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Glencore Tech Assessment

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Notes about the solution:

  • Reducers and Actions have full type coverage.

  • I try to challange myself with this code assessments and to learn new things. Thats why I opted for Next.js instaed of create-react-app or a custom Webpack/Babel config which I'm more familliar with. For the same reason I decided to not use Redux or Mobx, but instead tried to manage state with the new React Hooks and the new Context API.

  • There is no global consistency validation. Instead the UI prevents the user from creating an invalid state.

The following points are corners I had to cut due to time constraints:

  • I only added reducer tests. These are the most complex business logic in the code. If I had the time to test components I would have used enzyme. Also there are no integration tests, browser tests or visual tests as this would blew the assessment out of proportion.
  • The provided solution should generally works on mobile devices but it's not optimized for them.
  • There is no user input normalization.
  • There is no code lint tool setup. I've used Prettier during development.
  • Some @ts-ignore scattered around the code. This is only done to circumvent a faulty definition file in the rebass library.
  • A11y was not a major factor.
  • A lot of some minor quality improvements could be made.


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