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Helper functions to help you initializate puppeteer sessions [disclaimer: this is an experimental package]


Help you initializing the puppeteer session

This package helps you to initialize puppeteer with convenient options1. It lift you the burden of config some default options for the browser session, as view port, user agent and default timeout.

Simply import initBrowserSession and get your browser and page element:

import { initBrowserSession } from "puppeteer-helper";

const { browser, page } = await initBrowserSession()

await page.goto('', { waitUntil: 'networkidle2' })

await page.screenshot({ path: 'test-screenshot.jpg' , type: 'jpeg' })

await browser.close()

You can pass some optional arguments to initBrowserSession:

  • first parameter requires an object: overrides launch options, by default it's { headless: false }

  • second parameter requires an array: overrides browser arguments, by default it's empty []

  • third parameter takes a string: set custom locale options, by default it's empty 'en-US'

  • fourth parameter takes a boolean: set a windows user agent, by default it's empty false

So for example if you want a session to be visibile (not headless) and with italian language browser, initialize the browser like this:

const { browser, page } = await initBrowserSession( {headless: true}, [], 'it-IT' )


You can also tell the browser to procrastinate in the page a little bit. It will wait some time, aproximately between 0,3s ~ 1,1s; then it also scrolls a bit, between 200 and 100 px; and finally it simulate a mouse movement, between 100px horizontally and 200px vertically.

import { procrastinate } from 'puppetter-helper'
// ...
await procrastinate(page)

Search String

Search string will find the input string (based on theField selector passed), then type the string to be searched and finally it will press Enter.

let inputSelector = 'input[type="text"][role="searchsomething"]'
await page.waitForSelector(inputSelector)

await searchString(page, inputSelector, 'This is the string you want to search')
await page.waitForNetworkIdle({ idleTime: 500 })


Hint's to manage how to wait the load of the page (after the search has been done):

  • if it loads a new page wait for navigation: await page.waitForNavigation({waitUntil: 'networkidle2'})
  • if it loads ajax request wait for network idle: await page.waitForNetworkIdle({ idleTime: 500 })

Simple login

If you need to login to a common login page (that has common inputs: userInput and passwordInput), you can use prepareToLogin helper.

First prepare to login providing the page object, an object with the 2 selectors mentioned above. And finally you can login providing only the the respective credentials (another object with username and password).

Here is a complete example (notice that only the last login function returns a Promise):

import { prepareToLogin } from 'puppeteer-helpers'

let userInput = 'input#username'
let passInput = 'input#password'
const login = prepareToLogin( page, { userInput, passInput })

let username = process.env.USER_NAME
let password = process.env.USER_PASSWORD
await login({ username, password })

Perform basic action at an URL

If you have a function that needs to be runned on the DOM of the page to scrape some data, you can use performActionAtUrl method by simply passing two arguments: the url to be scraped (as a string) and the callback it should run in the DOM. Beware it is expected that your callback returns something (an Array, or an Object or just simply Null).

import { performActionAtUrl } from 'puppeteer-helper'

 * This is the callback that will be runned inside the DOM of the targetUrl
 * @returns the string from the page 
let myCallback = () => document.querySelector('.some-className')?.textContent 

let targetURL = 'https://your-target-url.tld'

const results = await performActionAtUrl(targetURL, myCallback )


This function does not need a page object, it will take care to open a page for you, execute the function, close the browser and get you the results of your callback.

Get AMZ Products Information [experimental]

A further abstraction of performActionAtUrl is the new method getAmzProductInfo:
You only need to pass the url of the product and the lib will take care of everything else.
There is a callback already in place that will extract an object with title, price, seller and shippedBy properties:

import { getAmzProductInfo } from 'puppeteer-helper'

let amzUrl = 'https://www.your-amz-link/the-product-uri/ecc'

let amzProd = await getAmzProductInfo(amzUrl)


Output example:

│  (index)  │                       Values                        │
│   title   │    'Amz Basics Dynamic Vocal Microphone – Cardioid' │
│   price   │                      '$29.80'                       │
│  seller   │                       'Amz'                         │
│ shippedBy │                       'Amz'                         │

Iterate functions [Highly Experimental]

When dealing with listings that are paginated you can iterate through pages with iteratePages method.
It takes the page object, the callback you want to execute in the DOM (it need to return a list of objects) and the nextPageSelector to click and iterate the callback. The function will return an array of items (objects).

import { iteratePages } from 'puppeteer-helper'
// ...
let nextPageSelector = '[data-paginate="pagination"] nav > button:not([disabled])' 
let items = await iteratePages( page, callback, nextPageSelector )

Managing the objects

The same as iteratePages but it will manage the items directly.
It takes the page, the selectors object (that contain the singleItemSelector and the nextPageSelector).
The singleItemSelector will be used to select all the items that match that selector (on every singe page).
This items will be handled with the callback on the DOM, it will return an object.
Every single object scraped will be managed by the manageItemFn (for example added instantly to a DB).
The function returns itself and run again until no more nextPageSelector is matched.

import { iterateSingleElements } from 'puppeteer-helper'
// ...
let selectors = {
	singleItemSelector: '[data-item="property-card"]',
	nextPageSelector: '[data-paginate="pagination"] nav > button:not([disabled])' 
await iteratePagesAndManageItem( page, selectors, callback, manageItemFn )


  1. At the moment of writing this is still opinionated (for example puppeteer will initializate on an incognito session and it will set a specific user agent). As I said this is an experimental package, it has been done for educational purposes. But I will try to improved it by adding the possibility to modify this options in the future. Suggestions are welcome!