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Defining new effects

Effects are a powerful mechanism for abstraction, and so defining new effects is a valuable tool for system architecture. Effects are modelled as (higher-order) functors, with an explicit continuation denoting the remainder of the computation after the effect.

It’s often helpful to start by specifying the types of the desired operations. For our example, we’re going to define a Teletype effect, with read and write operations, which read a string from some input and write a string to some output, respectively:

data Teletype (m :: Type -> Type) k
read :: Has Teletype sig m => m String
write :: Has Teletype sig m => String -> m ()

Effect types must have two type parameters: m, denoting any computations which the effect embeds, and k, denoting the remainder of the computation after the effect. Note that since Teletype doesn’t use m, the compiler will infer it as being of kind * by default. The explicit kind annotation on m corrects that.

Next, we can flesh out the definition of the Teletype effect by providing constructors for each primitive operation:

data Teletype (m :: Type -> Type) k where
  Read  ::           Teletype m String
  Write :: String -> Teletype m ()

The Read operation returns a String, and hence its result type is String. Thus, to interpret this constructor, an algebra will have to produce a String. But since the effect type doesn’t say anything about where that String should come from, algebras are free to read from stdin, use a constant value, etc. By contrast, the Write operation takes a String and returns ().

Now that we have our effect datatype, we can give definitions for read and write:

read :: Has Teletype sig m => m String
read = send Read

write :: Has Teletype sig m => String -> m ()
write s = send (Write s)

This gives us enough to write computations using the Teletype effect. The next section discusses how to run Teletype computations.

Defining algebras

Effects only specify actions, they don’t actually specify how any actions should be performed. That task is left up to algebras, defined as Algebra instances.

Following from the above section, we can define a carrier for the Teletype effect which runs the calls in an underlying MonadIO instance, accessed via our carrier’s own GenericNewtypeDeriving-derived instance:

newtype TeletypeIOC m a = TeletypeIOC { runTeletypeIO :: m a }
  deriving (Applicative, Functor, Monad, MonadIO)

instance (MonadIO m, Algebra sig m) => Algebra (Teletype :+: sig) (TeletypeIOC m) where
  alg hdl sig ctx = case sig of
    L Read      -> (<$ ctx) <$> liftIO getLine
    L (Write s) -> ctx      <$  liftIO (putStrLn s)
    R other     -> TeletypeIOC (alg (runTeletypeIO . hdl) other ctx)

Here, alg is responsible for handling effectful computations. Since the Algebra instance handles a sum (:+:) of Teletype and the remaining signature, alg has two parts: a case for the Teletype effect (in L), and a case for effects in the tail of the signature (in R).

The Teletype effect is handled with a case per constructor. Since we’re assuming the existence of a MonadIO instance for the underlying computation, we use liftIO to inject the getLine and putStrLn actions into it, and simply bundle up the initial state ctx with the results.

Since the Teletype carrier is just a thin wrapper around the underlying computation, we can handle the tail of the signature by passing alg a function to unwrap any embedded TeletypeIOC values by simply composing runTeletypeIO onto hdl.