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File metadata and controls

169 lines (121 loc) · 4.72 KB
.. currentmodule:: ftrack_api.session

Using notes

Notes can be written on almost all levels in ftrack. To retrieve notes on an entity you can either query them or use the relation called notes:

task = session.query('Task').first()

# Retrieve notes using notes property.
notes_on_task = task['notes']

# Or query them.
notes_on_task = session.query('Note where parent_id is "{}"'.format(


It's currently not possible to use the parent property when querying notes or to use the parent property on notes:

task = session.query('Task').first()

# This won't work in the current version of the API.
session.query('Note where is "{}"'.format(

# Neither will this.
parent_of_note = note['parent']

To create new notes you can either use the helper method called :meth:`~ftrack_api.entity.note.CreateNoteMixin.create_note` on any entity that can have notes or use :meth:`Session.create` to create them manually:

user = session.query('User').first()

# Create note using the helper method.
note = task.create_note('My new note', author=user)

# Manually create a note
note = session.create('Note', {
    'content': 'My new note',
    'author': user


Replying to an existing note can also be done with a helper method or by using :meth:`Session.create`:

# Create using helper method.
first_note_on_task = task['notes'][0]
first_note_on_task.create_reply('My new reply on note', author=user)

# Create manually
reply = session.create('Note', {
    'content': 'My new note',
    'author': user


Notes can have labels. Use the label argument to set labels on the note using the helper method:

label = session.query(
    'NoteLabel where name is "External Note"'

note = task.create_note(
    'New note with external category', author=user, labels=[label]

Or add labels to notes when creating a note manually:

label = session.query(
    'NoteLabel where name is "External Note"'

note = session.create('Note', {
    'content': 'New note with external category',
    'author': user

session.create('NoteLabelLink', {
    'note_id': note['id],
    'label_id': label['id']



Support for labels on notes was added in ftrack server version 4.3. For older versions of the server, NoteCategory can be used instead.

To specify a category when creating a note simply pass a NoteCategory instance to the helper method:

category = session.query(
    'NoteCategory where name is "External Note"'

note = task.create_note(
    'New note with external category', author=user, category=category

When writing notes you might want to direct the note to someone. This is done by adding users as recipients. If a user is added as a recipient the user will receive notifications and the note will be displayed in their inbox.

To add recipients pass a list of user or group instances to the helper method:

john = session.query('User where username is "john"').one()
animation_group = session.query('Group where name is "Animation"').first()

note = task.create_note(
    'Note with recipients', author=user, recipients=[john, animation_group]


Note attachments are files that are attached to a note. In the ftrack web interface these attachments appears next to the note and can be downloaded by the user.

To get a note's attachments through the API you can use the note_components relation and then use the ftrack server location to get the download URL:

server_location = session.query(
    'Location where name is "ftrack.server"'

for note_component in note['note_components']:
    print('Download URL: {0}'.format(

To add an attachment to a note you have to add it to the ftrack server location and create a NoteComponent:

server_location = session.query(
    'Location where name is "ftrack.server"'

# Create component and name it "My file".
component = session.create_component(
    data={'name': 'My file'},

# Attach the component to the note.
    {'component_id': component['id'], 'note_id': note['id']}
