue editor lags when its content is selected
  • Fixed issue space after text getting removed when using keyboard shortcuts to enable and disable the basic commands (bold, italic, underline)
  • Fixed issue with selected styles (font size, font family, font color) getting reset while toggle the "Bold" tool
  • Fixed issue applying bold, italics and underline commands leaves ZeroWidthSpace on text

Release 4.0.5

17 Sep 13:11
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  • Fixed the issue editor scrolls down if the user clicks the Enter or Backspace in iframe mode
  • Fixed issue with applying formatting on single word, Sometimes the editor applies formatting on whole paragraph or last word in firefox browser
  • Fixed adding caption to an image having inline text, the text incorporates within the image
  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'more_btn' of undefined
  • Fixed issue pasting content from word containing bold, underline and italic text does not retain formatting
  • Fixed images won't paste into editor when imageUploadURL is specified
  • Fixed images in base64 format lose their alignment issue
  • Fixed uncaught exception when removing a table row
  • Fixed the pasted table always has borders in iframe mode
  • Fixed Table Edit Popup doesn't appear when selecting all cells when one of the table cell contains text in it.
  • Fixed issue editor cannot be initialised for the second time with ng-if directive
  • Fixed Clear formatting command does not work with some block tags elements, e.g( <h1>, <h2>, <pre>.)
  • Fixed the Indent/Outdent buttons does not work as expected
  • Fixed pasting lists from MS word is broken in IE11
  • Fixed the prompt moves down 2-3 lines when the htmlUntouched option is set to true and the font is changed
  • Fixed the issue keepFormatOnDelete prevents the creation of an empty paragraph
  • Fixed editor component returns empty divs when testing jest enzyme
  • Fixed inserting image through quick insert, does not show in track changes
  • Fixed copy and pasting a table with multiple images as base64, some of the images gets displayed twice
  • Fixed switching off the formatting button clears formatting and cursor jumps to the beginning issue on Android
  • Fixed the editor loses focus when undo after pasting a hyperlink
  • Fixed ParagraphFormat: Object doesn't support property or method 'includes' issue in IE

Release 4.0.4

02 Aug 17:46
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  • Fixed, Reject Single Change icon is rejecting multiple changes in one click
  • Fixed, Iframe: ImageEdit popup does not appear on images when initializing the editor with predefined height.
  • Fixed, Enter_BR: Multiple characters gets deleted on backspace
  • Fixed, can't type text after pasting image
  • Fixed, pasting a image from MS word causes the editor to freeze.
  • Fixed, deleting list from table cell deletes the cell itself
  • Fixed, uploading SVG image to server, displays the image twice in the editor
  • Fixed, buttons group dropdown stopped working.
  • Fixed, the clearFormatting command does not remove style attribute
  • Fixed, after clicking on image in specific scenario the image edit popup does not appear properly
  • Fixed, pasting from Word breaks in Safari
  • Fixed, the Underline and Strikethrough styles are not working properly after highlighting text.
  • Fixed, editor scrolls to bottom on enter/backspace
  • Fixed, Froala editor scrolls up if you use enter in table
  • Fixed, IE: Remove button on textColor and backgroundColor doesn't works
  • Fixed, if user uploads PDF file via Files Manager, it is inserted into the iframe element with fr-video class
  • Fixed, Markdown: Code blocks should render the spacing, newlines, tabs and formatting.
  • Fixed, inserting image with fr-fir class and inserting caption destroys the imagEditPopup
  • Fixed, when replacing youTube video with a video from upload video, The interface throws an error.
  • Fixed, if the iframe is enabled, popups do not close if the user clicks outside the editor
  • Fixed, ENTER_BR feature
  • Fixed, when fullPage & heightMin options is enabled scroll bar doesn't appear

Release 4.0.3

06 Jul 15:23
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  • Fixed selection lost issue on Safari while focusing the toolbar by keyboard shortcut (alt+F10)
  • Fixed the video preview issue on Safari browser
  • Fixed the issue with copy/paste base64 image from editor to editor on Safari browser
  • Fixed selection lost issue with custom popup
  • Fixed issue inserting text followed by a line break into the editor, The editor ignores the line break(<br>)
  • Fixed issue with bullet Indent/Outdent
  • Fixed embedded Twitter content is missing issue
  • Fixed issue pasting Images with some text from MSword gets pasted twice when setting the option wordPasteModal: false
  • Fixed issue with removing the 'videoReplace' and 'autoplay' buttons from the Video Edit popup
  • Fixed issue with createing list in iframe mode in IE11 browser
  • Fixed issue IE11: Object doesn't support property or method 'matches'
  • Fixed issue dropdowns has a horizontal scroll in Safari (Mac)
  • Fixed error on applying inline styles on content with nested spans in IE11 browser
  • Added translation for Table Styles and Cell Styles options
  • Fixed issue toolbar buttons disappear when replacing the image caption
  • Fixed the progress bar geting hidden issue if the editor is resized while a large file is uploading
  • Fixed issue table edit popup not opened after wrapping the table in a div tag

Release 4.0.2

02 Jul 07:27
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  • Fixed extra space getting added after we write a line and press enter
  • Fixed when copy paste list item it pasted at place where we copied
  • Fixed when applying style , unable to click outside that style area
  • Fix when applying paragraph style and formatting like borders, the two lines appear instead of one
  • Fixed, menu gets hidden after track changes bar
  • Fix for Two vertical split labels that get shown
  • Fixed , when formatting changes are rejected, the highlighted text duplicates itself
  • Fixed, continuous deletion from 1 paragraph to another not working properly
  • Fixed, unexpected letters is adding while we write something
  • Fix in Markdown plugin , when we press enter the above text get change

Release 4.0.1

08 Jun 05:16
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  • Fix for Track changes Toolbar sometimes not opening in Froala website
  • Fix for Table, tbody, tr, td having generic styling
  • Fix for CSS style rules for some elements which were broken

Release 4.0.0

01 Jun 07:25
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  • Enable / Disable Track Changes
  • Show / Hide Track Changes
  • Accept Single Change feature in Track Changes
  • Reject Single Change feature in Track Changes
  • Accept ALL Changes feature in Track Changes
  • Reject ALL Changes feature in Track Changes
  • Markdown Support

Release 3.2.7

19 May 05:10
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  • Fixed Froala editor scrolls up if you use enter in table
  • Fixed Enter_BR: Multiple characters gets deleted on backspace
  • Fixed space getting removed between link and text when loading the content with html.set method
  • Fixed uncaught TypeError: Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined
  • Fixed , with htmlUntouched the empty character is deleted
  • Fixed blur fires if the user clicks a toolbar button in Mobile
  • Fixed , when attribution: false in Froala v3 editor appearance looks odd
  • Fixed , user cannot link the selected word if the enter option is set to BR
  • Fixed, dropdowns has a horizontal scroll in Safari (Mac)
  • Fixed, current instance loses the focus if the user clicks on the button of the shared toolbar
  • Fixed , char counter is missing when the inlineToolbar is enabled
  • Fixed, Ionic4: toolbarBottom option doesn't work
  • Fixed, cannot upload .svg image in the editor
  • Fixed, update State in functional component
  • Fixed , ImageEdit popup doesn't appear on mobile devices
  • Fixed, external javascript is not executing in the editor
  • Fixed, replace fill-available to stretch, because spec had been changed
  • Fixed, uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
  • Fixed, MS SharePoint integration support
  • Fixed, keyboard issue on IOS device running a ionic/capacitor app on angular
  • Fixed, editor cannot be initialized for the second time with ng-if directive
  • Fixed, After setting contenteditable false, can still select the text apply features(like bold) from toolbar
  • Fixed, click on the Clean button should remove all formatting
  • Fixed, form tag removed when editor is itself contained with a form
  • Fixed, pasting a numbered list from Word resets numbers to 1
  • Fixed, pressing backspace on quoted area which contains fr-inner class, removes the whole quoted area or content.
  • Fixed, Content gets deleted on the Enter click in Safari
  • Fixed, adding image caption adds empty P tags on the above and below of the image
  • Fixed, wordPaste plugin unconditionally removes empty table cells in Chrome
  • Fixed, cannot apply an option from the dropdown
  • Fixed, image alignment does not work as expected
  • Fixed, method events.focus() does not work
  • Fixed , TypeError: Cannot read property 'classList' of null
  • Fixed, editTable popup doesn't appear on mobile devices
  • Fixed, TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
  • Fixed, after pasting the image, the user cannot type
  • Fixed Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null
  • Fixed, Unexpected behavior with style height: 100vh in the content when fullpage option is enabled
  • Fixed, quick insert button shows half after adding a table in fullscreen mode
  • Fixed , xss vulnerability issue

Release 3.2.6-1

05 Feb 08:59
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  • Fixed Method events.focus() does not work.
  • Fixed Missing translation es, pt_pt, ko, pl, it.
  • Fixed Cannot insert the Font Awesome icon.
  • Fixed The preformatted text (pre tag) loses its formatting if it's pasted into the editor.

Release 3.2.6

25 Jan 10:15
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• Fixed Spell checker not working and missing Image Advanced Edit button in Node JS SDK
• Fixed Unable to load any images or files Python Flask SDK
• Fixed Upload Video not working in Rail SDk
• Fixed On opening an uploaded file throws "HTTP status 404-Not Found" in Java SDK
• Fixed Unable to upload images in Java SDK
• Fixed On opening an uploaded file throws "Template is missing" in Rail SDK :
• Fixed Image upload throwing error for "By Url and Upload Image" under 2nd & 3rd section of Editor in Node js SDK
• Fixed Video upload throwing error for "By Url and Embed code" on Console for Save disk section in Node js SDK
• Fixed Unable to Upload Images,videos and files under S3 editor in Python Flask SDK:
• Fixed File upload not working for files other than pdf in .NET SDK
• Fixed Unable to upload images through Browse option and Sample-2 Editor(Resize on Server) in Node js SDK
• Fixed Unable to Upload the Files from File Manager Plugin in Python Flask SDK
• Fixed Unable to remove file from disk when image is deleted from the Accept only JPEG images in Ruby SDK
• Fixed Video are not playing under Firefox in Ruby SDK
• Fixed Help plugin UI not inline in knockout framework
• Fixed Color plugin issue in WordPress framework
• Fixed Undo.saveStep() not working with React when inserting content without focusing editor
• Fixed componentWillMount hook deprecated
• Fixed Cell height of table not proper in CakePHP 3
• Fixed Insert link plugin is not working properly in CakePHP 3 framework
• Fixed Quote plugin not working properly in CakePHP 3 framework
• Fixed Froala editor not coming up in fullscreen mode in CakePHP 3 framework
• Fixed Paragraph format UI is different from other framework/froala editor in Yii Framework
• Fixed Codeview not working properly in WordPress framework
• Fixed Line Breaker not showing break icon on mouse hover at the bottom of the table In Aurelia Webpack
• Fixed Quick insert option is not working in normal screen mode but working in full screen mode
• Fixed Unable to access to the AppComponent members in Angular2+
• Fixed Selection box is misplaced for embeded link in Knockout frame work
• Fixed GatsbyJS support issue
• Fixed Setting the content with ng-repeat, events are undefined in Angular1
• Fixed user can't scroll with mouse wheel when editor is inside DevExpress popup
• Fixed Unable to drag an image under Firefox in Word Press
• Fixed Embed URL ,Advanced Edit in Image TUI, Code Beautifier not working in WordPress
• Fixed Heading 2 does not appear with underline in paragraph formatting in WordPress
• Fixed Maximize screen does not change the symbol to 'Restore' after maximizing E in WordPress
• Fixed Spell checker and Image TUI not working Aurelia Integration Webpack Framework
• Fixed Error when trying to show the editor after it is hidden, if options are defined in Angular1
• Fixed missing plugins when Froala is imported from the vue-froala-wysiwyg,
• Fixed quick insert not working in both master and v3 in angular framework
• Fixed Copy-Paste options through shortcut keys not working properly in Django framework
• Fixed Download pdf not working - across all frameworks
• Fixed Copy paste not working as expected in Knockout framework
• Fixed Insert link by short-cut(ctrl-k) is not working if text is not provided in URL addition.(same in master also)
• Fixed Quick insert not visible in both master and V3 in Angular 2
• Fixed entities plugin in Yii framework
• Fixed Image_TUI issue across all Frameworks
• Fixed No colors for different attributes in code view(meteor and cake2)-across all Frameworks