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F# RFC FS-1009 - Allow mutually referential types and modules over larger scopes within files

The design suggestion Allow mutually referential types and modules over larger scopes within single files has been marked "approved in principle". This RFC covers more detailed information about this suggestion. Please discuss this RFC using the corresponding issue.


Allow a collection of both types and modules within a single scope in a single file to be mutually referential. The exact mechanism used to declare the scope of mutual reference is TBD, but the current proposal is to use a rec declaration on a namespace and/or module as follows:

namespace rec MyFramework

type X = ... refer to Y and Z...

type Y = .... refer to X and Z...

module Z = ... refer to X and Y ...

The scope is always given by using rec on a module or namespace declaration group. The scope of mutual reference can be as large as a single file, or as small as a single module.

Note that this proposal doesn't do a number of things that you might think:

  • it doesn't change the requirement to have a file order in F# compilation
  • it doesn't allow mutually-referential scopes across multiple files
  • it doesn't make declarations independent of ordering: both type inference and initialization are still order-specific

The proposed change is non-breaking, it is an optional extension to the language. It is not expected that this would be the norm for F# development.


In the F# language design, mutual reference between declarations is relatively de-emphasized, but not banned. In F# 1.0-4.0 the situation is as follows:

  • A group of functions and values can be mutually referential using "let rec f x = ... and g x = ..."
  • A group of types can be mutually referential using "type X = ... and Y = ... "

The ability to choose the scope of mutual recursion and control it is significant in the F# language design and one source of its low dependency metrics. The current "small recursive scopes" work well for the majority of purposes and set the defaults "the right way", resulting in code that has low circularity and generally avoiding "spaghetti code". However, it places some artificial restriction on the kinds of mutual recursion permitted which can be frustrating and lead to difficult corners in F# programming:

  • Types and modules can't currently be mutually referential at all, even when the modules only contain function definitions that support the functionality available on the type's members. This leads to the artificial use of extra types to hold static methods and static values, and this can discourage the use of module-bound code, or may discourage the appropriate use of object-oriented features to give an API for functional language code.
type Plane() = 
    member x.StartTheEngines() = ... PlaneHelpers.start x

module private PlaneHelpers = 
    let start(x:Plane)=  ... // note, the module is mutually referential with the type
  • This problem is particularly apparent when a module is used to contain helpers for implementations of interfaces and virtual members on class types, e.g. IComparable, ToString, GetHashCode and do on.

  • F# exception declarations can't currently be mutually referential with anything. This is awkward when exceptions are raised in members of a type C and must carry data of type C.

exception Error of Plane

type Plane() = 
    member x.StartTheEngines() = ... raise (NoFuelInPlane x)
  • There is also some syntactic awkwardness when mutually referential types have attributes, e.g.
type X = ...

and [<Struct>] Y = ...

is awkward compared to

type X = ...

type Y = ...

Detailed design

Basic design suggestion

See above. Note that

module M = 
  let rec f x = ...
  and g x = ...

would be equivalent to

module rec M = 
  let f x = ...
  let g x = ...

The rec is allowed on namespace rec ... and module rec ... declarations.

Allowed declarations in mutually referential declaration groups

In the current investigations, types, modules, exception, let and open bindings can be mutually referential.

Multiple namespace implementation fragments can't yet be included in mutually referential groups, e.g. in the following N2 can see N1 but not vice-versa.

namespace rec N1

namespace rec N2


Inference would be as "one big mutually referential group", just as "type Y = ... and Z = ..." today.


Execution of initialization code would be as an initialization graph, just as "static let" today.

Feature Interactions

Based on a detailed prototype, the following feature interactions have been identified

Interaction with type realization

"Realizing" or "Loading" types is a non-trivial part of the F# checking process. The type realization logic (in TypeChecker.fs) is multi-pass, first establishing the "kinds" of the types being defined, then their representation (union, record etc.), then values for their public-facing members, then doing type checking of implementations and members. This process needs to be very carefully adjusted to account for module definitions, which may in turn hold nested type definitions: essentially "type realization" becomes "type and module realization". Conceptually the process remains much as before, but the code now works with a more sophisticated tree of declarations.

Interaction with open and type/module realization

open declarations are allowed in mutually referential groups, and can refer to modules being defined. Consider for example:

module rec SomeComponents = 

    open M

    type C() = 
        member c.P = f()  // refers to M.f() 

    module M = 
        let f() = ...

There are use-cases for this, e.g. when the module M defines optional or private extension members related to C which are used in the implementation of C. Allowing open on modules within the scope obviously needs care in the implementation and should be used carefully by the programmer as well: it can clearly result in code that is hard to understand. (At the technical level, care is needed because progressively more contents of a module or namespace become available at each stage of type/module realization - prior to this suggestion type realization did not need to process open declarations.)

The current prototype restricts open declarations to only be at the top of mutually-referential module and namespace declaration groups.

One example where a specific interaction may exist is the way that open makes both F# and C# extension methods available. So cases such as this need careful testing:

module rec Example = 
  open M

  type C() = ...

  module M = 
      type C with 
          member c.P = 1

Meaning of rec w.r.t. Name Resolution

The meaning of rec is that all type, function, member and value declarations in all nested modules may be mutually referential. For example:

namespace rec NS = 
   //   These names resolve to types in this scope:
   //       NS.C, NS.D, NS.M.E, NS.M.F
   //       C, D, M.E, M.F
   //   These names resolve to functions in this scope:
   //       NS.M.x1, NS.M.x2, NS.M.N.y1, NS.M.N.y2, 
   //       M.x1, M.x2, M.N.y1, M.N.y2 

   type C() = ...
   type D() = ...

   module M = 
      //   These names resolve to types in this scope:
      //       NS.C, NS.D, NS.M.E, NS.M.F
      //       C, D, M.E, M.F
      //       E, F
      //   These names resolve to functions in this scope:
      //       NS.M.x1, NS.M.x2, NS.M.N.y1, NS.M.N.y2, 
      //       M.x1, M.x2, M.N.y1, M.N.y2 
      //       x1, x2, N.y1, N.y2 
      type E() = ...
      type F() = ...

      let x1 () = ...
      let x2 () = ...

      // A nested module
      module N = 
         //   These names resolve to types in this scope:
         //       NS.C, NS.D, NS.M.E, NS.M.F
         //       C, D, M.E, M.F
         //       E, F
         //   These names resolve to functions in this scope:
         //       NS.M.x1, NS.M.x2, NS.M.N.y1, NS.M.N.y2, 
         //       M.x1, M.x2, M.N.y1, M.N.y2 
         //       x1, x2, N.y1, N.y2 
         //       y1, y2 

         let y1 () = ...
         let y2 () = ...

Note that the interpretation of rec differs from that in OCaml. In OCaml, module rec M allows the module contents to be accessed via the name M, e.g. module rec M = ... let g() = 2 let f() = 1 + M.g(). But unless M is opened, mutual references must go via the name M. This proposal for F# is that there is effectively an implicit open immediately after the rec and on all nested modules. This fits with F#'s de-emphasis of modules-as-algebraic-values, and fits with F#'s existing rule that implicitly opens a namespace N inside the definition of N.

Interaction with open

Consider the following code:

module Test = 
      open System.Collections.Generic

      type Queue<'a> = 
        abstract IsEmpty : bool

      let test (q: Queue<_>) = q.IsEmpty 

Which Queue does the type Queue<_> refer to? The type being defined, obviously (and not the one from System.Collections.Generic). During the development of the prototype of this feature, a mistake was made where type definitions being defined in a module/namespace were added to the environment before processing open declarations. They should be added after.

Interaction with [<AutoOpen>]

Given the interaction with open, it's also important to clarify and test the behaviour w.r.t. [<AutoOpen>].

Interaction with module abbreviations

In F#, module abbreviations module M = A.B.C are simple aliases for modules, in scope in the current environment. They do not actually declare a new module and, unlike type abbreviations, are not exported as part of the signature of a module.

For mutually recursive groups, the proposal is that module abbreviations always come immediately after the open declarations (which, as stated above, come first within each sub-module). This means that open declarations are processed first, followed by module abbreviations.

Interaction with attribute declarations

F# files can include assembly attribute declarations:

namespace N

[< assembly: SomeAttribute("...") >]
do ()

The proposal is that these be allowed in a set of mutually recursive declarations

Interaction with # declarations

# declarations (e.g. #nowarn declarations) can't currently be included in mutually referential groups, see below.

Interaction with signatures

Currently, signatures can only be mutually recursive in a similar way to implementations, notably type X ... and Y ....

The proposal is that rec is allowed on namespace and module in signatures just as in implementations.

namespace rec MyNamespace

open System

type C = 
    new : unit -> C
    member D : D
    member P : int

type D = 
    new : unit -> D
    member C : C
    member P : int

Interaction with .fsx scripting files

For .fsx files, the default is for declarations not to be part of a mutually referential group. Individual modules can be declared mutually referential, e.g.

printfn "a script"

module rec Silly = 
    let f x = g (x + 1)
    let g x = if x = 10 then "TEN" else f (x + 1)

printfn "more of a script"

There is no way to declare that the whole script is mutually referential short of using one big module to contain all the contents of a script.

Interaction with mutable

F# currently disallows let rec values being marked mutable. It is proposed that we maintain this restriction for module-defined mutable values in mutually referential groups. e.g.

module rec Tests

let mutable x = 0

will give an error ``error FS0874: recursive 'let' bindings may be marked mutable.

Technically speaking, we could no doubt allow this. However, it should be treated as an issue orthogonal to this feature.

Note that static mutable data in classes is still permitted, e.g.

module rec Tests

type C() =
    static let mutable failures = []
    static member Failures = failures

Interaction with existing known issues

Processing hierarchies of recursive type definitions of generic types where the type parameters of these types are constrained by instances of the generic types is quite difficult. The use of rec can exacerbate this because more types are made recursive more easily.

Specifically, during the course of development of a prototype of this RFC we noticed that there seems to be an existing known issue with processing these type definitions:

type Exp<'c when 'c :> Exp<'c>> = 

and EvalExp<'c when 'c :> EvalExp<'c>> =
      inherit Exp<'c>

type PrintLit<'c when 'c :> Exp<'c>>(value) =
    member x.BasePrint() = printf "out %d" value
    interface Exp<'c> 

and EvalLit<'d when 'd :> EvalExp<'d>>(value:int) =
    inherit PrintLit<'d>(value) 
    interface EvalExp<'d> 

If the last and is changed to a type then the definitions are checked ok.

This issue is orthogonal to the rec feature.


Concerns that it encourages the over-use of mutually referential code

There is understandably some resistance to making writing mutually referential code easier in F#: see for example the original comment here. Existing F# users find it clarifying and simplifying to have both a file order and to have minimized mutually-referential scopes. However, creating closed sets of mutually recursive types (including static methods and data) is part of the F# language design: the intent has never been to adopt an extreme position where all mutual reference is banned. The current design is awkwardly limiting in the way that only types can be mutually referential.

Were a proposal along these lines to be implemented, F# will continue to de-emphasize mutual references by default. The question, as always, is finding the right balance.

One risk of the proposal is that the feature will get over-used by beginners as the "easy" answer to avoid thinking about order of code. It may also be used by those looking to do top-down development (e.g. putting main first).

A final risk is that this feature will lead to cascading requests to allow open recursion across multiple files in F# code.


Many options have been considered, though discussion is welcome:

Alternative: Not do anything.

This is of course the default assumption :)

Alternative: Allow full mutual recursion across all files in an assembly.

This is the assumption that C# and Java users have when coming to a new language. It brings enormous challenges for type inference and for implementing efficient "safe" static initialization.

Alternative: ... and ... for more declarations

One syntax alternative that was considered was allowing and to join more declaration forms, e.g.

module M = ...

and module N = ....

and exception E of string

and let f x = x + 1

and type C() = ...

We decided against this for two reasons

  • it is actually quite an intrusive change to the syntax of the language and it's implementation, particularly with regard to whitespace sensitivity and the offside rule

  • it feels syntactically awkward in a similar way to current type X .. and ... feels awkward, especially when combined with attribute declarations

Alternative: #rec declarations and scoped mutually referential regions

There is no intrinsic reason why mutual reference needs to be dealt with at the module or namespace scope - it is often useful to make selected delimited groups of declarations mutually referential.

As part of the design investigation we looked at allowing delimited mutually referential regions using a #rec declarations:


let f x = ...
let g x = ...



let f x = ...
let g x = ...

While perfectly feasible technically - and actually quite simple to implement - this is a little ugly syntactically and doesn't seem aesthetically pleasing enough to include as the default mechanism.

Alternative: Require a forward signature on a module

The current proposal makes recursion possible combined with type inference. This utilizes F#'s existing type checking.

Proposals for mutually recursive modules often require a module signature be given to mediate type inference for mutually recursive modules, e.g. module rec M : MSig = ...

The problem with this approach is that it doesn't solve the actual problem to hand (the lack of mutual referentiality between types and modules in practical F# coding), while imposing large costs in requiring the addition of named signatures and requiring the user to write signatures. Relatively few F# users use explicit module signatures.

Another variation on this approach is to only allow mutual reference when a signature file has been given for a module. This has similar drawbacks.

Alternative: Optionally allow complete mutual recursion across all files in an assembly

One option for F# is to optionally allow complete mutual reference throughout an assembly. For example, one could imagine a variation on this proposal that used a command-line switch to turn on mutual reference across all files in an assembly:

fsc.exe /mutrec:on ....

Alternatively (or together with this), you could imagine requiring an explicit declaration on each and every file in an assembly that indicated the contents of each file were recursive in an "open" way:

namespace open rec MyNamespace

type X = ...

type Y = ...

There are advantages to this approach, namely simplicity and familiarity for the majority of programmers today. Most programmers now grow up with the expectation that all declarations within a C# assembly or Java package can be mutually referential. Anecdotal evidence supports the claim that some C# and Java developers reject F# because it requires declaration ordering, though many who persevere come to love that feature.

However, there are reasons why full-assembly-recursion, by itself, would a problematic addition for F#, even if optional:

  • If implemented in isolation, it would be seem to change a key characteristic of F# coding (the avoidance of spaghetti frameworks).
  • It would be used too often when not needed. As mentioned above, the ability to minimize and control recursive scopes and to encourage a sound declaration order is regarded a a quality of the language, and by itself the "max" option would seem to offer no useful intermediate points. Specifically, people may be forced to turn on "the big recursion switch" when faced with some of the quite reasonable coding situations outlined at the start of this RFC.
  • It is technically difficult to implement. It certainly minimally requires solving all the problems solved by this RFC. Further, the question of how the feature interacts with signature files would need to be addressed (and that is a non-trivial thing to solve).
  • For a type-inferred, Hindley-Milner-style language, it is technically essentially impossible to provide incremental checking for single files within an assembly where all files are mutually referential. This means that visualIDE tooling performance would be worse when editing large assemblies when this switch is enabled.

These reasons together lead to the conclusion that a "full recursion across assemblies" option is in a different category to this RFC and should be considered and discussed separately.

Unresolved questions

As further issues are identified they will be noted in this RFC.