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Quick Start
Getting Started with Fumadocs


Fumadocs can be broken down into two parts: Core and UI.

Core handles most of the logic, from search functionality, to MDX plugins.

Fumadocs UI, the official user interface for Fumadocs.


For a better understanding of the docs, there are some common terminologies you should know:

Content Source: The source of your content, for example, Fumadocs MDX, MDXTS and ContentLayer are examples of content source.

Page Tree: A tree of all the pages, separators and folders. It is essential for navigation elements. See Page Tree.

You might need to be familiar with Next.js App Router to continue.

Automatic Installation

Create a new app with create-fumadocs-app.

<InstallTabs items={['npm', 'pnpm', 'yarn', 'bun']}>

npx create-fumadocs-app
<Tab value="pnpm">
pnpm create fumadocs-app
<Tab value='yarn'>
yarn create fumadocs-app
<Tab value='bun'>
bun create fumadocs-app

It will initialize a new fumadocs app, now you can start hacking!


Create your first mdx file in the docs folder.

title: Hello World

## Yo what's up

Run the app in development mode and see http://localhost:3000/docs.

npm run dev


Some common questions you may encounter.

    Feel free to open the demo in CodeSandbox and see if it suits you.

    - Many built-in components
    - Integrations with Typescript Twoslash, OpenAPI, Math
    - Flexible and Fast by default
    - Built on App Router
    - Use it in an existing Next.js project, without refactoring anything.
<Accordion id='customise' title='How to Customise UI?'>

    Fumadocs UI offers Themes, Blocks and Components.

    The design system is built with Tailwind CSS, see [Themes](/docs/ui/theme).

    Components are pre-built elements to enhance your documentation.
    There are many pre-built components, and they are both customisable with exposed props like `style` and `className`.

    Blocks are essential elements of a docs, providing navigation and basic functionality.
    We provided many options to customise them, see the **Blocks** section of the docs.

    Although the docs didn't explicitly mention, you can always style the elements with CSS selectors.

<Accordion id='fix-monorepo-styling' title="How to fix stylings not being applied in Monorepo?">

    Sometimes, `fumadocs-ui` is not installed in the workspace of your Tailwind CSS configuration file. (e.g. a monorepo setup).

    When using the official Tailwind CSS plugin, it will not be able to find the files from `fumadocs-ui`
    package which contains all styling.

    To fix this, edit the Tailwind CSS configuration and replace `./node_modules` with `../../node_modules` in the `content` section.

    export default {
      content: [
    -   './node_modules/fumadocs-ui/dist/**/*.js',
    +   '../../node_modules/fumadocs-ui/dist/**/*.js',

<Accordion id='fix-supports-color' title="How to fix 'supports-color' error?">

    If you got this error:

    Module not found: Can't resolve 'supports-color' in '.../node_modules/debug/src'

    This error sometimes appear when you are using ContentLayer, usually installing `supports-color@8.1.1` can fix the problem.

<Accordion id='fix-dot-map-error' title="How to fix '@/.map' error?">

    If you are using Fumadocs MDX, the `.map.ts` file will be generated automatically once you start the dev server.

    For more information, see [Setup Guide](/docs/mdx).

<Accordion id='dynamic-route' title="It uses Dynamic Route, will it be poor in performance?">

    Next.js turns dynamic route into static routes when `generateStaticParams` is configured.
    Hence, it is as fast as static pages.

<Accordion id='blog-usage' title="Can I use it for Blog?">

    The answer is yes.

    Fumadocs is built for documentation sites, yet, it is very flexible.
    You can re-use the typography styles and leverage its built-in remark/rehype plugins.
    Check our [blog](/blog), it is also built with Fumadocs.

<Accordion id='pronunciation' title='How to say Fumadocs?'>
    Fumadocs (Foo-ma docs).

Learn More

New to here? Don't worry, we are welcome for your questions.

If you find anything confusing, please give your feedback on Github Discussion!