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File metadata and controls

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Commata Primer

This document shows how you can handle CSV texts with Commata, which is just another header-only C++17 CSV parser, on some simple examples. If what you like to know about Commata is not found in this document, it is recommended to consult the specification.

For the sake of simplicity, codes here omit #include directives for the standard library of C++ language.

Commata is a header-only library

Commata is a header-only library, so your codes that use Commata compile if you configure your compiler refer Commata’s include directory as an include path. You are not likely to be bothered by link errors around Commata.

Incidentally, Commata has its CMakeLists.txt in the top directory to add itself as an INTERFACE library. So if your project that uses Commata is built with CMake 3.14 or later, you can set up Commata as a depended library in CMakeLists.txt in your project as follows:


    GIT_TAG        master       # In fact, a commit hash is better


target_link_libraries(your_project PRIVATE commata)
                                # Include path should be set up
                                # to include Commata's 'include' directory

To get back to this primer, C++ codes in this document should compile if you configure your compiler refer Commata’s include directory as an include path.

Sample CSV file

In this document, we will use a text file stars.csv, whose content is as follows:

Constellation,Name,Apparent magnitude,"Distance, in parsec"


Loading a CSV file into memory

Commata offers the type commata::stored_table, which serves as a type of loaded images of CSV texts. Here is a sample code to load the contents of stars.csv into a stored_table object:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/stored_table.hpp>

using commata::make_stored_table_builder;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::stored_table;

void stored_table_sample()
  // Make an empty stored_table object
  stored_table table;

  // Open stars.csv and load its content into table
  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), make_stored_table_builder(table));

  std::cout << table.size() << std::endl; // will print "9" (not "10")
  std::cout << table[0][3] << std::endl;  // will print "Distance, in parsec"
  std::cout << table[1][1] << std::endl;  // will print "Spica"
  std::cout << table[5][1] << std::endl;  // will print "Deneb"
  std::cout << table[5][3] << std::endl;  // will print "" (an empty string)

table[0] is short for table.content()[0], where table.content() is a reference to a std::deque<std::vector<commata::stored_value>> object owned by table. So table[0][3] is a reference to a commata::stored_value object.

table.content() contains all records in stars.csv in order. No records are treated specially, for example, the first record is not regarded as the header of the CSV.

Each element of table.content() represents a record and consists of values of all of its fields arranged in order. As mentioned above, each value is represented by a stored_value object.

The value type

A stored_value object is a view of a null-terminated sequence of char owned by a stored_table object. So you can easily pass it to C functions:

std::cout << std::strlen(table[6][1].c_str()) << std::endl;
  // will print the length of "Albireo", which is 7

(Please note that this example is somewhat absurd. stored_value has size member function which does the almost same thing in constant time. (The presence of ‘almost’ is because stored_value can contain '\0' in it and in that situation std::strlen and the size member function report different numbers.))

stored_value supports iterators and has comparison operators with const char*, std::string, std::string_view and stored_value:

for (char c : table[0][0]) {
  std::cout << static_cast<char>(std::toupper(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)));
} // will print "CONSTELLATION"
std::cout << std::endl;

std::cout << (table[1][1] == "Spica") << std::endl;
  // table[1][1] is "Spica", so will print "1" or "true" or something like that
std::cout << (table[1][3] < std::to_string(75)) << std::endl;
  // table[1][3] is "77", so will print the result of the lexicographical
  // comparison of "77" and "75"

Editting a loaded table

A stored_value object is not read-only. You can modify and erase some charaters in place:

table[5][2].erase(3);   // table[5][2] will change from "1.25" to "1.2"
table[5][2][2] = '3';   // table[5][2] will change from "1.2" to "1.3"

But you must use help of the stored_table object to lengthen a stored_value object:

table.rewrite_value(table[5][3], "430");
  // table[5][3] changes from "" to "430"

You can also modify the structure of a loaded table:

table.content().pop_front();  // erases the first record

std::stable_sort(table.content().begin(), table.content().end(),
                 [](const auto& record1, const auto& record2) {
                   return record1[1] < record2[1];
                 });      // sorts on the names of the stars

table.content().emplace_front(1, table.import_value("Constellation"));
  // adds a new record which consists of one value "Constellation"

Again, a stored_value object is a view of a sequence held by a stored_table object. Surely you can copy it, but generally inserting the copy itself back into a stored_table object is going to spawn many problematic situations as ‘overlapping-views’ or ‘view-to-not-owning-sequence’. You can avoid such situations by importing the value with import_value on the destination stored_table object before the insertion.

Support of wide characters

Wide characters are supported similarly to narrow characters:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/stored_table.hpp>

using commata::make_stored_table_builder;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::wstored_table;

void stored_table_sample2()
  wstored_table table;
  parse_csv(std::wifstream("stars.csv"), make_stored_table_builder(table));

  std::wcout << (table[1][0] == L"Virgo") << std::endl;
    // will print "1" or "true" or something like that

Here the type of table[1][0] is commata::wstored_value, whose objects represents null-terminated ranges of wchar_t.

Field access by name is not supported

As we saw, stored_table has no idea about ‘field names’ of the loaded CSV. So you cannot access fields by name with codes like table[5]["Name"] or table["Name"][5].

One-pass scanning

Commata has facilities to perform one-pass scanning and on-the-fly type conversion on CSV texts. To process CSV texts in this manner may be less flexible but can be far more efficient than to process with fully-loaded images of CSV texts. Here is an example to parse stars.csv and extract only the names and the apparent magnitudes of the stars with those facilities:

#include <commata/field_scanners.hpp>   // for make_field_translator
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_scanner.hpp>    // for table_scanner

using commata::table_scanner;
using commata::make_field_translator;
using commata::parse_csv;

void one_pass_scanning_sample()
  std::set<std::string, std::less<>> constellation_set;
  std::vector<std::string> names;
  std::deque<double> magnitudes;

  table_scanner scanner(1 /* means that the first one record is a header */);
  scanner.set_field_scanner(0, make_field_translator(constellation_set));
    // sets a body field scanner for field #0 (zero-based)
  scanner.set_field_scanner(1, make_field_translator(names));
    // sets a body field scanner for field #1 (zero-based)
  scanner.set_field_scanner(2, make_field_translator(magnitudes));
    // sets a body field scanner for field #2 (zero-based)

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), std::move(scanner));

  std::cout << constellation_set.size() << std::endl;
                                                // will print "2"
  std::copy(constellation_set.cbegin(), constellation_set.cend(),
            std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, ' '));
                                                // will print "Cygnus Virgo "
                                                // or something like that
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << names.size() << std::endl;       // will print "8"
  std::cout << names.back() << std::endl;       // will print "Fawaris"
  std::cout << magnitudes.size() << std::endl;  // will print "8"
  std::cout << magnitudes[2] << std::endl;      // will print "2.74"
                                                // or something like that

make_field_translator makes a body field scanner object which transfers the translated field value to its argument.

The argument of it can be either of:

  • an lvalue to a non-const container object at the right position or the back of which the translated field value is inserted,
  • an output iterator object which receives the translated field value, or
  • a function object which receives the translated field value as its one and only parameter.

In the last two cases, the type to which the field values are translated must be specified explicitly as the first template parameter of make_field_translator. See the following sample:

#include <commata/field_scanners.hpp>
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_scanner.hpp>

using commata::table_scanner;
using commata::make_field_translator;
using commata::parse_csv;

void one_pass_scanning_sample2()
  table_scanner scanner(1);

  // The body field scanner for field #1 will print the name of stars to the
  // standard output
    make_field_translator<std::string>(     // <std::string> is required
      std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n")));

  // The body field scanner for field #2 will make max_magnitude the magnitude
  // of the brightest star (note that brighter stars have smaller magnitudes)
  double max_magnitude = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
    make_field_translator<double>(          // <double> is required
      [&max_magnitude] (double magnitude) {
        max_magnitude = std::min(max_magnitude, magnitude);

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), std::move(scanner));
    // Here the body field scanner for field #1 will print the names of stars
    // to the standard output on the fly

  std::cout << max_magnitude << std::endl;  // will print "0.97"
                                            // or something like that

make_field_translator makes a body field scanner that translates the field values into the following types:

  • arithmetic types: char, signed char, unsigned char, short, unsigned short, int, unsigned int, long, unsigned long, long long, unsigned long long, float, double, long double,
  • standard string types: std::basic_string<Ch, Tr, Allocator> where Ch is the identical type to the character type of the input text, and
  • standard string view types: std::basic_string_view<Ch, Tr> where Ch is the identical type to the character type of the input text.

To translate strings into arithmetic values, Commata employs C function std::strtol and its comrades declared in <cstdlib>.

Installing body field scanners lazily referencing the values of the header fields

table_scanner can be configured to scan some first records as header records and can be set body field scanners lazily. See the following (somewhat lengthy) example:

#include <commata/field_scanners.hpp>
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_scanner.hpp>

using commata::table_scanner;
using commata::make_field_translator;
using commata::parse_csv;

void one_pass_scanning_sample3()
  std::vector<std::string> names;

  table_scanner scanner(
    [&names, names_attached = false]
    (std::size_t field_index,
     std::optional<std::pair<const char*, const char*>> field_value,
     table_scanner& scanner) mutable {
      if (field_value) {
        // The value of field_index-th (zero-based) header field is notified,
        // whose value is [field_value->first, field_value->second)
        if (std::string_view(field_value->first,
                             field_value->second - field_value->first)
            == "Name") {
            field_index, make_field_translator(names));
          names_attached = true;
        } else {
          return true;  // true to instruct the table scanner to continue to
                        // report the header fields
      } else {
        // An end of a header record is notified
        if (!names_attached) {
          throw std::runtime_error(
            "Cannot find a field of the names of the stars");
      return false; // false to tell the scanner to uninstall this header field
                    // scanner, and tell it that here the header records end
                    // and the next record will be the first body record

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), std::move(scanner));

  std::cout << names.front() << std::endl;  // will print "Spica"
  std::cout << names[4] << std::endl;       // will print "Deneb"

As above, you can construct a table_scanner object with a three-parameter function object, which is called as a header field scanner. With this constructor, the constructed table_scanner object initially owns a copy of the specified header field scanner installed, and invoke it on every header field and every end of every header record. The header field scanner is unstalled from the table_scanner object just after it returns false.


Parse errors

Suppose that stars2.csv is like this:

Constellation,Name,Apparent magnitude,"Distance, in parsec"


This is not a well-formed CSV text because the second line (one-based) has a double quote that voilates the CSV format.

If you call parse_csv with a stream with this content, it will throw an exception.

Exception objects thrown by Commata’s implementation because of the content of the text have types that are or are derived from commata::text_error. So you can try to parse the text by codes like this:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/stored_table.hpp>
#include <commata/text_error.hpp>

using commata::make_stored_table_builder;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::stored_table;
using commata::text_error;

void stored_table_error_sample()
  stored_table table;

  try {
    parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars2.csv"), make_stored_table_builder(table));
  } catch (const text_error& e) {
    std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

and can get a clue about what was wrong:

A quotation mark found in an unquoted value

Commata also offers class commata::text_error_info, whose object wraps a text_error object and possibly can make a useful location information string of the error. So you can write instead like this:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/stored_table.hpp>
#include <commata/text_error.hpp>

using commata::make_stored_table_builder;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::stored_table;
using commata::text_error;
using commata::text_error_info;

void stored_table_error_sample2()
  stored_table table;

  try {
    parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars2.csv"), make_stored_table_builder(table));
  } catch (const text_error& e) {
    std::cout << text_error_info(e) << std::endl;

and might be able to get a clue about what was wrong:

A quotation mark found in an unquoted value; line 2 column 20

Note that line indices and column indices in string representations of text_error_info objects are one-based by default (you can configure the base with the second argument of the constructor of text_error_info).

Class text_error and text_error_info are defined in the header "commata/text_error.hpp".

Conversion errors in one-pass scanning

Suppose that you would like to get the average distance of the stars in stars.csv. Then you might write codes like these:

#include <commata/field_scanners.hpp>
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_scanner.hpp>

using commata::table_scanner;
using commata::make_field_translator;
using commata::parse_csv;

void one_pass_scanning_error_sample()
  double distance_sum = 0.0;
  std::size_t distance_num = 0;

  table_scanner scanner(1);
      [&distance_sum, &distance_num](double distance) {
        distance_sum += distance;

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), std::move(scanner));

  std::cout << distance_sum / distance_num << std::endl;
    // will print the average distance

But when you call this function, it will exit with a text_error exception object and a text_error_info object constructed with it is likely to tell:

Cannot convert an empty string to an instance of double; line 7 column 19

This is because the field value for the distance of Deneb is an empty string, which is not able to be converted into a double value.

This behaviour is designed, but if what you want to do is to calculate the average of the explicitly specified values of distance, in other words, if you want to ignore any occurrences of empty field values, you can do this:

#include <commata/field_scanners.hpp>
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_scanner.hpp>

using commata::table_scanner;
using commata::make_field_translator;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::replacement_ignore;

void one_pass_scanning_error_sample2()
  double distance_sum = 0.0;
  std::size_t distance_num = 0;

  table_scanner scanner(1);
      [&distance_sum, &distance_num](double distance) {
        distance_sum += distance;
      replacement_ignore,     /* added (1) */
      replacement_ignore));   /* added (2) */

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), std::move(scanner));

  std::cout << distance_sum / distance_num << std::endl;
    // will print the average distance

The second argument replacement_ignore (with added (1) comment) instructs the body field scanner to ignore every case that a record contains too few fields to reach the field (in this case, third field (zero-based)); but it is irrelevant to the above-mentioned exception. (Note that the second field is followed by a comma, which makes the third field exist.)

On the other hand, the third argument replacement_ignore (with added (2) comment) instructs the body field scanner to ignore every case that a value of the field cannot be translated into a double value; it is to solve the problem we have faced.

The constant variable replacement_ignore is defined by including the header "commata/field_scanners.hpp".

If necessary, you can do more elaborate treatment for anomalous conditions with class templates replace_if_skipped and replace_if_conversion_failed defined by including the same header "commata/field_scanners.hpp".

Making your own table handler types

So far, the second arguments to parse_csv were the return value of make_stored_table_builder or an rvalues of table_scanner objects. But you can define your own types whose objects can be passed to parse_csv. These types are called table handler types.

For example, if you want to make a vector of vectors of field values, the following codes will do:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>

using commata::parse_csv;

// A table handler type whose objects make a vector of vectors of field values
class vov_table_handler    // vov means 'vector of vector'
  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>* records_;
  std::string current_value_;

  using char_type = const char;

  explicit vov_table_handler(
    std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& records) :

  void start_record(const char*)

  void update(const char* first, const char* last)
    // Append [first, last) to the current field value
    current_value_.append(first, last);

  void finalize(const char* first, const char* last)
    // Append [first, last) to the current field value
    // as the final chunk of the value
    current_value_.append(first, last);
    current_value_.clear();   // ensures emptiness for reuse

  void end_record(const char*)

void vov_table_handler_sample()
  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> records;

  parse_csv(std::ifstream("stars.csv"), vov_table_handler(records));

  std::cout << records.size() << std::endl; // will print "9"
  std::cout << records[3][1] << std::endl;  // will print "Porrima"

First, a table handler type must have a nested type char_type, which can be const-qualified. And it must have four member functions: start_record, end_record, update, finalize taking one or two pointers to char_type. If these requirements meet, parse_csv emits parsing events to the text handler objects.

If char_type is not const-qualified, the four member functions are generally free to modify the passed character sequence in place. Also the second parameters of update and finalize are dereferenceable to modify the pointee. (Note that it is not unspecified what the pointee initially contains.)

On the other hand, const-qualifying char_type like our vov_table_handler can improve performance.

Please note that a field value may be notified to the table handler object as chunked; not-the-final chunks are notified by update and the final chunk is notified by finalize.

(Note that this sample can be suboptimal in terms of performance. To use stored_table and make_stored_table_builder seems to be the best to load the whole contents of CSV texts into memory. But if you want to do is to make a container object of container object of std::string objects (not stored_value objects) each of which represents its corresponding field value, this sample codes can be faster and optimal.)

parse_csv depletes table handler objects passed to it; in other words, it leaves them in their moved-from states. If your table handler objects has states and you want to access their not-moved-from states after parsing, you can pass them wrapping by std::ref.

Empty lines

As astute readers might have noticed, stars.csv contains one empty line that looks like ignored completely by parse_csv.

In fact, it is table handlers (the second arguments to parse_csv) that ignored the empty line. To be precise, parse_csv reports empty lines to the text handlers with empty_physical_line function if they have it, but all text handlers that we have mentioned so far do not have it, so parse_csv can not report the empty line to the table handlers.

(Just to be sure, empty lines are reported with empty_physical_line only when they do not belong to any fields. parse_csv recognizes that quoted fields might contain empty lines as constituents of their values.)

If you want your table handlers to regard an empty line as a record that contains no fields, you can wrap your table handlers with make_empty_physical_line_aware:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/stored_table.hpp>
#include <commata/wrapper_handlers.hpp>

using commata::make_empty_physical_line_aware;
using commata::make_stored_table_builder;
using commata::parse_csv;
using commata::stored_table;

void make_empty_physical_line_aware_sample()
  stored_table table;


  std::cout << table.size() << std::endl;     // will print "10" (not "9")
  std::cout << table[5].size() << std::endl;  // will print "0"
  std::cout << table[6][1] << std::endl;      // will print "Deneb"

Sources other than streams

Suppose you have a function that read full contents of a file into a string as follows:

std::string slurp(const char* s)
  std::filebuf in;, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
  if (!in.is_open()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open "s + s);
  return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(&in),

So far, the first parameters of parse_csv have been objects of std::ifstream or std::wifstream. What if you want to parse a string already loaded with this slurp?

You still write direct what you want to do:

const std::string contents = slurp("stars.csv");
stored_table table;
parse_csv(contents, make_stored_table_builder(table));

Roughly speaking, the first parameter of parse_csv can be either of a stream buffer, an input stream, or a string (including C-style one and a C++17 string view object).

More technically (but still roughly speaking), parse_csv(foo, bar) is a shorthand for make_csv_source(foo)(bar)(). Each of these disintegrated steps is like the following:

  1. You can call make_csv_source with either of a stream buffer, an input stream, or a string (foo here), to get a table source object.
  2. A table source object is a function object that makes a table parser object dedicated to a table handler object (bar here) with its inherent knowledge of the grammar of CSV.
  3. Finally, with its no-parameter invocation, the table parser object consumes the input, parses it as a CSV, and reports parsing events to the table handler.

Pull parsing

Commata also has facilities to perform ‘pull parsing’, in which users can access the result of parsing in a step-by-step manner.

In pull parsing, the user have a ‘cursor’ on the CSV text. He/she can read from the point where the cursor placed, and move the cursor forward.

See the following sample:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_pull.hpp>

using commata::make_csv_source;
using commata::make_table_pull;

void pull_parsing_sample()
  auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(std::ifstream("stars.csv")));

  // Skip the first record

  // Skip one field and point the next field

  std::cout << *p << std::endl;                     // will print "Spica"
  std::cout << p->size() << std::endl;              // will print "Spica"'s
                                                    // length
  std::cout << *p.skip_record(5)(1) << std::endl;   // will print "Albireo"

make_table_pull in the sample above returns an object of table_pull. It can proceed to an end of a record by skip_record or to a further field by operator(). They take one parameter which instructs the number of ends of records or fields jumped over. It defaults to 0. Note that operator() cannot make the table_pull object jump over an end of a record unless it is already at an end of a record.

Also note that skip_record and operator() of a table_pull object return a reference to the table_pull object itself.

The value of the current field where a table_pull object points can be got as a string view object with table_pull’s dereference operators * and ->. Additionally, table_pull (conditionally, as we shall see later) offers c_str member function that returns a pointer to a null-terminated sequence suitable for C APIs.

An object of table_pull is convertible to bool. It is converted to false if it does not point either an end of a record or a field—for example, it has reached the EOF.

So you can easily make it ‘run to the end’ like this:

#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_pull.hpp>

using commata::make_csv_source;
using commata::make_table_pull;

void pull_parsing_sample2()
  auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(std::ifstream("stars.csv")));
  std::vector<std::string> v;

  while (p.skip_record()(1)) {      // moves to the end of the record and
                                    // skip the first field of the next record
    v.emplace_back(*p);             // *p is a reference to std::string_view
                                    // object of the current field value

  std::cout << v[0] << std::endl;   // will print "Spica"
  std::cout << v[1] << std::endl;   // will print "Zavijava"
  std::cout << v[7] << std::endl;   // will print "Fawaris"

In the sample above, please note there is no p.set_empty_physical_line_aware(). By default, table_pull objects do not regard empty lines as records with no fields. Instead, they simply ignore these lines.

In addition, with state member function, you can make a table_pull object tell its status, for example, ‘points an end of a record’, ‘points a field’, ‘reached the EOF’, and so on. This functionality is essential to handle texts whose structure is not known in advance.

‘Direct’ sources and the reduced functionality of table_pull by it

With slurp, which is a function that read all contents from a file into a string introduced above, you might want to write codes like:

const std::string contents = slurp("stars.csv");
auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(contents));
while (p.skip_record()(1)) {

But this won't compile. Your compiler is likely to complain c_str is not a member of table_pull<...>. Why?

This is because the table source made by make_csv_source from a read-only string prevents table_pull from declaring c_str member. Its mechanism is as follows:

  • The definition of c_str member must be accompanied by a code like *b = '\0' or something, which puts a null character into a character buffer to make a null-terminated sequence.
  • For the sake of performance, a table_pull object evades making a copy of the input string as far as possible.
  • A table source made by make_csv_source from a string is qualified to let a table_pull object perform this copy evasion, which is called a direct table source.
  • Now this copy evasion cuts in and the table_pull object has no write-accessible character buffers (make_csv_source does not regard a string as a write-accessible character buffer when it is passed as a const-qualified one or as an lvalue), which inhibits c_str member from being declared.

You can know whether c_str member is declared or not easily with char_type of the table_pull type. If is not const-qualified, c_str member is declared.

If you can afford to have the loaded contents of the file lost, you can hand over its ownership to the table source object as a write-accessible character buffer so that the table source become nonconst-direct and the table_pull object can have c_str declared:

std::string contents = slurp("stars.csv");                      // not const
auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(std::move(contents))); // move

Or, to inhibit this copy evasion (with possible performance decay) and get c_str back, you can make the table source indirect by specifying an additional argument indirect as the first parameter of make_csv_source like this:

auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(indirect, contents));

indirect is a constant variable in commata namespace and declared in the header "commata/char_input.hpp". So, your codes using it should look like:

#include <commata/char_input.hpp>
#include <commata/parse_csv.hpp>
#include <commata/table_pull.hpp>

using namespace std::literals;

using commata::indirect;
using commata::make_csv_source;
using commata::make_table_pull;

std::string slurp(const char* s)
  std::filebuf in;, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
  if (!in.is_open()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open "s + s);
  return std::string(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(&in),

void pull_parsing_sample3()
  const std::string contents = slurp("stars.csv");
  auto p = make_table_pull(make_csv_source(indirect, contents));
  while (p.skip_record()(1)) {
    std::puts(p.c_str());   // will print stars' names

Note that indirect is still specifiable with arguments that are inherently associated with a indirect table source. Thus, the following codes are valid:

auto p = make_table_pull(
           make_csv_source(indirect, std::ifstream("stars.csv")));
  // Even without 'indirect,', the result of make_csv_source should be indirect

Tab-separated values (TSV)

Commata also offers support for tab-separated values (TSV) format as with CSV format. The supported TSV format is, however, much simpler than the supported CSV format and lacks escaping and quoting, similarly to IANA’s TSV format. To be specific, field values cannot contain tab, carriage-return or line-feed characters in this format.

Commata’s TSV support facilities are defined in the header "commata/parse_tsv.hpp". These facilities have very similar interfaces to those of CSV; for example, you can parse a TSV text with parse_tsv(std::ifstream("stars.txt"), std::move(handler)) function template and make a text_pull object with make_text_pull(make_tsv_source(std::ifstream("stars.txt"))) where handler is a table handler object and stars.txt is a TSV text file.