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Working with image sizes

To work with responsive images, we first has to prepare one or more image sizes for various breakpoints. Image sizes can be defined using following classes:

ImageSize object

This object holds and calculates information about image width, height and transformations. Arguments can only be set through __construct:

  • int $width Required image width in pixels. The only required argument.
  • int|null $height Optional image height in pixels. Is proportionaly calculated if not given.
  • string|bool|null $crop Whether and how to crop image.
    • null Auto decision - crop in fill mode if $height given, don't crop (fit mode) if $height is null.
    • string fill (crop), fit (don't crop) or any supported crop/resize mode name with Auto Cloudinary plugin. Fly Dynamic Image Resizer plugin doesn't support crop modes, so values crop, fill, lfill, fill_pad, thumb are translated as crop, others values as no-crop.
    • bool values are translated to string: true = crop in fill, false = don't crop (fit mode)
  • array $cloudinaryTransform Definition of other Cloudinary transformations. Ignored if used with Fly Dynamic Image Resizer plugin.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSize;

// Resize image proportionaly to 500px width, don't crop, default Cloudinary transformations only
$size1 = new ImageSize(500);

// Crop image to exactly 300x200px, default Cloudinary transformations only
$size2 = new ImageSize(300, 200);

// Resize image so it fits to 500x300px bounds, don't crop, default Cloudinary transformations only
$size3 = new ImageSize(500, 300, false); // the same with $crop = 'fit'

// Resize and crop image to 250x250px, prevent face croping
// @see
$size4 = new ImageSize(250, 250, 'thumb', ['gravity' => 'face']);

// The same using suggested factory function
$size1 = img_size(500);
$size2 = img_size(300, 200);
$size3 = img_size(500, 300, false);
$size4 = img_size(250, 250, 'thumb', ['gravity' => 'face']);

Default Cloudinary transformation:

ImageSize object comes with default Cloudinary transformations to change image quality auto:eco and to fetch images in WebP format if supported by browser. This transformation is applied to all images, you can change it through public static property:

// setup-images.php
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSize;

ImageSize::$defaultCloudinaryTransform = [
	'quality' => 80 // All images will now be in 80% quality rather then eco

Public API:

  • getWidth(): int Get image width in pixels.
  • getHeight(): ?int Get image height in pixels if defined.
  • getCropType(): string Normalize given crop type to string as desbribed above.
  • hasCrop(): bool Normalize given crop type to boolean.
  • getCloudinaryTransform(): array Merge Cloudinary transformation from construct with default values.

ImageSizeList object

ImageSizeList represents a group of ImageSize objects related to breakpoints. ImageSize objects can be given either from array or by fluent interface. It also holds information whether the sizes were given in mobile-first or desktop-first order.

Public API:

  • __construct(bool $mobileFirst = true) Instantiate for either mobile- or desktop-frist notation
  • static fromArray(array $imageSizes, bool $mobileFirst = true): ImageSizeList Instantiate using array of breakpoint widths (keys) and arguments for ImageSize object (values).
    • array $imageSizes
      • int array key: min-width or max-width breakpoint (according to $mobileFirst argument)
      • int|array array value: width only, or array of all ImageSize arguments
    • bool $mobileFirst default true = mobile-first, false = desktop-first notation
  • append(int $breakpoint, ImageSize $size): ImageSizeList Append new ImageSize for given breakpoint, returns self object to chain.
  • isMobileFirst(): bool Is mobile-first notation active?
  • isEmpty(): bool Is there any ImageSize?
  • getWidest(): ImageSize Get widest image size. Throws RuntimeException if list is empty.

Class implements Iterator interface so it can be use in loops to iterate through ImageSize objects. ImageSize objects are sorted by breakpoint width from smallest with destop-first or widest with mobile-first notation before each loop to ensure sizes input order doesn't matter.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSizeList;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSize;

// Create using mobile-first notation and fluent interface
$sizes1 = (new ImageSizeList())
	->append(0, new ImageSize(400, 250)) // Fallback when no media query matched
	->append(576, new ImageSize(500)) // (min-width: 576px), up to next breakpoint (767px)
	->append(768, new ImageSize(700)) // (min-width: 768px), up to next breakpoint (991px)
	->append(992, new ImageSize(900)) // (min-width: 992px), up to next breakpoint (1200px)
	->append(1200, new ImageSize(1100)); // (min-width: 1200px) without upper limit

// Create using desktop-first notation and fluent interface
$sizes2 = (new ImageSizeList(false))
	->append(575, new ImageSize(400, 250)) // from 0px, (max-width: 575px)
	->append(767, new ImageSize(700)) // form previous breakpoint 576px, (max-width: 767px)
	->append(991, new ImageSize(900)) // form previous breakpoint 768px, (max-width: 992px)
	->append(1199, new ImageSize(1100)); // from previous breakpoint 992px up to infinity - largest breakpoints doesn't have maximum

// Same desktop-first notation using array
$sizes2 = ImageSizeList::fromArray([
	576 => [400, 250]
	768 => 700,
	992 => 900,
	1200 => 1100
], false);

// Same desktop-first notation using suggested factory function
$sizes2 = img_sizes([
	576 => [400, 250]
	768 => 700,
	992 => 900,
	1200 => 1100
], false);

BootstrapSizes object

If you work with Bootstrap grid system in your theme, you don't have to measure image on each breakpoint, instead you can generate it's sizes based on number of columns, which the image takes in Bootstrap grid system.


BootstrapSizes object is preconfigured with default Bootstrap v5 values. If you compile custom breakpoints, container widths, number of columns or gutter in SCSS, you need to set the same values to the object's constructor:

use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\BootstrapSizes;

// Number of columns in grid (default 12)
$columns = 10;

// Gap between two columns in pixels (default 24)
$gutter = 30;

// Breakpoints - viewport widths, where the layout is changed.
// Default: [ 'xs' => 0, 'sm' => 576, 'md' => 768, 'lg' => 992, 'xl' => 1200, 'xxl' => 1400 ]
$breakpoints = [
	'xxs' => 0,
	'xs' => 375,
	'sm' => 576,
	'md' => 768,
	'lg' => 992,
	'xl' => 1200,
	'xxl' => 1400

// Container widths for each breakpoint, omit if container should be 100% wide
// Default: [ 'sm' => 540, 'md' => 720, 'lg' => 960, 'xl' => 1140, 'xxl' => 1320 ]
$containers = [
	'sm' => 520,
	'md' => 700,
	'lg' => 920,
	'xl' => 1150,
	'xxl' => 1350

$bootstrap = new BootstrapSizes($columns, $gutter, $breakpoints, $containers);

If you want to use this configuration for all instances of BootstrapSizes, it's a good idea to configure the object in factory function as suggested in factory function configuration.

Thanks to this configuration, BootstrapSizes helper might work even with different grid systems than Bootstrap.

Public API

  • __construct(int $columns, int $gutter, array $breakpoints, array $containers) Instantiate with configuration. All arguments are null by default, which means they are set as default Bootstrap 5 grid (see configuration above).
  • col(string $breakpoint, int $cols, int $height = null, $crop = null, array $cloudinaryTransform = []): BootstrapSizes Set how many $columns does the image takes on given $breakpoint. Arguments $height, $crop and $cloudinaryTransform are used in ImageSize object generated for this breakpoint. Supports chaining.
  • container(string $breakpoint, int|null $width, bool $givenWithGutter = true): BootstrapSizes Change container size for $breakpoint to $width in pixels given either with (default) or without gutter padding. Useful if image container is nested inside parent column or has non-standard width. Supports chaining.
  • getSizes(): ImageSizeList Get calculated ImageSizeList based on previously given cols.

Since Bootstrap works with mobile-first breakpoints, calculated ImageSizeList will also be returned in mobile-first notation.

By default all breakpoints are set to 12 columns, so they fill the full width of container. For smallest xs breakpoint the default Bootstrap container is fluid, image width will be calculated as maximal possible viewport width minus $gutter (both side paddings). Maximal viewport width is calculated as next breakpoint minus 1px (mobile-first notation). This applies to all fluid containers.

Similar as in Bootstrap, number of columns and other arguments given in col() method will be also used for every wider breakpoint, which is not explicitly specified.


Image inside the default root Bootstrap container:

use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\BootstrapSizes;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;

// Create responsive image scaled to whole Bootstrap container in all breakpoints (no col is defined)
$sizes1 = (new BootstrapSizes())->getSizes();

// Get image scaled by given number of columns for each breakpoint
$sizes2 = (new BootstrapSizes())
	// From 0 to 575px viewports image will be scaled to 551x300px. Width 551px is calculated as next breakpoint width 576px minus 1px minus $gutter (side paddings) 24px.
	->col('xs', 12, 300)

	// From 576px to 991px the image will be scaled as 10/12 of container width. Height will be proportional.
	->col('sm', 10)

	// Breakpoint 'md' was skipped, so 10 columns will apply for md container as well

	// From 992px to 1199px viewports image will be scaled to 8/12 of container, proportional height.
	->col('lg', 8)

	// For 1200px and wider viewport image will scale to 6/12 of container, proportional height.
	->col('xl', 6)


// The same with suggested factory function
$sizes1 = bootstrap_sizes()->getSizes();
$sizes2 = bootstrap_sizes()
	->col('xs', 12, 300)
	->col('sm', 10)
	->col('lg', 8)
	->col('xl', 6)


<div class="container">
	<!-- $sizes1 fills the width of whole container -->
	<?php (new UploadImage($attachment_id))->responsiveImgTag($sizes1); ?>

	<div class="row">
		<!-- Here we use the same columns defined for $size2 -->
		<div class="col-sm-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-6">
			<?php (new UploadImage($attachment_id))->responsiveImgTag($sizes2); ?>

Image can be embed inside the container with changed width. In following example, image container is 10/12 wide from md and 8/12 wide from xl. The best way is to measure the width of parent .col in Chrome inspector.

Containers doesn't work like cols, their widths are not scaled automaticaly for next breakpoints, so if you change md container, you have to change all wider container (lg, xl and xxl) as well. This downside might be fixed in some next version.

use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\BootstrapSizes;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;

// Same columns as in $size2, but change container from lg
$sizes3 = (new BootstrapSizes())
	// The width of parent .col is 10/12 of root container, default md container is 720px, so 720*10/12 = 600px ($gutter included)
	->container('md', 600)

	// We have to specify changed container for lg, it is not scaled automatically. Calculation would be: 960px * 10/12 = 800px, where 960px is default root container width for lg.
	->container('lg', 800)

	// For sake of example, we set xl container without $gutter. Root xl container is 1140px, we use it's 8/12th, so the value would be: 1140 * 8/12 - 24 = 736px
	->container('xl', 736, false)

	// For xxl breakpoint, we also use 8/12th of root container width: 1320 * 8/12 = 880px
	->container('xxl', 880)

	// Set nested cols
	->col('xs', 12, 300)
	->col('sm', 10)
	->col('lg', 8)
	->col('xl', 6)

// Same with suggested factory function
$sizes3 = bootstrap_sizes()
	->container('md', 600)
	->container('lg', 800)
	->container('xl', 736, false)
	->container('xxl', 880)
	->col('xs', 12, 300)
	->col('sm', 10)
	->col('lg', 8)
	->col('xl', 6)


<div class="container">
	<div class="row">
		<!-- Change the width of image container from md -->
		<div class="col-md-10 col-xl-8">

			<div class="row">
				<div class="col-sm-10 col-lg-8 col-xl-6">
					<?php (new UploadImage($attachment_id))->responsiveImgTag($sizes3); ?>
