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Working with images

Library includes two main classes for work with images:

Methods of both classes, which generates HTML output are always available in two variants:

  • with get prefix returns Html object for futher modification
  • without get prefix outputs HTML directly

All methods generating <img> tag sets width and height attributes properly from ImageSize, or from widest size found in ImageSizeList in case of responsive images. If height is not given explicitly, it will be calculated proprtionaly.

Shared methods

Both UploadImage and ThemeImage class extends mutual abstract parent class Fronty\ResponsiveImages\BaseImage, which contains or forces following shared methods:


Check if image is SVG.

  • @return bool


Returns image pathinfo as the ArrayHash.

  • @return ArrayHash ArrayHash object with pathinfo data.

getUrl() and getPath()

Returns fully qualified URL or absolute path of image original size. In context of UploadImage, this always returns url or path on your server (not from Cloudinary).

These methos in ThemeImage object uses fri_theme_img_url and fri_theme_img_path filters, see more about WP filters.

  • @return string Fully qualified URL or path of the image on local server.

getImgTag() and imgTag()

Returns or output non-responsive <img> HTML tag. Useful also for SVG in <img> tags.

  • @param ImageSize $size How to resize image. See ImageSize docs.
  • @param array $attrs = [] Optional image tag HTML attributes.
  • @return Html Html object of <img>.

Uses fri_upload_img_tag with UploadImage and fri_theme_img_tag in ThemeImage, see more about WP filters.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSize;

(new UploadImage($attachment_id))->imgTag(new ImageSize(400, 200), ['alt' => 'My uploaded image']);

(new ThemeImage('my-image.jpg'))->imgTag(new ImageSize(400, 200), ['alt' => 'My theme image']);

// With factory function
img_upload($attachment_id)->imgTag(img_size(400, 200), ['alt' => 'My uploaded image']);
img_theme('my-image.jpg')->imgTag(img_size(400, 200), ['alt' => 'My theme image']);


	width="400" height="200"
	alt="My uploaded image">

	width="400" height="200"
	alt="My theme image">

getInlineSvg() and inlineSvg()

Return or ouput inline <svg>. All classes in SVG are changed to unique using random hash. In UploadTheme, the SVG is also sanitized using darylldoyle/svg-sanitizer.

  • @return string SVG code.
  • @throws LogicException If the image is not of SVG type. Check image using isSvg() before.

UploadImage object

All methods generating <img> tag takes care of alt attribute. If you don't specify it explicitly in $attrs argument, it will be set automatically from "Alternative text" or "Title" field in WP Media Library.


  • @param int $attachment_id ID of WP attachment post.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;

$img = new UploadImage($attachment_id);

// Or using suggested factory function:
$img = img_upload($attachment_id);

isSvg(), getPathinfo(), getUrl(), getPath(), getInlineSvg(), inlineSvg(), getImgTag() and imgTag()

These methods is documented in Shared methods above.


Returns fully qualified URL, width and height of an image in required size. Returns URL from Cloudinary if Auto Cloudinary plugin is active, otherwise returns scaled image from local server.

  • @param ImageSize $size Size to which to scale image. See ImageSize docs.
  • @return array [ 0 => string URL, 1 => int width, 2 => int height ]


Get Html object of <a> tag, which href points to image scaled by given ImageSize. Useful when creating lightbox links.

  • @param array $attrs = [] Optional HTML attributes for <a> tag.
  • @param ImageSize $size = null Size to which scale the linked image. Unscaled image will be returned if null given. See ImageSize docs.
  • @return Html Html object of <a> link without any children.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSize;

$img = new UploadImage($attachment_id);

// Add any Html object inside the link object
echo $img->getImgLink(['class' => 'lightbox'], new ImageSize(1920))
		$img->getImgTag(new ImageSize(400, 250))

// Same with suggested factory functions
$img = img_upload($attachment_id);
echo $img->getImgLink(['class' => 'lightbox'], img_size(1920))
	->addHtml($img->getImgTag(img_size(400, 250)));

getResponsiveImgTag() and responsiveImgTag()

Get or output responsive <img> tag with sizes and srcset arguments calculated by given ImageSizeList.

Attributes width and height will be set according to the widest image scale found in ImageSizeList.

Attribute alt will be automatically filled with first non-empty field alt or title set in WP Media Library.

  • @param ImageSizeList $sizes Sizes of the responsive image. See ImageSizeList docs.
  • @param array $attrs = [] HTML attributes of the image, eg. ['class' => 'img-fluid', 'alt' => 'My image']
  • @return Html Html object of <img>.

Uses fri_upload_responsive_img_tag filter, see more about WP filters.


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;
use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\Sizes\ImageSizeList;

$sizes = ImageSizeList::fromArray([
	0 => [400, 250],
	576 => 500,
	768 => 700,
	992 => 900,
	1200 => 1100

(new UploadImage($attachment_id))
	->responsiveImgTag($sizes, [
		'class' => 'img-fluid',
		'alt' => 'My image'

// The same with suggested factory function
			0 => [400, 250],
			576 => 500,
			768 => 700,
			992 => 900,
			1200 => 1100
			'class' => 'img-fluid',
			'alt' => 'My image'


	sizes="(min-width: 1200px) 1100px,
		(min-width: 992px) 900px,
		(min-width: 768px) 700px,
		(min-width: 576px) 500px,
	srcset=",f_auto,w_1100,c_fit/your-project/2021/05/your-image.jpg 1100w,,f_auto,w_900,c_fit/your-project/2021/05/your-image.jpg 900w,,f_auto,w_700,c_fit/your-project/2021/05/your-image.jpg 700w,,f_auto,w_500,c_fit/your-project/2021/05/your-image.jpg 500w,,f_auto,w_400,h_250,c_fill/your-project/2021/05/your-image.jpg 400w"
	width="1100" height="619"
	alt="My image"

getAspectImgTag() and aspectImgTag()

Generate or outputs <img> tag wrapped in <figure> tag, which holds the image aspect-ratio before the image is loaded. It is useful with lazyloaded images to prevent Cumulative Layout Shift. Modern browsers starts to implement native ratio preserving images, so it might be redundant in the future.

  • @param int $width Width for ratio calculation.
  • @param int $height Height for ratio calculation.
  • @param ImageSizeList $sizes = null Generate responsive image tag using getResponsiveImgTag() if given. If null, create non-responsive image using getImgTag() with size of given $width and $height.
  • @param array $wrapAttrs = [] HTML attributes for wrapping <figure> tag.
  • @param array $imgAttrs = [] HTML attributes for <img> tag.
  • @return Html Html object of <figure> with <img> child.

Uses fri_upload_aspect_img_tag filter, see more about WP filters.

Method calculates the ratio from mandatory $width and $height arguments and uses Bootstrap 5 Ratio helper.

If you use this method with ImageSizeList object, where you specify different ratio for each breakpoint, you need to change the --bs-aspect-ratio CSS variable in your CSS for all breakpoints with different ratio. The value of --bs-aspect-ratio should be given in percent, for example with 16:9 ratio: 9 / 16 * 100% = 56.25%.

If you don't use Bootstrap, add following CSS to your project:

.ratio {
	position: relative;
	width: 100%;
.ratio::before {
	display: block;
    padding-top: var(--bs-aspect-ratio);
    content: "";
.ratio img {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0;
	left: 0;
	width: 100%;
	height: 100%;


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\UploadImage;

(new UploadImage($attachment_id))
		400, 250, null,
		['class' => 'my-figure'], ['class' => 'lazyloaded', 'alt' => 'My image']

// Or the same with suggested factory function
		400, 250, null,
		['class' => 'my-figure'], ['class' => 'lazyloaded', 'alt' => 'My image']


<figure class="my-figure ratio" style="--bs-aspect-ratio:62.5%">
		width="400" height="250"
		alt="My image"

ThemeImage object

ThemeImage has similar methods as UploadImage, but it suppose you the images are already optimized by som task manager, so there is no sanitization with SVGs. Theme images can't be currently used with responsive attributes.


For ThemeImage to instantiate, you need relative location of the image within your theme directory. You can tweak source location of theme images using wp filters.

  • @param string $file


use Fronty\ResponsiveImages\ThemeImage;

$img = new ThemeImage('images/image.jpg');

// Or using suggested factory function
$img = img_theme('images/logo.svg');

isSvg(), getPathinfo(), getUrl(), getPath(), getInlineSvg(), inlineSvg(), getImgTag() and imgTag()

These methods is documented in Shared methods above.

getAspectImgTag() and aspectImgTag()

Unlike UploadImage, these methods can't be used with responsive attributes, so ImageSizeList argument is omitted. Besides this fact, these methods work exactly the same as the ones in UploadImage object.

  • @param int $width Width for ratio calculation.
  • @param int $height Height for ratio calculation.
  • @param array $wrapAttrs = [] HTML attributes for wrapping <figure> tag.
  • @param array $imgAttrs = [] HTML attributes for <img> tag.
  • @return Html Html object of <figure> with <img> child.

Uses fri_theme_aspect_img_tag filter, see more about WP filters.