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Avalonia FuncUI ProjectTemplates

This project contains .NET Project templates for FuncUI, both for Component and Elmish projects.


dotnet new --install Avalonia.FuncUI.Templates

Create an App

We currently offer templates for both Component projects and Elmish projects. If you are not sure what to choose you can take a look at the documentation or the examples to help you decide.

Using components

Create a new basic App

This template only contains a simple view and no extra resources that serve as a starting point if you are only creating a basic app.

dotnet new funcui.basic -n NewApp

Create a new full App

This template contains a more complex example with a Style.xaml file and other extras that you can find on more elaborate applications.

dotnet new funcui.full -n NewApp

Using Elmish

Create a new basic App

This template only contains a simple view and no extra resources that serve as a starting point if you are only creating a basic app.

dotnet new funcui.basic.mvu -n NewApp

Create a new full App

This template contains a more complex example with a Style.xaml file and other extras that you can find on more elaborate applications.

dotnet new funcui.full.mvu -n NewApp

Create a new cross platform App

This template contains a cross platform example with a Style.xaml file and other extras that you can find on more elaborate applications. Unlike other templates only for desktop, this template also targets iOS, Android and Browser through WebAsembly.

dotnet new funcui.xplat -n NewApp

Additional options include

  -f, --framework <net7.0>                      The target framework for the solution.
                                                Type: choice
                                                  net7.0  Target net7.0
                                                Default: net7.0
  -p, --platform <Android|Browser|Desktop|iOS>  The target platforms for the solution.
                                                Type: choice
                                                  Desktop  Desktop: Windows/Linux/MacOS
                                                  iOS      Mobile: iOS
                                                  Android  Mobile: Android
                                                  Browser  Browser: WebAssembly
                                                Multiple values are allowed: True
                                                Default: Desktop|iOS|Android|Browser
  -id <id>                                      The application ID for mobile projects (ApplicationId MSBuild property). Both Android and iOS restrict possible IDs: Any ID must have at least two segments (separated by one or more dots). Each segment must start with a letter. All characters must be alphanumeric [a-zA-Z0-9]. IDs are case sensitive and must be unique to each application.
                                                Type: string
                                                Default: com.companyname.AvaloniaFuncUIApplication
  -vn, --version <version>                      The application version for mobile projects (ApplicationVersion MSBuild property). Required to be integer on mobile projects and <=10000 on iOS. Must be incremented per store submission.
                                                Type: integer
                                                Default: 1
  -vd, --display-version <display-version>      The application display version for mobile projects (ApplicationDisplayVersion MSBuild property). Avoid inputting < and > characters which mess with source code.
                                                Type: string
                                                Default: 1.0-funcui
  -t, --title <title>                           The application title for all projects (ApplicationTitle MSBuild property for mobile). Avoid inputting ", < and > characters which mess with source code.
                                                Type: string
                                                Default: Avalonia FuncUI Application

Run the App

All templates in both Components and Elmish flavors should create the same result:

dotnet run