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Nico API


Many functions in Nico take Pfloat or Pint arguments, these are automatically converted types so you don't have to think too much about types when you don't care.


init(org: string, app: string) Initialises Nico, must be called before any other Nico operation. org: organisation name, used for storing preference data app: application name, used for storing preference data

shutdown() Shuts down Nico and ends the application.

createWindow(title: string, width: int, height: int, scale: int, fullscreen: bool) Creates a window with a title of title and a canvas of size widthxheight and draws it scaled up by scale times.

run(initFunc: proc(), updateFunc: proc(dt: float32), drawFunc: proc()) Runs Nico, first runs initFunc. Every frame it calls updateFunc passing dt as the time since the last call, and then drawFunc. Continues to run until shutdown is called


type NicoButton = enum

Common button inputs compatible with most gamepads or keyboard


btn(b: NicoButton): bool Returns true while the button b is held down by any player

btnp(b: NicoButton): bool Returns true as the button b is pressed by any player

btnup(b: NicoButton): bool Returns true as the button b is released by any player

btnpr(b: NicoButton, repeat: int = 48): bool Returns true as the button b is pressed and again every repeat frames while held down by any player.

anybtnp(): bool

Returns true as any button is pressed by any player.

Also available are versions which take a player id, you should use this if you're making a local multiplayer game

btn(b: NicoButton, player: int): bool

Returns true while the button b is held down by player

btnp(b: NicoButton, player: int): bool

Returns true as the button b is pressed by player

btnup(b: NicoButton, player: int): bool

Returns true as the button b is released by player

btnpr(b: NicoButton, player: int, repeat: int = 48): bool

Returns true as the button b is pressed and again every repeat frames while held down by player.

anybtnp(player: int): bool

Returns true as any button is pressed by player, useful for assigning controllers to players.

for pid in 0..<4:
  if anybtnp(pid):
    # controller with pid pressed a button, assign them to an unassigned player
    for player in players:
      if != -1: = pid


type NicoAxis = enum

jaxis(axis: NicoAxis, player: int): float32 Returns the value of a joystick axis on player's controller


mouse(): (int,int) returns the current mouse position in canvas units 0,0 being the top left of the window

mouserel(): (float32,float32) returns the change in mouse position in canvas units but with subpixel precision

mousebtn(b: range[0..2]): bool returns while the mouse button b is down. 0 = left 1 = middle 2 = right

mousebtnp(b: range[0..2]): bool returns as the mouse button b is pressed.

mousebtnpr(b: range[0..2], repeat: int = 48): bool returns as the mouse button b is pressed and again every repeat frames.

mousewheel() returns 1 if the mouse wheel scrolled upwards, -1 if it scrolled downards, and 0 if it didn't move

hideMouse() hides the mouse cursor

showMouse() shows the mouse cursor if it's hidden


key(keycode: Keycode): bool Returns true when key with keycode is down

keyp(keycode: Keycode): bool Returns true as key with keycode is pressed

keypr(keycode: Keycode, repeat: int = 48): bool Returns true as key with keycode is pressed and again every repeat frames



setColor(color: int) Sets the current drawing color to the palette index color

getColor(): int Gets the current drawing color


cls() Sets all pixels to 0, clear the screen.


pset(x,y: int) Sets pixel to current color, no effect if out of bounds

pget(x,y: int): int Gets the pixel color at x,y, returns 0 if out of bounds

Circles and Ellipses

circ(cx,cy,r: int) Draws a circle centered at cx,cy with radius r

circfill(cx,cy,r: int) Draws a filled circle centered at cx,cy with radius r

ellipsefill(cx,cy,rx,ry: int) Draws a filled ellipse centered at cx,cy with radius rx,ry


line(x0,y0,x1,y1: int) Draws a line between x0,y0 and x1,y1

hline(x0,y,x1: int) Draws a horizontal line between x0 and x1 on y

vline(x,y0,y1: int) Draws a vertical line between y0 and y1 on x


rect(x0,y0,x1,y1: int) Draws a rectangle from x0,y0 to x1,y1

rectfill(x0,y0,x1,y1: int) Draws a filled rectangle from x0,y0 to x1,y1

rrect(x0,y0,x1,y1: int, r: int = 1) Draws a rounded rectangle from x0,y0 to x1,y1 with corner radius r

rrectfill(x0,y0,x1,y1: int, r: int = 1) Draws a filled rounded rectangle from x0,y0 to x1,y1 with corner radius r

box(x,y,w,h: int) Draws a rectangle with top left corner x,y of width and height w,h

boxfill(x,y,w,h: int) Draws a filled rectangle with top left corner x,y of width and height w,h

boxfill(x,y,w,h: int) Draws a filled rectangle with top left corner x,y of width and height w,h

rectCorner(x0,y0,x1,y1: int) Draws only the corners of a rectangle

rrectCorner(x0,y0,x1,y1: int, r: int = 1) Draws only the corners of a rounded rectangle


trifill(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy: int) Draws a filled triangle between points (ax,ay),(bx,by),(cx,cy)


quadfill(ax,ay,bx,by,cx,cy,dx,dy: int) Draws a filled quad between points (ax,ay),(bx,by),(cx,cy),(dx,dy)


loadSpritesheet(index: int, filename: string, sw, sh: int = 8) Loads the file at filename (must be a PNG file) into spritesheet slot index. Each sprite will be of size sw,sh

setSpritesheet(index: int) Sets the current spritesheet to index

spr(spr: int, x,y: int) Draws sprites spr from the current spritesheet at x,y.

spr(spr: int, x,y: int, w,h: int = 1, hflip, vflip: bool = false) Draws w,h sprites starting from spr from the current spritesheet at x,y, optionally flipped.

sprRot90(spr: int, x, y int, rotations: int, w,h: int = 1) Draws sprite at x,y rotated clockwise by 90 degrees, can optionally specify how many tiles

sprRot(spr: int, centerX,centerY: int, radians: float32, w,h: int = 1) Draws sprite at centerX,centerY rotated by radians, can optionally specify how many tiles

Unlike all other sprite drawing operations this one draws based on the center of the sprite.

sprs(spr: int, x,y: int, w,h: int = 1, dw,dh: int = 1, hflip, vflip: bool = false) Draws w,h tiles starting from spr from the current spritesheet at x,y, optionally flipped and scaled to dw,dh tiles.


loadFont(index: int, filename: string) Loads font at filename into font index index. filename must be a PNG file with a specific format see example in examples/assets/font.png. filename.dat should also exist and contain a list of characters included in the font, see example in examples/assets/font.png.dat.

setFont(index: int) sets the current font to the font loaded into index index

glyph(c: Rune, x,y: int) Draws a unicode character c at x,y

print(text: string, x,y: int) Draws text at x,y in current color

printc(text: string, x,y: int) Draws text centered at x,y in current color

printr(text: string, x,y: int) Draws text right aligned at x,y in current color

glyphWidth(c: Rune): int returns the width of a unicode character c

textWidth(text: string): int returns the width of text


Nico supports drawing tilemaps of equally sized tiles.

Tiles are stored as an index into a spritesheet.


# during initialization
loadSpritesheet(1, "tileset.png", 8, 8) # load the tile sprites we're going to be drawing
newMap(0, 16, 16, 8, 8) # create a 16x16 tile map, where each tile is 8x8 pixels
setMap(0) # tell nico to use map 0 we just created
for y in 0..<16:
  for x in 0..<16:
    mset(x, y, rnd(16)) # set tiles to a random tile from 0 to 15
# alternatively you can load a tilemap from a ([Tiled] json file
loadMap(0, "map.json")

# during drawing
setSpritesheet(1) # use the tileset spritesheet
setMap(0) # use the map we created
mapDraw(0,0, 16,16, 0,0) # draw the map, starting from tile 0,0, draw 16,16 tiles to the screen at 0,0
# NOTE: tile 0 will always be empty, even if there is a sprite in sprite index 0.

newMap(index: int, w,h: int, tw,th: int = 8) create a new tilemap in index index with size w,h and each tile of size tw,th

loadMap(index: int, filename: string, layer = 0) loads tilemap at filename into index index filename should be in Tiled's json format.

you can optionally specify a tilemap layer from the file.

saveMap(index: int, filename: string) saves the tilemap in slot index to filename in Tiled's json format.

setMap(index: int) use the map at index index for future map calls

mapWidth(): int returns the current map's width in tiles

mapHeight(): int returns the current map's height in tiles

mapDraw(tx,ty,tw,th: int, dx,dy: int, dw,dh: int = -1, loop: bool = false, ox,oy: int = 0) draws current tilemap to the canvas at dx,dy starting from tile tx,ty and drawing tw,th tiles. dw,dh can be used for scaling the tilemap. loop will repeat the tilemap ox,oy specifies a pixel offset for tiles

NOTE: tile 0 will always be empty, even if there is a sprite in sprite index 0.

mset(tx,ty: Pint, t: int) sets the tile at (tx, ty) to the sprite index t

mget(tx,ty: Pint) returns the sprite index of the tile at (tx, ty)


loadPaletteFromGPL(filename: string): Palette Returns a loaded palette from the given filename in Gimp Palette Format.

loadPaletteCGA(): Palette Returns a 4 color CGA Palette (Black, Cyan, Magenta, White)

loadPalettePico8(): Palette Returns the 16 color "Pico-8" palette

loadPalettePico8Extra(): Palette Returns the 16 color "Pico-8" palette + the 16 color secret "Pico-8" palette

loadPaletteGrayscale(): Palette Returns at 256 level grayscale palette

setPalette(palette: Palette) Sets the current palette

pal(a,b: int) Maps color a to color b for subsequent drawing operations

pal(a: int): int Returns the color mapping for a

pal() Resets palette mapping

palt(color: int, transparent: bool) Makes color transparent or not for subsequent sprite drawing operations By default color 0 is transparent.

palt() Resets transparent colors such that only color 0 is transparent.

palIndex(r,g,b: uint8): int Returns the closest color index in the palette to color r,g,b

pald(a,b: int) Maps color a to color b for final display

pald(a: int): int Returns the display color mapping for a

pald() Resets display palette mapping


ditherPattern(pattern: uint16 = 0b1111_1111_1111_1111)

Sets the current dither pattern for subsequent draw calls, default pattern is no dithering. Each bit specifies a pixel in the 4x4 dithering pattern.

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 A B

setDitherColor(c: Pint = -1)

Sets the color index to be used for the off bits in the dither pattern, -1 = do no draw

ditherPatternBayer(a: float32)

Sets the dither pattern based on a 4x4 bayer matrix, 1 will be fully opaque, 0 will be not be drawn, between 0 and 1 will be dithered at different intensities.


Nico features a powerful 8 bit stencil buffer, this allows you to control where drawing will occur and read and write extra non-visible data to the screen.

You can use this to implement a 3D depth buffer or draw where you want lighting to occur for example.

The stencil buffer defaults to all 0, and by default drawing operations will only draw where the stencil buffer == 0. You can also draw to the stencil buffer only by drawing with negative colors. eg. setColor(-1); circfill(x,y,8) will draw a filled circle of 1 to the stencil buffer but not draw to the screen.

stencilSet(x,y,v: Pint)

sets a pixel on the stencil buffer to a value in the range 0..255

stencilGet(x,y): uint8

returns the value from the stencil buffer at x,y

setStencilRef(v: Pint)

sets the reference value for the stencil buffer, this is used for comparisons during stencil tests

setStencilWrite(on: bool)

sets whether we should write to the stencil buffer or not when drawing to the screen

setStencilWriteFail(on: bool)

sets whether we should write to the stencil buffer when we fail to draw to the screen (eg, because our drawing was stencilled out)

setStencilOnly(on: bool)

sets whether we should only write to the stencil buffer and not the screen, useful for when you want to draw sprites or primitives to the stencil buffer but not have them visible

stencilMode(mode: StencilMode)

sets the comparison test used when deciding if the drawing operation will be stencilled, this is comparing the stencil reference value (see setStencilRef) to the value already in the stencil buffer

type StencilMode* = enum

stencilClear(v: Pint = 0)

clears the stencil buffer to the specified value

setStencilBlend(blend: StencilBlend = stencilReplace)

sets the blending mode used when drawing to the stencil buffer

type StencilBlend* = enum


setCamera(x,y: int = 0) Sets the camera offset for drawing

getCamera(): (int,int) Gets the current camera offset

clip(x,y,w,h: int) Sets the clipping area, only pixels within the clipping area will be written do

clip() Resets the clipping area to the full canvas

getClip(): (int,int,int,int) Gets the current clipping area

Misc Graphics

copy(sx,sy,dx,dy,w,h: int) Copy a region of the canvas from source sx,sy to dest dx,dy of size w,h


There are 16 audio channels each channel can either be silent, play a sound sample (sfx), play a generated tone (synth), or play streaming music (music) All audio commands other than loading and volume commands take the channel ID as the first argument

masterVol(0..255) Sets the master volume level.

masterVol(): int Returns the master volume level.


loadSfx(index: 0..63, filename: string) Load audio file into sfx slot index. The entire file will be decoded and loaded into RAM.

sfx(channel: 0..15, index: 0..63) Play sfx in index on channel.

sfxVol(newVol: 0..255) Sets the volume for all sfx and synths.

sfxVol(): int Gets the volume for all sfx and synths.


synth(channel: 0..15, shape: SynthShape, freq: Pfloat, init: 0..15, env: -7..7, length: 0..255) Plays a synthesised tone on channel at pitch of freq. init is the initial volume of the sound. env is the change in volume over time. Positive numbers decay over time, Negative numbers increase in amplitude over time. length is the clocks before the note is cut off.

type SynthShape = enum
  synSame # no change
  synSin # Sine wave
  synSqr # Square wave
  synP12 # 12.5% Pulse wave
  synP25 # 25.0% Pulse wave
  synSaw # Sawtooth wave
  synTri # Triangle wave
  synNoise # Noise
  synNoise2 # Metallic Noise
  synWav # Use custom waveform


loadMusic(index: 0..63, filename: string)

Load audio file into music slot index. The file will be decoded and streamed on demand. Nico only supports Ogg Vorbis files.

music(channel: 0..15, index: -1..63, loop: int = -1)

Plays the music loaded into index on channel. If index is -1 it will stop the music playing on channel.

You can specify the number of times to loop, -1 means loop forever.

getMusic(channel: 0..15): int

returns the index of the music playing on channel.

musicSeek(channe: 0..15, pos: int)

Jump to location pos in music file on channel.

musicGetPos*(channel: 0..15): int

Return the position of the music on channel.


approach(a,b: T, speed: float32): T

returns a moving towards b at speed, a will not pass b.


approach(0f, 1f, 0.1f) # 0.1f
approach(0.999f, 1f, 0.1f) # 1.0f
approach(1f, -1f, 10f) # -1f

wrap(x,t: int): int

Wraps an integer x by t similar to mod but more practically handling negative x.

wrap(0,4) == 0
wrap(1,4) == 1
wrap(2,4) == 2
wrap(3,4) == 3
wrap(4,4) == 0
wrap(-1,4) == 3
wrap(-2,4) == 2
wrap(-3,4) == 1
wrap(-4,4) == 0

clamp[T](x: T): T or clamp01[T](x: T): T clamps a number to between 0 and 1


mid[T](a,b,c: T): T returns the middle of 3 numbers.


mid(1,2,3) == 2
mid(3,2,1) == 2
mid(2,3,1) == 2

flr(x: Pfloat): Pfloat returns x rounded down

ceil(x: Pfloat): Pfloat returns x` rounded up

lerp[T](a,b: T, t: Pfloat): T linearly interpolates between a and b where t == 0 will return a and t == 1 will return b.


lerp(50.0f, 100.0f, 0.5f) == 75.0f
lerp(50.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f) == 50.0f
lerp(50.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f) == 100.0f

invLerp(a,b,v: Pfloat): Pfloat returns where v is in the range a..b.

invLerp(50f,100f,75f) == 0.5f

rnd[T: Natural](x: T): T returns a random integer in range 0..<x. Will never return x but will return 0.

rnd(a: openArray[T]): T returns a random item from input

rnd(x: Pfloat): Pfloat returns a random float between 0..<x

shuffle[T](a: var seq[T]) shuffles a inplace.

sgn(x: Pint): Pint returns the sign of x.

sgn(-10) == -1
sgn(100) == 1
sgn(0) == 0

deg2rad(x: Pfloat): Pfloat converts degrees to radians

rad2deg(x: Pfloat): Pfloat converts radians to degrees

angleDiff(a,b: Pfloat): Pfloat returns the difference between two angles in radians

angleDiff(deg2rad(-10), deg2rad(10)) == rad2deg(-20)
angleDiff(deg2rad(-180), deg2rad(180)) == rad2deg(0)