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Frontendcore uses Yeoman to the installation. Yeoman is a Node application that will create the folder structure and get the dependencies for you.

Installing the dependencies

Install Ruby & Sass

Sass is a css preprocessor. CSS on its own can be fun, but stylesheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. This is where a preprocessor can help. Sass lets you use features that don't exist in CSS yet like variables, nesting, mixins, inheritance and other nifty goodies that make writing CSS fun again.

Install Compass

Compass is an open-source CSS authoring framework which uses the Sass stylesheet language to make writing stylesheets powerful and easy. Experience cleaner markup without presentational classes. Compass mixins make CSS3 easy.

gem install compass

Install Susy

Sussy is a grid math system for sass. In a world of agile development and super-tablet-multi-magic-laptop-phones, the best layouts can’t be contained in a single framework or technique. CSS Libraries are a bloated mess of opinions about how to do your job. Why let the table-saw tell you where to put the kitchen?

gem install susy

Install NodeJS

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

Install yeoman

Yeoman helps you to kickstart new projects, prescribing best practices and tools to help you stay productive. To do so, we provide a generator ecosystem. A generator is basically a plugin that can be run with the yo command to scaffold complete projects or useful parts.

npm install -g yo

Install the generator-frontendcore

This is the real installation of frontendcore, providing you the structure and everything configured just to start using it.

npm install generator-frontendcore

Finally, initiate the generator:

$ yo frontendcore