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PluginLibrary 13 for MyBB

Documentation for Developers

PluginLibrary is not a stand-alone plugin, but rather a library of useful functions that can be used by plugins and plugin developers. For example, it can help you manage settings of your plugin, or apply edits to core files. The list of PluginLibrary's features is expected to grow over time and contributions are welcome.

PluginLibrary is Open Source Software, licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3. This is the same license as MyBB itself uses, so if you can use MyBB, you should also be able to use PluginLibrary.

PluginLibrary is Copyright (C) 2011 Andreas Klauer (

To install PluginLibrary, just upload inc/plugins/pluginlibrary.php to your inc/plugins/ folder.

For users, no other files are required and no further steps are necessary.

Developers may also be interested in inc/plugins/hello_pl.php which is a sample plugin that demonstrates the features of PluginLibrary.


This documentation is intended for plugin developers. If you are not making your own plugins, you don't need to read this.

When integrating PluginLibrary into your plugin, you need to be aware of a few things.

  1. PluginLibrary may or may not be installed. If it's missing, you should display a friendly message when the admin tries to activate your plugin.
  2. PluginLibrary may be installed, but not up to date. If you require at least a specific version of PluginLibrary, you should display a friendly message that it's too old.
  3. PluginLibrary is not a plugin and is not loaded automatically. You have to load it before you can use it.

The following sections show how you can do all of this, while keeping the code as simple as possible. There is also a sample plugin which demonstrates this.

Throughout your plugin, you will probably have to refer to the filename of PluginLibrary several times. Defining the filename at the beginning of your plugin will help keeping the code shorter later on.

    define("PLUGINLIBRARY", MYBB_ROOT."inc/plugins/pluginlibrary.php");

If your plugin requires PluginLibrary, you should check whether it is installed or not in the install() or activate() routine of your plugin, and prevent the activation of your plugin if it's not present. Using the built-in functions flash_message() and admin_redirect(), you can display a friendly error message to the admin, preferably including a download link.

    flash_message("PluginLibrary is missing.", "error");

Since PluginLibrary is not required in every request, it is not loaded automatically. Instead, you have to load it on demand whenever you want to use it. This can be done with an additional line of code.

global $PL;
$PL or require_once PLUGINLIBRARY;

If you require a specific version (for features added in a later version of PluginLibrary), in addition to the Dependency Check, you can also check the version number of PluginLibrary. The following example checks that PluginLibrary is at least version 13.

if($PL->version < 13)
    flash_message("PluginLibrary is too old, please update.", "error");


If you are unsure which version of PluginLibrary to depend on, use the latest version number that is current at the time you publish your plugin.


void settings (string $name, string $title, string $description, array $list, bool $makelang=false)

This function creates a setting group and a list of settings. If the setting group already exists, the settings inside this group will be updated to their new names and descriptions, while keeping their custom values intact. Settings that no longer exist will be removed. Optionally, it also generates a language file for your settings.


The name of your plugin, which will also be used as prefix for your setting groups and settings.
The title of the setting group.
The description of the setting group.
An array of settings. Each key is a setting name (which will be prefixed by your plugin name), and each value is a setting array with a title, description, and (optionally) optionscode, value.
makelang (optional)
If set, instead of creating the setting group and settings, a language file will be printed, ready for inclusion in your plugin distribution.

Return value:

This function does not have a return value.


              'Group Title',
              'Group Description',
                  'no' => array(
                      'title' => 'Simple Yes/No Setting',
                      'description' => 'The default is no.',
                  'yes' => array(
                      'title' => 'Simple Yes/No Setting',
                      'description' => 'This one is set to yes.',
                      'value' => 1,
                  'text' => array(
                      'title' => 'Text setting',
                      'description' => 'Enter some text here.',
                      'optionscode' => 'text',
                  'textarea' => array(
                      'title' => 'Text area setting',
                      'description' => 'Enter multiple lines of text.',
                      'optionscode' => 'textarea',
                      'value' => 'Default value for this setting.',

The above example will result in a setting group called plugin_name, which contains four settings plugin_name_no, plugin_name_yes, plugin_name_text and plugin_name_textarea.


void settings_delete (string $name, bool $greedy=false)

This function deletes one (or more) setting groups and settings.


The name of your plugin or setting group.
greedy (optional)
If set, delete all groups that start with name. Useful if your plugin has more than just one setting group.

Return value:

This function does not have a return value.



The above example will delete the setting group plugin_name and all its settings.


void templates (string $prefix, string $title, array $list)

This function creates a template group and a list of templates. If the template group already exists, the templates belonging to that group will be updated. Templates edited by the user will show up in MyBB's Find Updated Templates feature. Templates that no longer exist will be removed.


The prefix used by templates in this group. Ideally related to your plugin name. Unlike setting groups, template prefix must not contain _. Make sure to use a unique prefix not used by anything else.
The title of your template group as it will show up in the template list. For translatable titles, you can use <lang:your_language_key> (make sure your plugin loads the language file in the Admin CP).
An array of templates. Each key is the template name (which will be prefixed unless it's an empty string), the value is the template code.

Return Value:

This function does not have a return value.


               'My Plugin',
                   '' => 'This is the myplugin template.',
                   'example' => 'This is the myplugin_example template.',

The above example creates a group which will show up as My Plugin Templates in the Admin CP, and contain two templates myplugin and myplugin_example.


void templates_delete (string $prefix, bool $greedy=false)

This function deletes one (or more) template groups and templates.


The prefix of your template group.
greedy (optional)
If set, delete all groups that start with your prefix.



The above example deletes the template group myplugin as well as all templates that belong to this group.

$PL->templates_delete('myplugin', true);

The above example deletes the template group myplugin as well as the groups mypluginfoo and mypluginbar, if they exist.


void stylesheet (string $name, mixed $styles, mixed $attachedto="")

This function creates/updates/activates a stylesheet in the MyBB Master Style. It will be inherited by all themes, enabling the user to edit and revert like the official stylesheets.


The name of the stylesheet. Should be unique, e.g. myplugin_style.

The styles for this stylesheet. This can either be a literal string, or an array structure of CSS [selector => [property => value]].

    "selector1" => array(
        "property1" => "value1",
        "property2" => "value2",
    "selector2" => array(
attachedto (optional)

By default, the stylesheet is attached globally. You can attach to specific sites and actions. You can specify a literal attachto string using MyBB's "site1|site2?action,action|site3" format, or an array structure [site=>[action,action]].

    "site1" => 0, // all actions
    "site2" => "action",
    "site3" => array("action", "action", ...)


$PL->stylesheet('myplugin_red', 'body { border: solid red 8px; }');

The above example creates a stylesheet called myplugin_red which puts a red border around the HTML body. The stylesheet is specified as a string.

Stylesheets can also be specified as arrays:

$PL->stylesheet('myplugin_red', array('body' => array('border' => 'solid red 8px')));

This is equivalent to the previous example.

Use the optional attachedto parameter if you want to restrict styles to specific sites:

                array('td' => array('font-size' => '2em')),
                array('private.php' => 'send'));

The above example creates a stylesheet which will only be used on private.php?action=send.


void stylesheet_delete (string $name, bool $greedy=false)

This function deletes one or more stylesheets, including any edits the user may have made.


The name or prefix of the stylesheet to delete.
greedy (optional)
If set, it also deletes all stylesheets starting with name_.



The above example deletes the myplugin_red.css stylesheet.

$PL->stylesheet_delete('myplugin', true);

The above example deletes myplugin.css and myplugin_*.css. Useful if your plugin creates multiple stylesheets.


void stylesheet_deactivate (string $name, bool $greedy=false)

This function deactivates one or more stylesheets. Allows styles to be deactivated along with your plugin without losing any user edits.


The name or prefix of the stylesheet to delete.
greedy (optional)
If set, it also deactivates all stylesheets starting with name_.



The above example deactivates the myplugin_red.css stylesheet.

$PL->stylesheet_deactivate('myplugin', true);

The above example deactivates all stylesheets of your plugin.


mixed cache_read (string $name)

This function reads an on-demand cache and returns its value (if present). Note that on-demand cache is allowed to vanish any time.


The name of the cache.

Return value:

Returns the contents that were previously stored, or false.


$cache = $PL->cache_read('my_plugin_cache');

    echo $cache;

Reads and prints the contents of the previous cache, if present.


bool cache_update (string $name, mixed $contents)

This function creates or updates an on-demand cache with contents. Unlike MyBB's built-in $cache, it does not use the database nor does it load the cache automatically. Instead it uses a more specialized cache handler (by default: disk) directly, and you have to load the cache on demand using $PL->cache_read().


The name of the cache. Don't use special characters.
The contents of the cache.

Return value:

Returns true on success and false on failure.


$PL->update_cache('my_plugin_cache', $somedata);

This example stores $somedata in a cache called my_plugin_cache. This cache will not be loaded automatically, but has to be loaded on demand using $PL->cache_read().


void cache_delete (string $name, bool $greedy=false)

This function safely deletes one (or more) caches.


The name of your plugin or cache.
greedy (optional)
If set, delete all caches that start with name. Useful if your plugin uses several caches.

Return value:

This function does not have a return value.


$cache->update('plugin_name', $value);
$value = $cache->read('plugin_name');

This example shows how to create/update/read a cache (built-in MyBB functionality), and how to delete a cache using PluginLibrary.


mixed edit_core (string $name, string $file, array $edits=array(), bool $apply=false, array &$debug=null)

This function makes, updates, and undoes simple, line based changes to PHP/JS/CSS files. Using search patterns, it locates blocks of one or more lines of code, and inserts new code before or after them, or replaces them.


Name of your plugin or prefix. It will be used to identify your changes and to detect conflicts with edits made by other plugins.
Filename (path relative to MYBB_ROOT) of the file that should be edited.
edits (optional)

One or more arrays that describe edits that should be applied to the file. Each array may have several keys. Only search is mandatory. Previous edits will be undone and thus updated. If edits is omitted or empty, only the undo step will be performed.

The search pattern which is responsible for locating the code that should be modified. Detailed explanation on how search patterns work, see below.
String or array of lines that should be inserted before the located code.
String or array of lines that should be inserted after the located code.
String or array of lines that should replace the located code, or empty string or any true value if it should be removed (replace with nothing).
If set, allow the search pattern to match more than once. By default, the edit has to be a unique match.
If set, allow the search pattern to not match at all. By default, the edit is mandatory to match.
matches (debugging only, see below)
For debugging purposes, edits can be passed by reference, in which case an entry matches will be created, showing how often and in which lines a match was found.
error (debugging only, see below)
Verbatim error message that explains why this edit failed
apply (optional)
If set, try to apply the changes directly to the file (requires write permissions).
debug (optional)

If you want to obtain debug info about the edit, pass a variable here. It will be filled with the modified edits array that has the debug info included.

Before PluginLibrary 2, you could pass the $edits parameter as reference directly, however call_time_pass_reference is deprecated in PHP 5.3.

Return value:

This function returns false if the edit could not be performed, true if the edit was already in place (no change) or applied successfully, or a string with the successfully edited file contents.


Assume you have an input file hello.php with these contents:

function hello_world()
    echo "Hello world!";

If you want to change it to say "Hello PluginLibrary!" instead, you can edit it:

$PL->edit_core('plugin_name', 'hello.php',
               array('search' => 'echo "Hello world!";',
                     'replace' => 'echo "Hello PluginLibrary!";'),

If the file could be written to, it should then look like this:

function hello_world()
/* - PL:plugin_name - /*     echo "Hello world!";
/* + PL:plugin_name + */ echo "Hello PluginLibrary!";

The values before, after, replace can be given as either strings or arrays of strings.

array('before' => "line1\nline2\nline3")

is equivalent to

array('before' =>

A search pattern is an array of strings. A single string may also be used instead of an array with just one element. The strings do not have special characters, instead they are matched literally and case-sensitive. For a pattern to match, each string has to match in the order of the array, however there may be any amount of characters between strings. A search pattern always finds the smallest possible match.

In other words, the following search pattern:

array('foo', 'bar', 'baz')

Would be roughly equivalent to this regular expression:


Here's how the above search pattern would match the following text:

foo bar foo bar
bar foo and bar foo
and finally baz
followed by more baz bar foo.

Note how the first occurence of foo and bar in the first line is ignored, as is baz in the last line. Instead, it finds the smallest possible match in lines between.

Another example using the search pattern array('{', '}'):

function foobar($foo, $bar)
if($foo > $bar)

Instead of matching the outer functions parentheses, it matches the inner ones because that match is smaller. However, it does not matter how much code there is between { } and what it looks like, and in most files there are { } everywhere, so this match is not very useful.

When designing your pattern, you should make sure that all elements you're matching are where you expect them to be, so you can achieve a unique, concise match. A missing, but ambigous element, especially at the beginning or end of the pattern, can cause the match to be a much larger region than you intended. Going back to the first example, if the baz you were looking for was missing, but if there was another baz later on in the file, the match could also look like this:

bar foo baz bar foo
...a thousand lines that do not contain foo or baz...
and finally not the baz you were looking for

You have to choose your patterns carefully, as you would do with regular expressions.

If an edit does not work (correctly) and you want to find out why, you can get some debug information by passing the optional debug parameter:

$edits = array('search' => 'echo "Hello world!";',
               'replace' => 'echo "Hello PluginLibrary!";');
$PL->edit_core('plugin_name', 'hello.php', $edits, false, $debug);

This will add a matches entry for each edit array, showing the byte positions and actually matched patterns:

[matches] => Array
        [0] => Array
                [0] => 31
                [1] => 56
                [2] =>     echo "Hello world!";



This should help you determine why the edit failed; it may have matched in the wrong place, more than once, or not at all.


array is_member (mixed $groups, mixed $user=false)

This function checks if a user is member of one or more groups. Useful if your plugin has a setting to include/exclude one or more groups.


The group(s) the user should be checked against. Can be a comma separated string of group IDs '1,2,3', or a number, or an array of numbers.
user (optional)
The user that should be checked for group memberships. By default, it's the current user. Alternatively, pass the UID or get_user() array of another user.

Return value:

This function returns an array of the group IDs you were looking for and the user is actually a member of. If the user wasn't a member of any of the groups, the returned array will be empty.



This example checks whether the user is a super moderator, admin or moderator.


string url_append (string $url, array $params, string $sep='&amp;', bool $encode=true)

Append one or more query parameters to an URL that may or may not have an existing ?query. The parameters will be encoded properly.


The URL that should be appended to. May also be a relative link.
Array of key => value pairs that should be appended to the URL.
sep (optional)
If the URL does not yet have any parameters, the first parameter will be separated by ?. The subsequent parameters will be separated with &amp; which is what you usually need for links that appear in HTML. You can pass a different separator (for example '&') here for plain text links.
encode (optional)
If values in URLs contain special characters, they have to be urlencoded properly. By default, this is done automatically for you. Set this to false if the values you are passing are already encoded properly, so they won't be encoded twice.

Return value:

This function returns the new URL as a string.


$PL->url_append('http://domain.tld/something', array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'));

The result is 'http://domain.tld/something?foo=bar&amp;bar=foo'.

$PL->url_append('showthread.php?tid=1', array('foo' => 'bar', 'bar' => 'foo'));

The result is 'showthread.php?tid=1&amp;foo=bar&amp;bar=foo'.


string xml_export (mixed $data, string $filename=false, string $comment='MyBB PluginLibrary XML-Export :: {time}', string $endcomment='End of file.')

Export arbitrary data as XML, so it can be shared with other users.


The data that should be exported. Allowed types are bool, int, float, string and array. Arrays may be multi-dimensional, but they should not contain any other types (object instances won't be exported), and the array structure must not be self-referencing / recursive.
filename (optional)
If given, the exported XML will be offered as download instead of returning the XML string. For this to work, headers must not be already sent.
comment (optional)
By default the exported XML contains a short comment explaining what the file is and when it was created. A custom comment can be set here, or if the value is false, the comment can be omitted entirely. In the given string, {time} will be replaced with the current time and date.
endcomment (optional)
Another comment that is placed at the end of the file.

Return value:

Unless the filename parameter was given, the data is returned as XML string.


$PL->xml_export($some_data, 'some_data.xml');

Lets the user download $some_data as some_data.xml file.


mixed xml_import (string $xml, array &$error=null)

Import data that was previously exported with xml_export().


This really only works with XML files created by xml_export() and nothing else. If you're looking for a generic XML parser, try MyBB's inc/class_xml.php or PHP's XML Parser.


The string (or file contents) of the xml_export() data.
error (optional)
If you want debug info about what went wrong when parsing the XML data, pass a variable here. It will be filled with an array that contains line number, code in that line, XML Parser error code, and XML Parser error message elements.

Return value:

On success, whatever data was exported in the XML, will be returned.


$xml = file_get_contents('some_data.xml');
$some_data = $PL->xml_import($xml);

Loads $some_data from a file called some_data.xml.

If you prefer code over documentation, here is a sample plugin file which demonstrates most of PluginLibrary's features. This file is also included as inc/plugins/hello_pl.php in the PluginLibrary package.